April 8 Historic Solar Eclipse and the Spiritual Significance of the New Moon

Every new moon offers a chance to refresh, start anew, and maybe do a ritual or two, but the new moon in Aries on April 8 may inspire more change than usual. Coupled with the solar eclipse that will occur on the same day, this will be a powerful celestial moment.

According to astrologer and spiritual counselor Letao Wang, the next new moon will occur on April 8 at 2:21 pm ET. It will also usher in a total solar eclipse across much of North America, the first since August 2017. The eclipse will move from the Pacific side of Mexico through Texas, Illinois, Ohio and New York to eastern Canada.

Michelle Bell, founder of the astrology app Cosmic Fusion, said this particular new moon represents the synergy of the sun and moon and also symbolizes new beginnings, deep emotional rejuvenation and the letting go of old habits.

"The new moon is seen as a time to plant the seeds you want to grow during the upcoming lunar cycle," Bell tells Busy. “This time it’s all about setting goals, making plans and laying the groundwork for the future.” Oh, and maybe go outside and marvel at the moon covering the sun.

Here's information about the spiritual significance of the April 8 New Moon and how to embrace its energy.

The Spiritual Meaning of April New Moon

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Like all new moons, the New Moon on April 8 symbolizes a new beginning and an opportunity to reset intentions as it sets a new tone for the next six months, but since it is in Aries, you may feel a sense of greater confidence than usual in making these changes.

As a fire sign, "Aries are known for courage, leadership and pioneering spirit, which further reinforces [the new moon's theme]," Wang said. So instead of simply fantasizing about your future self, you lock in that vision with extra determination.

With all that Aries energy circulating in the ether, you may even encounter more opportunities to take risks or make bold decisions that your intuition will be screaming at you to do. Pay attention to those moments when you can go off the beaten path or take a little risk, whether in your career, relationships, or just for fun.

"The theme of Aries is 'I am,' [so] it's a zodiac sign that emphasizes our personal identity and self-importance," Wang said. “It’s time to consciously decide who we are and who we want to be, rather than what we are expected to be.”

Eclipse energy

While a total solar eclipse is stunning in its own right—especially since there won't be another similar total solar eclipse in the United States until 2044—it will also enhance all of the unique effects of the New Moon in Aries.

As Bell says, "Solar eclipses amplify the energy of the new moon, marking a period filled with momentous changes, unexpected developments, and powerful revelations that can change the course of our lives." As Wang says, you can think of it as Crescent on steroids.

It's also important to note that the New Moon and Solar Eclipse occur during Mercury Retrograde, which begins on April 1st. "Mercury retrograde is notorious for its scheming antics, heralding a whirlwind of flashbacks," Wang says, so you might hear from someone looking back on your past, or keep an eye out for others throughout the day. Quirks.

How to harness the energy of the moon

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Wang said the new moon in April is the perfect time to learn more about yourself. Try some rituals and practices to tap into Aries energy.

Make a mind map

"It's very beneficial to set aside time to journal," Wang said. As you doodle, he suggests you reflect on how you feel now, what you want to achieve in the future, and any obstacles you need to overcome to get there.

For more structure, try creating a mind map. “It is critical to set clear, achievable goals and outline steps to achieve them in the near future,” he said.

Prepare your space

"During a solar eclipse, I prepare my space by thoroughly cleaning and lighting candles themed around the focal sign," Wang says. "For this New Moon Eclipse in Aries, choosing candles with themes of courage, freedom, independence, and bravery align well with the energy of this sign." Think spicy-scented candles or scents that remind you of adventurous times in your life.

wear red

Since Aries is a fire sign, continue to bring more red into your life to embrace its fiery, courageous vibe. Pick a bouquet of orange flowers, wear your favorite red shirt, or get a crimson manicure. This will be a cheeky nod to the new moon and a reminder to be extra brave.

stand up and walk around

According to Wang, any physical activity will align with the dynamic energy of Aries. On April 8, schedule some sweaty activity into your day, such as hiking, running, or climbing. Playing fun, upbeat music can also help.

collect your crystals

"For those who incorporate crystal work into their practice, fire quartz, red jasper, carnelian, or garnet can enhance your energy during solar eclipse meditation," says Wang. Hold one while meditating, or keep a particularly sparkling crystal nearby while journaling.


Wang Letao , astrologer, spiritual counselor

Michelle Bell, founder of astrology app Cosmic Fusion