6 things your lips can tell you about your health

When assessing your overall health, you might first look at your skin, hair, or nails (or all of the above). But it's also important to pay attention to your pout, because your lips can tell you more about your health and happiness than you might think, according to board-certified dermatologist Anne, MD, FAAD, of Riverchase Dermatology ·What Dr. Annie Gonzalez said.

Our external environment can wreak havoc on our skin, especially our lips. That's because, according to PMFA Magazine, there are actually two different kinds of skin on our lips—the outer part where lipstick is applied is called the vermilion, and the moist inner part is called the mucosal lip. Vermilion doesn't have sweat or oil glands like other parts of our skin, which is why it's more susceptible to dryness and cracking than other parts of the body.

"While not all new symptoms regarding your lips are necessarily worrisome, some serious illnesses can show signs through your lips," Gonzalez tells Bustle. "It is recommended to keep an eye on your lips to see if there are any changes in their colour, texture or size. If there are any abnormalities in your lips, make an appointment with a dermatologist for medical advice." To keep your pucker looking its best, Gonzalez recommends staying hydrated and carrying (and reapplying) lip balm with you. She also recommends seeing a doctor if any lesions don't heal, as this is a major red flag.

But sometimes no matter how well you take care of your lips, problems still arise. If you notice something unusual about your lips (for example, persistent dryness, cracking, or even paleness or whitishness), there may be a more serious problem. Below, see what six common lip problems mean.

1. Dry lips

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You may have experienced dry lips. Dr. Susan Masik, a board-certified dermatologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, tells Bustle that this is the most common condition affecting the lips. "When your skin lacks moisture, it becomes dry—the same thing happens to your lips, where they can feel dry and chapped," says Dr. Masik. "Chapped lips are made worse when people bite or peel the skin off their lips or lick them frequently in an attempt to moisturize their lips. In fact, saliva does not moisturize the lips and actually makes them drier."

This symptom is usually caused by basic dehydration or extremely dry weather. If drinking water or keeping your skin moist with regular emollient doesn't solve the problem, the discomfort may be caused by allergies or contact dermatitis (also known as external irritation).

"Frequent licking of the skin and skin irritation from saliva can lead to lip licking dermatitis," says Dr. Masik. If you've ever wondered, " Why are my lips so red ?" this could be the culprit. "Some people are sensitive to lip balm ingredients, which can cause dry, red and irritated lips. People should be especially careful if they get stung when using lip balm - this can actually make the condition worse and more likely to inflamed."

If your lips are permanently chapped, try not to lick them as saliva may cause them to peel even more.

2. Cracks in the corners

Cracks at the corners of your mouth are common, albeit unpleasant. But what does prolonged cracking mean for your health? These cracks can be caused by a variety of reasons. First, you may be experiencing a condition called acute cheilitis ("cheilitis" means inflammation of the lips), in which cracks are "precancerous changes in the lips, often caused by chronic sun exposure and, if left untreated , which can lead to skin cancer," Masik said. "Patients often notice persistent dry, scaly patches that never heal despite the use of moisturizers."

Angular stomatitis is another condition that causes painful ulcers to form at the corners of the mouth and sometimes inside the mouth. They may be caused by malnutrition or a fungal infection (which can be treated with antifungal creams). Down syndrome, diabetes and autoimmune diseases such as Crohn's disease or Sjögren's syndrome, as well as certain vitamin deficiencies ("especially vitamin B and zinc deficiencies," Massick says) all increase the risk of angular cheilitis.

3. Cold sores

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Cold sores are very common and are caused by the herpes simplex virus, affecting billions of people around the world, according to the World Health Organization. Herpes usually shows symptoms when you are first infected and then goes dormant in your system, but can be reactivated by stress, lack of sleep, a strained immune system, sun exposure, or a lack of nutrition. The first symptoms of oral herpes include the formation of contagious sores around the mouth and on the lips. These sores may reappear over time, but some people experience no symptoms at all. "Recurrent symptoms begin with a burning sensation, followed by the appearance of a small cluster of blisters that fester and scab over one to three days," Massik said. "Healing usually occurs within seven to 10 days."

Once you feel the sting of your cold sore, talk to your doctor about using medication to suppress it or topical creams to heal it. Remember: An active cold sore can spread the herpes to other people, so be aware of this before kissing your significant other or anyone else.

4. Pale or discolored lips

The color of your pout is very important, Gonzalez tells Bustle via email. If your lips change from their typical rosy red to a pale pink, it could mean a vitamin deficiency or even skin cancer. According to Johns Hopkins University Medical Center, sudden pallor may be a sign of iron-deficiency anemia, in which your blood cells don't have what they need to make hemoglobin. Menorrhagia or other loss of blood and nutrients can cause anemia.

"Pale or discolored lips mean oxygenated blood is not reaching [them]," she says. Blue lips could indicate anemia or possible heart disease, while yellow lips could mean there's a problem with your liver.

Dr. Masik says changes in lip color can also be a sign of skin cancer. Skin lightening is "more common with squamous cell skin cancer," while skin darkening may be associated with melanoma. Regardless, changes in lip color should be discussed with your doctor.

5. Swelling or tenderness

If you're not using harsh lip fillers that make your lips look like they've been stung by a bee, naturally swollen lips could be a sign of an allergic reaction to cosmetics or food, Gonzalez explains. Try replacing any substance you suspect is causing swelling or tenderness. If it doesn't go away or interferes with your ability to breathe or eat, see a dermatologist.

Or, as a 2018 study noted, lip swelling "may be an important symptom of systemic or local conditions ranging from allergies to tumors." Mild swelling in the mouth may be caused by an allergy to a certain brand of lipstick, toothpaste, or facial cleanser, and you should change the product you suspect is causing the problem. If the swelling doesn't go away or is preventing you from breathing or eating, see your doctor as soon as possible.

6. Burning or stinging sensation

If your lips feel burning—and you haven't eaten anything spicy in the past ten minutes—it could be a sign of a bigger problem. Burning sensations in the lips, throat, and tongue have been linked to B-12 deficiency, depression, anxiety, and menopause. You can also burn your lips from sun exposure, which can lead to skin cancer. Massik advises people to "protect your lips from the sun: use sunscreen even on your lips (sunscreen sticks tend to apply easily here) and reapply after a few hours if needed; wear a protective headgear" to avoid This uncomfortable condition is sunburn. You can also choose a lip balm that contains SPF.

As with anything related to your health, if you feel uncomfortable or painful for more than a few days, or if you find that your body is not healing on its own, tell your doctor about your symptoms. "If you notice changes in your lips that last longer than four weeks, I recommend seeing a dermatologist," says Masik. As with most cases of dry lips, drinking plenty of water and staying extra moisturized should be enough to get your lips back to normal, but it's always helpful to rule out any underlying issues .


Dr. Susan Massick, MD, dermatologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

Dr. Annie Gonzalez, MD, FAAD, board-certified dermatologist at Riverchase Dermatology

Research references:

Błochowiak, K. J., Kamiński, B., Witmanowski, H., & Sokalski, J. (2018). Selected manifestations of lip hypertrophy: clinical manifestations and differentiation. Postoperative Dermatology and Allergology , 35 (1), 18–25. doi:10.5114/ada.2018.73160

Burjan D., Savage, I., Karlovich, D. (2008). Correlations between anxiety, depression, and burning mouth syndrome. Proceedings of the Croatian Clinic. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19388467/

Parveen D., Kamal R., Kumar M., Niti M., Gupta R., Chaudhary K. (2013). Burning mouth syndrome and menopause. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3570906/