You can (finally, again) emulate retro gaming on your iPhone

Super Mario World running on the Delta emulator for iOS

Apple has finally relaxed its strict stance on video game emulation , meaning iPhone owners can now play retro video games directly on their phones, even if they don't have official mobile apps yet. With a simple download from the App Store and a few settings in the emulator, your iPhone will be one step closer to becoming the best gaming phone around. Delta is one of the first emulators to be officially endorsed by Apple, making the entire process incredibly easy.

What is an emulator?

First: What is a game emulator? How can it possibly be legal to play Super Mario World or Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on your phone? Well, as the era of devices like the Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis came of age, it became easier for programmers to reverse engineer them and make applications that could mimic all of their hardware and software interactions, but this time entirely through software.

Basically, the emulator runs a virtual Super Nintendo on your iPhone, which can then run Super Nintendo games like normal. This can be an arduous and sometimes glitchy process, as your device needs to run not just the game, but the entire console at the same time. However, modern computers are powerful enough that many emulators still surpass the original hardware in some aspects, being able to play games at higher resolutions or speeds than usual, and even save games instantly, making them ideal for portable gaming.

Thanks to an old US court case , emulators are also legal, as long as the emulator simply imitates the console itself rather than distributing any games or operating systems.

How to play Nintendo (and Sega) games on your phone?

This brings us to how you can actually use Delta to play retro games on your phone. Delta is actually a fairly mature application and using it is very intuitive. It's been available for sideloading for nearly five years, and today is just the first day Apple has allowed it to appear in the App Store.

The Delta can run games from the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, all Game Boy systems, Nintendo DS and even the Sega Genesis. The problem is that you need to provide the game files yourself.

Delta's website will tell you which file formats it supports , but as for where to get the game, it's up to you to decide. Emulation enthusiasts assure gamers that U.S. law allows them to make digital backups of games they own, and that there are plenty of devices and technologies to do so, although the practice has yet to face much legal scrutiny.

Once you have a compatible game file on your phone, you can simply click the "+" button in the upper right corner of the app, select the file, and start playing. Delta will automatically find the box illustrations and sort the system for you.

Note that for Nintendo DS games you will also need to add the BIOS file to Delta, which you will also need to obtain yourself. Once you have one, just click the gear icon in the upper left corner of the app, scroll down until you see "Nintendo DS" under "Core Settings," then add your files under "DS BIOS Files."

What are the functions of Delta Game Emulator?

This is where things get interesting. Due to its long history, Delta is a powerful app that supports touch controls, Bluetooth controllers, haptic feedback, fast forwarding, cheats, save states, and even cloud backup. You can connect any device, such as a PS5 controller, to the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con to play games on Delta.

When you first load the game, everything may look normal. You'll see gameplay at the top or middle of the screen (depending on whether you're holding the phone vertically or horizontally). Below or to the side of the game will be your controls, in stylish pre-made skins (you can also replace them with custom imported skins later). But hidden within the standard controls should be the menu buttons. Here you can enable cheat codes, change game speed, set how to hold a button, and manage your save states.

Saving states is probably the most convenient feature an emulator can have. They allow you to save the game at any time, separate from the game's own save system. This is a neat trick, enabled by the virtual nature of the setup - the program just remembers how it was running at any point in time, and can recall it later.

Now you don't have to worry about completing a level before the bus arrives, and if you're feeling evil you can save before a tough boss fight so if you lose you can try again immediately without having to replay the entire level again. Your call.

To adjust more settings than the in-game menu button allows, simply navigate back to the Delta main menu (your game will be paused) and click the gear icon in the upper left corner, where you can set controls for all of your players, home screen shortcut and optionally link and save your files to a Dropbox or Google Drive account.

Why is Delta important?

More emulators may be coming to the App Store soon, but Delta is the first to stay, and the most powerful and most likely to stay. Previously, a Game Boy Advance emulator called iGBA was removed from the store by Apple for violating spam and copyright rules . According to a statement provided to The Verge by Delta developer Riley Testut , this may be related to the code being allegedly related to Delta's predecessor. related. A Nintendo Entertainment System emulator called Bimmy was also removed from the market "out of fear" by its developer.

While emulators are legal, fighting a giant company like Nintendo in court can still be a difficult task, as the recent shutdown of Switch emulator Yuzu proves. However, the team at Delta has been doing this for a while and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.

It would also be a smart move for Apple to allow Delta to be available on the App Store, since Google already allows the emulator to be available on the Android Play Store. The app's arrival will help Apple's ecosystem bolster its retro coverage, while the iPhone maker continues to bring recent big-budget games like Resident Evil 4 to its devices in partnership with big developers like Capcom.

Touch controls work great, but a Bluetooth controller makes retro gaming on your iPhone even better. Here are some good options:

  • Backbone One (USB-C): $99

  • Trunk One (Lightning): $99

  • 8BitDoPro 2: $49.99

  • 8Bitdo SN30 Pro: $44.99

Backbone One Controller for iPhone (Lightning)