March's full moon is also a lunar eclipse. Here's how to do it.

The Full Worm Moon will appear in the harmonious sign of Libra on March 25 at 3 a.m. ET (midnight PT). Full moons are naturally intense; they tug at your heartstrings while pushing you to look to the future rather than the past. However, you can expect mental turmoil due to the lunar eclipse.

"Energy-wise, [the eclipse] holds three times the energy of the past and is a portal that merges the past, present and future," says astrologer Narayana Montúfar. "[Eclipse] energy is volatile, intense, and magical."

Because the full moon/lunar eclipse on March 25 occurs in Libra, it will highlight your social life and relationships. According to Montufal, you may feel forced to let go of connections that no longer serve your future or life goals. This can lead to a harsh breakup and painful feelings—but you won't be depressed for long.

That's because we're just weeks away from the April 20th conjunction of powerful Jupiter and Uranus. way," Montufal explains. "We begin to notice why embracing liberation is so important to our growth and evolution. "

takeout? Accept the things you are no longer comfortable with so you can let go of the past. Open your mind to revelations about the future. Follow these precautions to get the most out of Worm Moon.

Do: Rest

Solar eclipses are known for heightening tension. To maintain your inner peace, take a step back. Use this as an excuse to retreat and practice self-care, whether that means taking a candlelit bath, creating art with paint and canvas, or going to a yoga class.

Don’t: Neglect your body and mind

Libra energy pushes us to connect with others, which is healthy in a way. Be careful not to drain your social battery or neglect your physical health. Check in with yourself: How are you doing?

"Pushing your body beyond its limits can lead to extreme fatigue and even burnout," Montufal says. To reduce this stress, take a gentle walk, meditate, or do whatever feels right for you.

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Do: Let it go

Destiny often revolves around solar eclipses. "For this reason, practicing the art of non-attachment can help us ride the waves without getting too bogged down in processes that are 'out of our control,'" she says.

Surrender to change.

Don’t: Hold on to the past

It's okay to get out of a relationship, even if it's become an ingrained part of your world. Montúfar believes that this is the most powerful time to let go in 2024. “Trust the universe to give you not what you want, but what you need,” she said.

Remember, a farewell can make room for a better future.

Do: Rethink your boundaries and needs

Libra is passionate about keeping the peace, and Air signs tend to over-compromise in order to protect the peace, especially in relationships. Be careful not to let other people's opinions change your behavior and way of thinking.

According to Montufal, with Venus currently in conjunction with Saturn in Pisces, this is a great time to take a good look at your boundaries (or lack thereof) with those closest to you.

Don’t shy away from being transparent about your needs—they’re important, too.

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DON’T: Manifest your dream life

As a general rule of thumb, you don't want to manifest during a solar eclipse because its energy is too powerful and unpredictable.

"For this reason, we must instead focus on rituals that honor the forces at work, rather than the forces that co-create with them," Montufal says. Try one of these ideas.

DO: Spend solo time

Although Libras are usually the socialites of the zodiac, this eclipse suggests the opposite. "Things are changing around us, so it's useful to be [alone] more than usual and give yourself some time to process," she said.

Your motivation will return, but for now, take some time to enjoy your own company.


Narayana Montufar, astrologer