If we’re being honest when it comes to bikini waxing…

There are a lot of things we'd rather not think about when getting a bikini wax; the experience is uncomfortable enough on its own. But a new episode of the video series Katie: A Lady titled "Let's Talk about a Brazilian Wax" doesn't hold back and makes us realize just how weird these salon trips actually are. From the awkward little interactions when the bikini epilator leaves you in the room to "get ready" (aka strip naked) to the time she asks you to turn over so she can get your backside, bikini epilation requires a lot of pretending to be weird situations that are totally normal. This video shows exactly what you're probably thinking when you go for a bikini wax, including Katie hoping she doesn't fart on the epilator and trying not to let the epilator see the pain she's really feeling. Things got all too real during Katie's bikini waxing session, and this video reveals four reasons why Brazilian waxing is a ridiculous beauty ritual.

1. You pay for a service you know is going to be painful

Most bikini waxes aren't as painful as Katie described them, but that doesn't mean getting them is a pleasant experience.

Waxer: "I'm here to pour hot wax on your pubic hair and pull it out."

2. A Brazilian wax can make you look prepubescent

Make your vagina as sexy as a child's? Every woman has to make the decision for herself. Although this video pokes fun at hairless women, everyone is different and if this look tickles your fancy, then go for it! Regardless, this isn't something a lot of people will see.

Katie: "I want my private parts to look as much like a child's as possible."

3. A stranger invades your private parts

This is something we all try not to think about when we go for a bikini wax. Who is this man groping down there? Are they judging your vagina? Can they tell you're ready for waxing? It's better to just focus on small talk.

Waxer: "You know I'm a stranger, but I'm looking intently at your genitals and touching it with my hands."

4. Sometimes we go through it all just for a chance acquaintance or a future one-night stand

What is the main reason why many young single women spend a lot of money and endure this very uncomfortable half hour? We want to get laid and even allow ourselves to choose to have sex. Of course, this is some sexist bullshit. Why do we have to go to a hair removal salon to feel comfortable having sex when all a man has to do is show up? unfair!

Katie: "I actually got this wax because I might have sex this weekend!"

Waxer: "You won't."

It's all too real. Watch the entire video below for more fun.

Image: Above Average /YouTube