nine most dangerous extreme sports in the world, thrilling and shocking! How many challenges do you dare to challenge?

The ninth downhill sport is famous for its danger and excitement.

This extreme sport is simple to say, that is, the challenger finds a higher mountain, then finds a steeper part of the mountain, and rides a mountain bike down the narrowest path at the speed of a car .

If you can ride a bicycle, you must have experienced the feeling of flying down some slopes. Is this refreshing feeling unforgettable? This is the most primitive mountain downhill sport, which is characterized by danger and excitement. famous.

This sport first became popular in European and American countries . The reason why this sport became popular is that it is simple and challenging. Imagine riding a bicycle at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour to 80 kilometers per hour, or even higher speeds. Ride on complex and ever-changing roads.

This speed is definitely no less dangerous than an F-1 driver driving a racing car "flying" on the track at 200 kilometers per hour, which is close to the speed of an airplane.

The eighth parkour sport relies on one's own physical ability, the art of controlling any known or unknown environment quickly, effectively and reliably.

Parkour athletes can be seen in every country. They shuttle through every high-rise building in the city. This sport relies on their own physical ability to quickly , effectively and reliably control any known and unknown environment. .

Parkour is not just a sport, it can also strengthen your body and exercise your reaction ability . If you are a professional parkour athlete, he can correctly and effectively minimize the upcoming dangers in the process. probability to avoid accidents.

Some challengers will go to the highest floor to challenge themselves to cross over to the top of another building. Netizens who have seen it said that they are frightened just by looking at it, as if they are brushing against death .

The seventh low-altitude skydiving belongs to the gliding event in extreme sports.

Low-altitude skydiving is a gliding project among extreme sports. The dangers of this project are much more dangerous than our common high-altitude skydiving.

Our common high-altitude skydiving is to take off from an altitude of 10,000 meters, with plenty of time to open the parachute, and a backup parachute for protection, while low-altitude skydiving is from high buildings, cliffs, towers, bridges, etc., to some fixed objects or places Take off.

Because the distance of low-altitude skydiving is not as high as that of high-altitude skydiving, there is enough time to prepare. There is only five seconds when opening the parachute bag . It is difficult for skydivers to adjust their posture, and there is only one parachute for low-altitude skydiving. Prepare a parachute , which also increases the difficulty for skydivers.

In low-altitude skydiving, the parachute opening can only be successful once . If it fails, it depends on your own personal luck. There are many uncertain factors during the descent , such as a sudden gust of wind, which may cause an accident.

Only those with high-altitude skydiving experience can challenge low-altitude skydiving. There are only 1,000 low-altitude skydiving athletes in the world , and only 50 people who can guarantee it are foolproof will rarely make mistakes.

The sixth bullfighting Spanish matador is known as a brave and fearless man and is also a national treasure of Spain.

When you hear about bullfighting, you can't help but think about how it has become an extreme sport. Bullfighting originated from the traditional memorial ceremony in Spain . In Spain, matadors are known as brave and fearless men . They are people who are respected in Spain. Spain's national treasure.

Bullfighting is often very dangerous . If the bull goes crazy during the performance, it will fly away the matador with its powerful horns. Every year, many matadors are killed by the crazy horns. In this case, either you turn the bull into a bullring, or you become a box under the bull's feet.

The fifth highest bungee jumping point is the Baling Bridge bungee jump in Guizhou, my country, with a height of 370 meters.

Bungee jumping is a leisure outdoor sport that has become popular among young people and some challengers in recent years . In addition to jumping from high altitudes, challengers must have a strong enough heart.

This sport is relatively safe compared to other sports. The chance of bungee jumping is one in 500,000 . Challengers need to jump from bridges, high-rise buildings, tower tops and cranes above 40 meters to complete bungee jumping. The long rubber rope will allow challengers to enjoy the feeling of free fall for a few seconds .

If you really want to jump, but your heart is not strong enough, then the staff next to you will be of great use. They will have two options to help you fulfill your wish to bungee jump. One is to jump down, and the other is to push down. It's your choice.

Nowadays, on an island in the South Pacific, an ancient tribe has a previous custom of tying their ankles with vines to jump down from a high place. The highest bungee jumping point is at the Baling Bridge in Guizhou, China. , the height reached 370 meters.

The fourth cliff diving is very popular among foreign young people

This is a sport that has emerged in recent years. It involves jumping from a cliff of nearly 20 meters into the water without any protective measures .

This sport is also affected by geographical factors . Many people have a lot of accidents when cliff diving. If the posture when entering the water is wrong, it is easy to get injured , or just get a box lunch. Many experienced cliff diving athletes It is common to land with your feet first.

It is such a dangerous water sport , but it is very popular among foreign young people . It is said that no less than 14 people in the UK receive lunch boxes every year because of this sport, and many people are seriously injured to varying degrees. It's high paraplegia.

The highest diving record holder in this sport is Schaller, an extreme diver from Switzerland. He jumped off a 60-meter cliff.

At that time, he descended at a speed of 123 kilometers per hour , and it only took 4 seconds from descent to entering the water . Due to the rapid descent, his right leg was dislocated, but he still broke the record . Here, the editor would like to advise you that life is precious!

The sport of third giant surfing requires the operator to have good balance, rich knowledge and excellent operating ability.

This sport is not the kind of surfing we usually see. The waves caused by giant surfing are not just a few meters, but waves up to ten meters or even higher.

This sport requires the operator to have good balance, rich knowledge and excellent operating ability , because they need to stand firm in the huge waves. If they fall during the process, it will be another situation. Like a big truck hitting you.

When crossing huge waves that are tens of meters high, if the operator is not careful, he is likely to be hit by the huge waves on the reef, and even be knocked into the water three to four meters deep to form a confrontation with the strong current, which will cause the The surfer suffered from hypoxia for a brief period of time, causing the surfer to lose consciousness.

Wingsuit flying is considered the craziest extreme sport in the world

This sport is divided into two types: powered and unpowered. Unpowered wingsuit flying refers to athletes wearing clothing and parachute equipment with wings for flying.

Wingsuit pilots jump from high places such as airplanes, hot air balloons, and cliffs. The pilot needs to control the direction of the glider through body movements and use his body to fly unpowered in the air . When he reaches a safe height, he will The parachute behind him opened and landed safely on the ground.

The average speed of wingsuit flight reaches about 200 kilometers per hour , and the gliding ratio is 3:1. Each time it drops one meter, it then glides three meters. The Tianmen Cave in Zhangjiajie, China, is one of the world's famous places for gliding , and is deeply loved by wingsuit flyers around the world. Their favorite, a world-class competition is held every year.

Although this is a good thing, it is also a nightmare for many wingsuit pilots, but a large number of enthusiasts will also choose to participate in this game. According to reports, less than 1,000 people in the world dare to participate in this game. Among them, wingsuit flying is also considered the craziest extreme sport in the world.

The first high-altitude tightrope walker is also called Dawaz, and Adili is known as the "King of High Altitude in China"

Tightrope walking is one of the traditional high-altitude performances of the Uighurs in my country. It has a history of more than 2,000 years. It is a sport that requires a combination of wisdom and courage.

The performers have to complete the feat of walking from the starting point to the end of the high-altitude wire without any objects on it. This dangerous sport requires courage and is a sport that even those with a fear of heights can't even imagine.

In Xinjiang, our country, there is a family that specializes in performing Darwazi. Adili, known as the " Prince of High Altitude" , comes from this family and has broken multiple world records since he started performing.

In October 2000, Adili successfully crossed the 1,399.6-meter-long steel wire between Furong Peak and Zhurong Peak in Hengshan Mountain without any protection, setting a Guinness record for the longest uninsured tightrope walk in the world.

From April 16 to May 11, 2002, Adili set a life record of surviving at high altitude for 25 days on Jinhai Lake in Pinggu County, Beijing . He attracted attention around the world and was known as the "King of High Altitude in China". Adili's various records were broken by his fellow juniors, both of whom came from the same family.