These three zodiac signs will definitely fall in love this year

When the breath of spring hits our faces, people will naturally have a sudden urge to find love. But with the failed era of apps and TikTok filled with horror stories of ghosts and failed first dates, it's enough to scare you away from meeting new people. Fortunately, for many zodiac signs, the stars are aligned in your favor.

Some chance planetary movements are about to usher in a love era for some members of the zodiac, according to astrologer Catherine Geddes. To determine which signs would soon be struck by Cupid's arrow, she looked at where Jupiter was traveling in the astrological chart and the dynamics of Pluto and Venus.

"[Jupiter] brings positivity and good luck wherever it goes, and it can also be tied to specific themes of lasting love," she tells Bustle. Jupiter in your sign is a good thing, especially if you're in the mood for a date.

Gerdes also took a look at the recently completed transit. When a planet completes its journey across the sky, it often signals that something new is about to begin. In astrology, this is especially beneficial if you are going through a difficult time. If you've been dealing with situations, breakups, and toxic exes, new planetary movements portend more luck and love coming your way.

Here are three zodiac signs that are about to fall in love in 2024, according to astrologers.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

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If you're going through a dry spell in your dating life, here's some good news: Gemini is one of the zodiac signs most likely to fall in love in the coming months. While looking at recent and current planetary movements, Gerdes noted that transformative Pluto has just finished moving through Gemini's house of intimacy, which could mean you've made some major changes to your love life over the past few months. Insight.

Pluto is known to bring about big shifts and changes, so you may have a better idea of ​​what you want in a partner. Now that that's all happening, you're officially ready for lucky Jupiter to begin its shift in your sign.

Jupiter rules your house of partnerships and is also the planet of luck, abundance and expansion. This energy can inspire you to go out into the world and find the love you now know you deserve.

Especially May 25th, it looks like it will be your luckiest day, so if you want to go to a coffee shop and flirt, then go. According to Gerdes, this is when Jupiter enters your chart, preparing you for the summer of love while boosting your relationship luck over the next 12 months.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

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There's a lot of love, fun, and flirting coming your way, Libra, thanks to planetary movements in your relationship sector. According to Gerdes, transformative Pluto is in your fifth house of romance, so you can expect your dating life to take off like never before.

"There will also be an emphasis on your romantic and business partnerships with the North Node in Aries," she says. So be on the lookout for new perspectives, especially those related to healing old relationship wounds—like your seemingly impossible ex . forget.

To make the most of these celestial transits, try to be open to meeting people in unexpected ways. "This is especially important because Venus (the planet of love) will be in Aries until April 29," says Gerdes. “This can have a positive impact on your partnership.”

Some Libra exes may creep back into their lives, so don't forget to check your DMs. While it might not be the ex you've been dreaming about, it might be someone who caught your eye in the past - and it doesn't hurt to talk to them.

The next few months will give you a new perspective on your love life, so try to have fun with it. As an added bonus, Gerdes says there may even be an element of fate in the air, so don't be surprised if you run into someone randomly.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

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"One of the most impactful transits of the year occurs in Scorpio's house of partnerships and marriage," says Gerdes. If you've always wanted to fall in love, this could be your big moment.

On April 20, Jupiter conjuncts Uranus, which may bring sudden changes in love and more opportunities for Scorpios. According to Gerdes, you can meet a new friend in the most unlikely of ways and be instantly smitten.

Maybe you'll meet a cute guy at the dog park, or you'll finally get a phone number from the barista you've been flirting with for years. Wherever you go, lucky moments like this start to appear.

This is also good news for Scorpios who are already in trouble. "Pluto in your fourth house of home and family can bring about transformations in your home life, including moving or changing your ideas about family," says Gerdes.

This transit may spark an important conversation and you and your partner finally admit that you are officially in love. It could also mean that, later this year, you throw caution to the wind and decide to move in together. If you want this level of commitment, you'll get it soon.


Catherine Geddes, astrologer