Resolution from Older Women to Younger Women in New York

I don’t know about you, but personally, I really enjoy being friends with women who are older than me. In fact, almost half of my female friends are closer in age to my mom than I am. (My mom and I actually have a few friends. My mom is pretty cool, too.)

So when I got the chance to write about New Year’s resolutions older women make for younger women, I was pretty excited. I immediately thought how happy I was that being friends with older women had enriched my life over the years. Then I thought about how most women my age probably wouldn't be friends with older women, which is really frustrating. I honestly don’t know if I would be where I am today without those conversations with older women. Best of all, multiple studies show that having older friends can actually make you live longer.

Older women can provide a unique perspective that people my age haven’t lived long enough to gain. Plus, older women tend to be less sexually active, which is both interesting and inspiring. (Indeed, it's a beautiful thing. Their mindset is something I've always aspired to.) For these reasons and more, you really should check out the New Year's resolutions older women make for younger women. If you haven't already, maybe consider making friends with some women who are older than you.

Shh! Starting January 1st, check out the "You IRL" livestream on the Bustle app for daily tips on how to have an empowering 2017. Tell us how you plan to make 2017 your best year yet on Twitter @bustle now. Use the hashtag #2017IRL and your tweets may appear on our app.

"Love you just the way you are. You're perfect right now. Don't wait until you find a man, lose weight, etc."

"Looking back, I wish I had spent more time cultivating relationships. We get so busy with our own things that we forget the importance of friends, and as a result, we miss out on the satisfaction and fulfillment that friendships bring. And, I would say Yes, try to live in the present instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, we are all unique individuals and we all have something to offer.”

"Strive for inner peace. Peace is better than money, men, and fanaticism!"

“Take time every day to enjoy God’s gifts of nature.”

“Read everything you can, eat right, make better choices, become stronger, smarter, and work hard to make yourself better than you ever imagined. Make sure no one grabs you by the pussy, ever Don’t stop working to end misogyny and patriarchy.

Eat less meat, read Forks Over Knives , How Not to Die , and learn how the food we put into our bodies affects our health and how eating less meat can change our environment. Love your children for who they are, not who you want them to be. Enjoy every moment you spend with them. Tell them it's really cool to be smart and encourage their dreams. "

"Just live. Go after it with an open mind, heart, and arms. Will there be heartache? Absolutely. That's why we have Band-Aids, booze, and friends. Don't look back and wish you could have done something - just do it it."

"Choose your battles."

"Invest in yourself. Women often become the primary caregivers for their families and others. That's who we are, and that's a good thing. But along the way, we can lose ourselves. Always put on your own gas mask first - make sure you're fully Live your life so you have the resources to do the best you can for the people you love.”

"Don't neglect your teeth!"

"Know yourself. Although simple, it should not be taken lightly. Knowing yourself is an epic journey that cannot be accomplished overnight. It requires courage from deep within, and an understanding of what health is. This means self-love, If a young woman (or anyone) can realize this early in life, life may be more meaningful in the long run."

"My resolve for young women is that they take responsibility for themselves. They accept that they have a responsibility to look after themselves, while they are free to reject any behavior/person that does not recognize them as capable adults."

Starting January 1st, watch "You IRL" live on the Bustle app for daily tips on how to have an empowering 2017.

Image: Hustle; Jiffy/(11)