How to stay excited before a workout

Getting a great workout has a lot to do with your mindset. If you're excited and motivated to break a sweat, you're likely to perform better and get more post-workout benefits. So giving yourself a pep talk before a workout can help you feel more confident, sharp, and motivated to get down to business and start making real progress.

As a certified health coach, I work with clients to find forms of exercise that make them feel happy and energized every day, when the activity feels less like a chore and more like an enjoyable Activities that can instantly boost performance make them more likely to achieve results throughout their day. I find that my clients are attracted to running, cardio classes such as spinning, kettlebell training, and kickboxing, probably due to the "community" and motivation of such classes, yoga, and Pilates. Whether you want high intensity or low intensity, whether the goal is weight loss, strength building, relaxation, preventive health, or all of the above , there's something for everyone. Here are 11 ways to give yourself a pep talk before a workout so you can stick with it for the long haul and get back to feeling great every day.

1. Listen to music

Playing a playlist that fits the vibe of your chosen workout can help you feel more motivated to hit the gym. Nutrition coach Darin Hulslander said in an email to Bustle, "Research shows that listening to music at 140-160 beats per minute before and during a workout can increase workout efficiency and intensity by up to 15%."

2. Change clothes before departure

Running coach and personal trainer Susie Lemmer suggests changing clothes before heading out for a workout is a great way to enjoy an instant boost of energy without giving you the chance to sit around, get tired and quit. Interview bustle. "It puts you in the mood that it 's time to work," she added.

3. Establish a routine

If you can develop a consistent habit, your body will be more likely to get excited about exercise, as if it's become a natural tendency at that time of day, Lemmer says. "Build a habit and start getting your heart rate up," she adds. She also noted that establishing a routine is "always the hardest part."

4. Don’t be afraid to be a little silly

Whether you want to fill your entire workout with crazy, high-energy dance moves (a Zumba class, maybe?) or just for an instant boost of energy and excitement to get out the door, Lemmer says, "Put on and follow the music, Dance like a madman and do whatever moves you. “Getting out of your comfort zone or being silly (privately or publicly!) can energize you.

5. Have Omega 3

Hunter Pechin, brand manager for Health Warrior, said in an email to me that omega-3s have been shown to increase blood flow to muscles during exercise, “which helps relieve tension, allow muscles to relax and reduce inflammation. This can help you feel more motivated to exercise and have better stamina. Rich sources include salmon, nuts, olive oil, and chia seeds.

6. Use visualization

I always encourage this approach when clients, or even family and friends, tell me about goals they wish to pursue. Closing your eyes and imagining how you will feel during or after your workout can help motivate you to take action. Close your eyes and imagine yourself being awesome, healthy, and maybe even breaking your own personal record.

7. Check your latest statistics

Fitness model Jen Jewell told that tracking your progress through journaling and statistic recording or progress photos is a great way to stay motivated when trying to achieve your fitness goals. If you see how well you're progressing, you'll be more willing to keep at it!

8. Work out with friends

According to a study from the University of Southern California, an article in Shape magazine states that exercisers who work out with friends find they enjoy the activity more. Additionally, a study in the International Journal of Stress Management found that people who exercised with their partners were also less stressed. So, grab a friend and go to class together!

9. Consider extrinsic rewards

According to the American Council on Exercise, different people have more or less intrinsic and extrinsic reward systems. If you feel like you don’t have this kind of intrinsic motivation, maybe adding external rewards can help cheer you up. If it’s your favorite treat, a new shirt after two weeks of working out, or a glass of wine to relax with that night, you do it .

10. Say a positive self-mantra

Michelle Cederberg, MKin, BA, Psychology, says on her blog that using positive self-talk can help increase motivation to exercise and can help you get out of your way and be ready to take action. Say something like, "I get it. I'm awesome." or "You can do this. Keep going, keep going." Whatever you do, you'll do!

11. Drink beet juice first

According to a study from the University of Exeter's School of Sport and Health Sciences, experts believe beet juice can boost endurance and help provide energy for a good workout ahead. Drinking a glass or two of beet juice before exercise might be just the thing you need to get in the mindset and know your endurance will be strong.

No matter what exercise you choose to do, it's definitely possible to get a good workout in when you're in an excited, energized state of mind and ready to take action. Boost your mood and energy levels before hitting the gym to reap major health benefits.

Image: Pixabay (12)