The 6 Best Crystals to Carry When Traveling for Protection and Stress Relief

Best-case scenario, 2019 is going to be filled with great horizons—so if travel happens to be one of your main goals for the new year, you're in luck, because the vibes of the universe are on your side! In other words, book those tickets now—and start stocking up on crystals to use when traveling, because 2019 is the year we ~protect our energy~ and energize. Whether it's simply taking a cheap road trip to a nearby city or jetting your thrill-seeking self to the other side of the world for a luxury vacation, traveling in any capacity can be a fantastic way to break up the monotony. Routine to give yourself a new perspective on life – a much-needed relief for many of us after the hectic 2018 we just had – and keep travel crystals by your side during your travels to help promote protection , cold and safe.

If astrology is your thing, then you'll find that Jupiter will be spending most of 2019 in travel-loving Sagittarius, which also happens to be one of the planet's home signs - so, it'll bring a lot of excitement around Good atmosphere. While this is especially exciting for Sagittarius (pack your bags, babes), this giant planet of good luck has no shortage of energy to share with others, so it's likely that it'll be traveling during this transit The craze spread to all zodiac signs. Given this placement, 2019 is an ideal time to travel, learn new languages, and immerse yourself in other cultures.

Regardless, while traveling can definitely make life worthwhile, it can also be quite stressful – but thankfully, that’s nothing that a little crystal therapy can’t help you with! Bustle spoke with Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro, crystal experts, co-founders of Energy Muse, and co-authors of Crystal Muse: Everyday Rituals To Tune In To The Real You . “Traveling is one of the most exciting, fun, and rejuvenating experiences, but it can also be tiring and stressful,” says Energy Muse. “Use... crystals to ease the difficulties of travel. You can fully enjoy the adventure. “Crystal Healing to the Rescue!

There's always room in your bag for a small palm stone or two, so don't overlook the travel benefits of crystals when you travel in the coming year. Here are some of Energy Muse's suggested crystals for your 2019 travels, plus a few extra items that happen to be my personal travel favorites as well. Have a safe (and mysterious) trip, friends!

Amethyst brings a safe journey

energy muse

Amethyst Points, $9.95, Power Muse.

Travel anxiety is very common, and encountering unexpected obstacles on your trip (which we almost always encounter) can be very stressful. "Amethyst keeps you calm and relaxed, helping to ensure your journey is peaceful," Energy Muse explains to Bustle. "From the moment you set off on your trip, this stone will help you settle and relax."

How to use it: "Take it with you in your pocket or purse," advises Energy Muse. Having this baby with you at all times will be a mini anxiety reliever, keeping you calm during the stress of travel.

Lemurian Quartz requires patience

energy muse

Lemurian Crystal Points, $19.95, Power Muse.

Between traffic, delays, queues, and other obstacles, patience is a virtue that essentially all travelers need —but not everyone can easily relinquish control and go with the flow. "When you're stuck in a queue or facing a delay, this stone will remind you to slow down and enjoy the ride," explains Energy Muse.

How to use it: Think of this stone as your secret weapon for calming the anger of impatience. “When you feel impatient, hold it in your hands,” shares Energy Muse. Keep it handy and pull it out when needed. Let the energy of the crystals fill your spirit with a calm and go-with-it attitude.

Moonstone as Spiritual Travel Insurance

energy muse

Rainbow Moonstone Touchstone, $19.95, Power Muse.

"Moonstone is known as the 'traveler's stone' because it protects you and your belongings during your travels," explains Energy Muse. On the go, it's easy to lose valuables (passports, tickets, phones, credit cards, etc.), so everyone can use a little protection from the energy of moonstone.

How to use: Follow Energy Muse's advice, "Add a moonstone to your luggage so it doesn't get lost!" Because nothing makes you lose your shit like losing your shit.

Shungite for energy protection

energy muse

Shungite for phones and computers, $9.95, Energy Muse.

When we travel, we are exposed to large amounts of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), which many believe can be harmful to our health. "Shungite provides you with energy protection from the countless electronic devices you encounter along the way," Energy Muse explains to Bustle. "This stone minimizes your chances of being affected by scanning systems and technology." While traveling It's hard not to hold on to your phone all the time, using it for everything from finding directions to taking photos—not to mention the full-body scans we're all exposed to every time we board a plane—so any digital detox crystal can help.

How to use: "Wear shungite to the airport or keep a piece in your car," advises Energy Muse. You can even buy a piece of shungite that sticks to your phone so you can put it where you need it.

Smoky quartz ensures travel safety

energy muse

Smoky Quartz Touchstone, $19.95, Energy Muse.

It's super fun to try new things, hang out with new people, and hop in cars and planes at each stop in a foreign country—but the traveler lifestyle can leave us vulnerable to all kinds of dangerous situations . Smoky Quartz is an incredibly protective stone when traveling and going out. It is said to protect you from the disorienting energies of all the new people you will meet, keep you alert (which is important when you are in unfamiliar surroundings), and reassure you on your way out of the place. securely placed in a moving vehicle.

How to use: Keep a piece in your car for grounding and protection on road trips, carry it in your pocket when flying or wear it as jewelry. (Whenever I go on a long trip, whether by car or plane, I try to wear a smoky quartz pendant!)

Garnet brings healthy and happy rewards

energy muse

Raw Garnet Crystal, $4.95, Energy Muse.

You can never carry too many protective crystals when traveling, right? Like moonstone, garnet is also known as a travel stone. These babies were said to prevent accidents (especially when people were traveling) and were often given as gifts to keep people safe while traveling and returning home. Give yourself or anyone about to embark on a 2019 travel journey a gift!

How to use: This is a great stone to take with you when traveling, especially if you are traveling alone. It's more helpful to wear it in jewelry so you don't have to worry about constantly moving it from one pocket to another.