Nicole Richie is ready to live a simple life again

Nicole Richie's current "simple life" attitude is a far cry from the one she had more than 20 years ago when she and Paris Hilton headed to the countryside to do manual labor and odd jobs on their iconic series Very far.

Now, the TV personality and fashion designer finally has a ResortPass, which allows her to enjoy "day getaways" at five-star resorts. With ResortPass points, Richie can organize a spa day with her besties or just relax by the hotel pool without paying for expensive room keys.

"I have my own group chat and we always like to do fun things together," she tells Bustle at New York's Dominican Hotel. "I like to go to a cabin, have a drink and relax. We didn't think we deserved a day off, but we did."

She may soon be entering similar territory on television. Richie and her longtime friend Hilton announced a new project with Peacock on May 13, which they've been teasing with throwback photos and clips from their simpler days, when they still called each other Hill and Bill.

Richie told Buster that she and Hilton talk almost every day as they work on pre-production on their upcoming TV project. "I like working to be fun, and I know we're going to have a really fun time," she joked.

Below, Rich talks about her go-to day getaways, her TV career, and the surprising celebrities she met on The Simple Life.

Richie will be hosting a Pool & Spa Day in New York City on May 15, 2024 with ResortPass. Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for ResortPass

What attractions can I visit in one day with ResortPass?

I love going to the Four Seasons. I haven't been to The Edition yet, but I'd love to check it out. I love being outside in the fresh air, so I [go to hotels] where I can be in a cabana by the pool, have a little cocktail, and just live and love.

When you decide to fly for a real vacation, what does your plane itinerary look like?

I have a long plane trip. I like to be clean. I have a seat cover that I made. I put on gloves and wiped everything down with wipes. Then I put on comfy socks with a picture of my German Shepherd on them, and I snuck the bathroom bag with all the oils in it on my seat, because they like it when you keep everything above the plane, but [ You]can't do this with oil. I took out my iPad and a book and put a little ointment on my nose so I wouldn't dry out on the plane.

How do you deal with jet lag?

I can't get over jet lag, but what I do is go out as much as possible and eat at normal times of the day rather than eating in the middle of the night just because [I'm] hungry.

Paris Hilton and Richie, 2004. Fraser Harrison/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

What can you tell us about your new show with Paris Hilton?

Unfortunately, I can't share anything right now, but we've been working together for 20 years and we wanted to find a way to celebrate that. So we created something very special. I’m excited to share more soon.

Do you keep in touch with the people you met while filming The Simple Life ?

I know Paris has always been in contact with members of the Riding family, we were with them throughout the first season, and I had some run-ins here and there. Kesha was in season three and I've seen her since, which is amazing.

What do you remember about meeting Kesha?

I have never forgotten her. When we went to her house she was trying to be a singer and she gave me her CD. I believe the name of the song is "I Made Out with a Rockstar" and I used to listen to it all the time. I thought at the time, this song is great. She broke out a few years later and I was happy for her, but I always knew that girl had some talent.

What was your favorite thing about filming The Simple Life ?

One of the best parts about The Simple Life is that it has nothing to do with our actual lives. We come into other people's lives, live their lives, do it for a day, and then leave.

The reality shows that followed "The Simple Life" blurred the line between reality and comedy.

They are both softly scripted shows. Frankly, Nicole got asked to do the talk show because of me. I just don’t think I’m good at it, but I do have questions about life. I'm just exploring different things in the world that make me curious. Even though almost no one has seen it, Nikki Fre$h is the show I'm most proud of because I wrote the show and all the songs, and it's so much fun.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity .