The Queen has been eating this British staple every day since she was five

"Fit for a queen" may be a common phrase to describe delicious and delicious meals, but our monarch Queen Elizabeth often prefers simple meals to stay healthy when she's at home. Having said that, Her Majesty does have a royal chef who is naturally inaccessible to us civilians. The royal chef will send three menu suggestions for each meal of the week to Her Majesty's homepage - her French chef has insisted on French cuisine since Queen Victoria's reign and has hand-written menus in French, which she will then post on Tick ​​Her Majesty's home page. preference and cross out the rest. So what’s on the monarch’s menu? Here's everything you need to know about the Queen's daily diet.

The Queen's day begins at 7:30am, with tea and biscuits being delivered to her bedroom. A maid would carry a tray containing two solid silver teapots, one containing Earl Gray tea and the other with hot water, a Chinese teacup and saucer, and an embroidered card with her royal initials. Linen napkins. According to the Daily Mail , her Twinings tea came with two biscuits and milk (poured first, of course) as she listened to Radio 4's Today program on Roberts DAB radio.

After bathing and dressing in the morning, the Queen has breakfast in her private dining room at 8:30 am. Her Majesty enjoyed cereals and fruit, the most important meal of the day, The Telegraph reported. Former royal chef Darren McGrady said Kellogg's, Quaker Oats and Weetabix all have royal warrants, but the Queen prefers Special K. The Queen also reportedly uses Tupperware to store cereal because she believes it keeps it fresh.

When not eating her usual cereals and fruit, the Queen sometimes opts for toast and jam, and sometimes even enjoys scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and grated truffles. However, according to Maddie, she was so "frugal" that she never ordered truffles for herself on a regular basis and "only really enjoyed them at Christmas, when they were given to herself as gifts." According to The Guardian Her Majesty also prefers brown eggs because she thinks they taste better, according to reports.

Her Majesty starts every morning with a cup of Earl Gray tea. Anwar Hussein/Helton Archives/Getty Images

According to the "Daily Mail" report, at 9:30 a.m., the Queen was already at her desk preparing to spend two hours processing paperwork. Before lunch arrives (usually at 1 p.m.), she enjoys a glass of Dubonnet and Dubonnet (a sweet wine-based aperitif) with a slice of lemon and plenty of ice. According to The Independent , Gordon's Gin is Her Majesty the Queen's gin of choice and it also holds a Royal Warrant.

Sadly, the Queen is not a "foodie," Maddie said, but "eats to survive." Lunch is usually a meal of fish and vegetables, such as grilled Dover sole with wilted spinach or zucchini, or simple grilled chicken with a side salad. "She's very disciplined when it comes to eating on her own," Maddie added. "No starch is the rule."

Royal servant Charles Oliver revealed in his book Dinner at Buckingham Palace : "Many simple variations of kipper have been a favorite of the Queen ever since - as breakfast, as a savory dish or as a late-night supper." Oliver revealed how Her Majesty and Princess Margaret smelled the dish while they were at Windsor Castle during the war years and traced the smell to its source "outside the private kitchen of the castle's then housekeeper, Lady Alice Bruce".

"They knocked politely on the door and were welcomed into the old-fashioned kitchen, which had a wonderful iron stove and fried kippers. Mrs. Bruce gave the princesses their first taste of kippers and showed them how to cook the fish ," Oliver added.

Afternoon tea is a daily fixture, usually accompanied by the Queen's favorite chocolate biscuit cake, which was also served at Prince William's 2011 wedding reception and is made with McVities Rich Tea biscuits. Fillings for finger sandwiches include tuna and cucumber, smoked salmon, eggs and mayonnaise, or ham and mustard, with the crust removed, as well as jam penny sandwiches - which are cut into British pennies , The Daily Telegraph reports size round.

The Queen's love of jam sandwiches can be traced back to her childhood, and according to Chef Brady, she has been eating a penny of jam every day since she was five years old. The former royal chef revealed on his official YouTube channel that the sandwich consists of "bread and jam with a little butter," usually made with strawberry jam. “We’ll be making jam at Balmoral from the beautiful Scottish strawberries from the garden,” Maddie reveals.

Her Majesty is also very fond of things like chocolate. "She loved it," Maddie told The Daily Telegraph . As well as her favorite chocolate biscuit cake, the Queen also loves chocolate mousse and chocolate ganache sponge cake. Maddie told Reader's Digest that Charbonneau and Walker, Bendix and Presta all hold royal warrants, but she prefers dark chocolate. "She's not a big fan of milk or white chocolate," he continued, noting that the Queen prefers chocolate bars with 60 percent cocoa content or higher.

Her Majesty's alcohol intake rarely changes, according to her cousin Margaret Rhodes. As well as gin and Dubonnet at lunch, the Queen also enjoys a dry martini before dinner and a glass of champagne in the evening.

Dinner usually includes fillets of beef or venison, pheasant or salmon from Sandringham and Balmoral farms. The fillet becomes Gaelic steak, cooked and served with a sauce of mushrooms, cream and whiskey.

For dessert, the Queen will enjoy home-grown treasures such as strawberries grown at Balmoral or white peaches grown in the greenhouses at Windsor Castle, followed, naturally, by a glass of dry champagne. Oh, life.