5 tips for traveling during Mercury retrograde if you can’t avoid it

Ahhhh! The first Mercury retrograde of 2019 will officially arrive on March 5th and will last until March 28th. Of course, this is Mercury retrograde, so I don't mean the relaxing type of "ahhh" - I mean the kind that sounds like something out of a teen horror movie. Regardless, if I wanted to, I would make arrangements not to leave the house or talk to anyone during Mercury retrograde. Is this normal? Unfortunately, society/capitalism/my desperate need for constant attention won’t let me do that very well, so I have to embrace some Mercury retrograde caution . But for those of you who actually traveled during Mercury retrograde, wow. It's a lot, but you will survive. Let's sit down and get things sorted first, okay?

So, here’s the thing: Astrologically speaking, Mercury rules the travel area of ​​our lives. This applies to pretty much anything from driving to work in the morning to catching a flight to Singapore. When Mercury enters one of its often-dreaded retrograde phases (which happens several times a year), this area of ​​our lives can be shaken. Travel is far more likely to hit snags, delays are to be expected, and the overall plan tends to go a little awry.

Mercury also rules things like technology and communications – both of which can also impact our travel plans during retrograde (think of your phone’s GPS giving you wrong directions somewhere, or accidentally not being clear with someone) Where you met and showed up at) the wrong place). In other words, traveling during Mercury retrograde kind of sucks, and there's so much opportunity for things to go wrong, so it's usually not smooth sailing.

That said, some of you who don't know much about retrograde may have already booked a vacation, business trip, or other trip between now and March 28 (when Mercury goes direct again). Or maybe you know what Mercury Rx does to travel, but you have to travel anyway. Whatever the reason, it's inevitable: some of us are going to have to travel during this astrological show. That said, here are some Mercury retrograde travel survival tips to help you avoid a total Rx-induced meltdown during this period.

Triple check everything

Wires are definitely getting crossed during Mercury retrograde, so don't skimp on double-, triple-, or quadruple-checking every detail of your trip. Astrologer Lisa Stardust discussed with Bustle how to handle Mercury Rx travel, explaining: "Be sure to double-check communications, including flight details and Uber confirmations." "Before you give someone else a ride, Before you go for a ride, make sure you're taking the right Uber." Also double-check your bank account in case someone else makes the same mistake on your ride.

Back up everything

"Make sure you have airline notifications on your phone and in your email," advises astrologer Shakira Taulbourn, who also talks to Bustle about what to keep in mind when traveling this month. “Keep a copy of your confirmation number somewhere, make an extra copy of your passport and ID card, and allow extra time in your schedule to account for delays and disruptions.” Having multiple copies of documents will greatly reduce your need for last-minute Risk of Mercury Retrograde Catastrophe. "Know that Mercury retrograde won't ruin your trip, it will just cause trouble."

Carry your crystals

Okay, sorry to sound new agey to you (just kidding – if you know me, you know I ’m not sorry about that, wink), but take some protection with you when traveling during Mercury Retrograde Sex crystals can provide you with an energetic shield to help you stay calm. Why would anyone say no ? Here are some perfect crystals for Mercury Retrograde in March 2019, as well as some other useful crystals for travel in general. Keep these babies with you and try simple crystal rituals to ease travel anxiety when needed.

Be prepared for delays

Seriously, relax - you're probably going to face a delay on your route at some point, whether it's running into random traffic, finding out your flight is cancelled, or having to rebook your room. "Mercury RX may cause trouble with your travel plans," astrologer Caitlin McGarry explains in an interview with Bustle. “Be prepared for train delays, canceled flights, hotels with no systems, and any other hurdles you can imagine. Give yourself plenty of travel time and double-check your route/itinerary to avoid any Mercury retrograde tricks.” For Yourself Come prepared with a good book, some fresh podcasts, and fully charged devices to keep you entertained during the necessary Mercury Rx delays.

Surrender to the retro trend

"Travel is going to be popular during Mercury retrograde in Pisces... a trip to a museum may end up making you realize something you didn't know you were aware of," explains extensive astrologer Danny Larkin, who talks to Bustle this transit. Don’t expect everything you plan to go according to plan, but think of it as an added element to the adventure. “Socrates once pointed out that not knowing is the root of wisdom,” he continued. “Sometimes, insight comes and inspiration comes when you have no control and don’t know what’s going to happen next.”