How Uranus Retrograde Will Impact Travel During the Holidays

With all the planetary retrogrades happening this year, it can be hard to keep track of what and when. Take, for example, Uranus. The planet went retrograde on August 7, 2018, and during its final month of retrograde, Uranus retrograde will impact travel... just in time for the holidays. The giant gas planet spends about seven years in each sign (it entered Taurus in May 2018) and goes retrograde for 148 days each year. Since it won't go direct until January 7, 2019, you'll need to take some extra holiday travel precautions. Remember, with Uranus retrograde until the end of the year and Mercury retrograde shadow lasting until Christmas, anything can happen.

"With Uranus, just 'expect the unexpected.' Uranus is like a wild card, unpredictable, original, and out-of-the-box thinking," Simon Ma, founder of Wisdom School Simone Matthews explained. website. The good news is that while things may still go wrong, you're also more likely to find creative solutions to frustrating problems. "Chaos is often the order of the day when Uranus is retrograde, as you'll be expecting the unexpected from an unexpected planet." If you're traveling by plane, train, boat, or car this holiday season, make a contingency plan and then make sure Have a contingency plan in your contingency plan.

Deviation from normal travel habits

Do you book the same vacation trip every year? If your tried and true vacation travel destination has been the same up until the date, retrograde Uranus wants you to change it. If you usually fly, it might be time to take a road trip. If you take the train across the river and through the woods to your grandma's house every year, consider doing something completely different, like booking yourself a cruise and forgoing your usual vacation plans entirely. states: "Now is the time to look at life from a new perspective, ditch the old ways of doing things, and create a whole new world from the inside out." While doing things the same way every time is comforting, it doesn't Leave no room for growth. If you decide to ignore Uranus' rebellious energy and stick to your familiar routine, it's best to brace yourself for some of the hassles of Uranus Retrograde holiday travel in 2018.

Accept the fact that you can't control everything

Uranus has just begun its seven-year stay in Taurus in May. This means that this is also the first time Uranus will go retrograde this cycle. The planet's move from Aries to Taurus is quite a shake in itself, as this transit encourages you to see things from a new perspective. Look at your upcoming Uranus retro trip with these fresh eyes and see if your plans still make sense.

“Break up, make up, change jobs, move, or do whatever you need to do to change your status quo and move toward a better life. In other words, identify what you want, be brave, and embrace the freedom to pursue it— This is the path to happiness,” advises

Maybe you're in that rare situation where everything in your life is perfect. That doesn't mean you'll be immune to holiday travel, as people flying airplanes, driving cars, etc. may not have such a cold time. This means a lot of things will be beyond your control. Just accept this, relax, and you should be able to shake off any holiday travel frustrations like a boss.