Tarot divination to help your love life this winter

Winter festivities and family time can bring pressure to have the perfect romance, whether that means finding a new relationship or making your current one look just right on a holiday card. If anything, these stressors can be counterproductive.

In the spirit of authenticity and clarity, I've pulled some tarot cards to help you navigate love this winter. These tips apply whether you're partnered or poly, single or seeking, or focused on self-love. Take the parts that resonate and leave the rest.

What are tarot cards?

The first deck of tarot cards was probably made in Italy in the 15th century and used as a game. The first people to use these cards as divination tools were the Roma, a people originally from India who began to leave in droves in the 10th and 11th centuries and settled in Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries.

After their arrival, the Roma were persecuted, a persecution that continues today. Fortune-telling and other traditional jobs became subsistence trades, and as a result, the Romans popularized card reading, palmistry, and tea and coffee reading throughout the West.

How I read tarot cards

Fortune telling was a family craft for me, my grandmother taught me it since I was four years old. Sharing Roma culture through divination, my podcast, and other work is my way of blending spirituality and activism.

The five cards below represent manifestation (your current energy); situation (what’s currently happening around you); obstacle (difficulties you face); action (what to do about it); and a lesson (what you will learn this month What.)

Winter Tarot Love Interpretation

Manifestation: ten gold coins

The Ten of Pentacles indicates that you are ready to upgrade your relationships. This card emphasizes abundance and family, so dig deep to discover what this means to you. What would you like to share with your loved ones? What kind of support do you want from your relationships? Understanding your needs is the first step to meeting them.

Situation: King of Wands

The King of Wands is filled with the energy of confidence, responsibility, and leadership, indicating that you are ready to take control of your love life. You may want to embody these characteristics yourself, or look for them in others. Think about how to bring a healthy sense of empowerment and affirmation to your relationships.

Obstacle: Four of Wands

The Four of Wands represents family, stability, finding your place, and sometimes even marriage. This card can be a hindrance if you feel unbalanced or insecure. If these disturbing feelings are coming from another person, this is a message to avoid. These emotions may also stem from your own sense of self. How do you work with your partners or other support systems to resolve these issues? It's your responsibility to keep yourself balanced, but you don't have to do it alone.

Action: Stars

The Star is a beautiful card that represents optimism and hope. It's important for you to maintain your faith in romance. If it doesn't feel good, don't address it. Believe in your own future happiness, contentment, abundance, and self-love; this will help you approach your relationships with honesty and clarity. The more true to yourself you are, the easier it will be to find like-minded people. Strong connections are on the way.

Course: Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands signals that your love life is on the cusp of a new cycle. If you're single or polyamorous, make an active effort to meet new people, but don't waste your time on connections that don't interest you. If you have a partner, you will feel excited. How to change your daily routine and bring new life into your relationship? Change is inevitable and a good thing. You are ready to grow. Seize the moment.

How to use this reading lesson

The abundance of wands in this reading brings plenty of fiery passion, but this energy is grounded in practical gold coins.

It's time to reflect on your priorities in current or future relationships, perhaps by journaling. Consider both practical desires (such as location and financial value) and emotional needs (such as strong communication skills and a sense of purpose).

Repeat this exercise with yourself. How do you want to act and feel in a relationship? What do you want to offer your partners? What will growth look like? Your answer may or may not be similar to the idea you presented.

For inspiration, watch the Netflix series Infamia , which tells the story of a Roma girl who dreams of becoming a rapper, but her family arranges for her to marry a powerful man businessman and expected her to be a wife and mother. At the center of this story is the journey of balancing passion and necessity, dreams and tradition, and discovering your true self.