Notes apps are probably the most intimate apps on a damaged part of someone’s phone

In the Notes app, ideas become thoughts, ideas become tweets, and tweets get processed. This is also where apologies are drafted (especially if you're a celebrity), breakup anti-ghost texts are constructed, and passwords are hidden for security. Our entire lives exist within the confines of the Notes app, which is why people on social media consider the app to be the most intimate (and maybe even craziest) part of our phones. Think about it: Do you really want people to know what you wrote there?

I mean, let's face it: no one can craft the perfect flirting message on the first try. Everyone knows that private messages have to go through at least three rounds of edits in a group chat before they're ready, and without the Notes app, we'd be hitting the "send" button too early and too often. Of course, this isn't the only advantage of Notes. In fact, this tool can do just about anything, from making to-do lists to jotting down your dreams first thing in the morning.

The Internet's recent obsession with iPhone functionality may have started around May 21, when Twitter user @CH3RRYMOCHA's tweet about the way girls use the tool went viral. The user suggested that you can usually find a lot of mundane things in a girl's notes, such as shopping lists, travel plans, and baby names, as well as personal diary entries that aren't exactly suitable for sharing with others, such as "This is about the worst life experience." "Heart-wrenching passages," explorations of childhood trauma, and more. As of June 6, the tweet has been viewed more than 35.6 million times and received nearly 92,000 likes, so it's clearly relevant.

Then, a few days later, another tweet about the feature went viral, this time from user @chepkirui_m. "It's so fun looking through your notes app after healing, I'm really going through it," the creator wrote, along with a series of laughing and crying emojis. What is it about our note-taking apps that makes us want to pour out our souls?

This theory has even popped up on TikTok, and if you thought your notes were everywhere, wait until you see what these creators do with their notes.

On May 16, creator @gersonderulo took her followers on a “tour” of her Notes app to show viewers why she’d be “f—ed up” if anyone accessed her app entries, saying: “They really You will learn the deepest and deepest knowledge." The deepest part of my soul. "

So, you might ask, what exactly is in these guilty Notes app entries? Or maybe a better question is: what isn't? The creators seem to list just about anything you can think of, from favorite words and shower ideas to "rules for life," including not saving someone's phone number until after the third date, and "genius ideas" like opening a A real club called Club Penguin. She even records the little things in life that make her happy, as well as all her worries, so almost everything you need to know about TikTok can be found in her notes.

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Likewise, there is a trend on the platform called #notesapptour where people can get a brief look at what their Notes app will look like through a slideshow tool on TikTok. As of June 6, the tag has been viewed more than 13.2 million times, and its content is confusing.

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No matter how you choose to use the tool, the Notes app reflects who you are. While it may feel daunting, it's nice to occasionally scroll through your entries and see how your thoughts and feelings have evolved over the years. Who knows – maybe you’ll discover a “genius idea” that you forgot about along the way.