How to use Messenger without a Facebook account

what to know

  • You must have a Facebook password to use Messenger. However, you can pause/deactivate Facebook and keep Messenger.
  • If you've deactivated Facebook, just log in to Messenger. Facebook will remain disabled.
  • If you are new to Messenger, please create a Facebook account, deactivate Facebook, and then log in to Messenger.

This article explains how to stop using Facebook but continue using Messenger. We'll cover how to restore Messenger if you've deactivated Facebook, and how to sign up for a new Messenger account if you don't have Facebook yet.

If you have deactivated Facebook, you can continue to use Messenger by logging into Messenger using your Facebook account information. This works on and the Messenger app; just enter your Facebook login details and press Sign In .

There was a time when all you needed to use Messenger was a phone number, but now a Facebook account is required.

Have you deleted Facebook permanently or have you never had a Facebook account? Creating a Messenger account is easy because you automatically get one when you create a Facebook account. You can then close Facebook and continue using Messenger. That's it:

  1. Open a Facebook account. You can do this through the website, Messenger app, or Facebook app. Select Create a new account and follow the on-screen steps.

  2. Deactivate your Facebook account. This acts like a pause so you can reactivate at any time. If you do this, Messenger will still work, but no one will be able to find you on Facebook, and your timeline will be inaccessible.

    Deleting your account is very different. Pay close attention to the options you choose. Deleting Facebook will delete Messenger.

  3. Log in to Messenger using your Facebook email and password. This will not reactivate Facebook.

    If you want to reactivate Facebook later, just log in to Facebook using the password you used before.

  • Yes, you can message someone on Facebook Messenger if you're not a friend. However, your message may arrive within their message request, and they will only see it if they check it. To add mobile contacts to Messenger, select the "People" tab and click the "Contacts" button.

  • You can add up to five Messenger accounts, as long as they follow Facebook's name policy and community standards. To add a Messenger account in the app, open the menu, tap your profile picture, and select Add Account .

  • Yes. People can search for you by name, email address, or phone number in the Messenger app. To control privacy settings in the app, tap the menu and then tap the Settings icon. Go to Privacy & Security > Messaging and select who can send you message requests.