This Extremely Accurate Astrology App Gave Me Customized Manifestation Mantras

There's no shortage of cute astrology apps on the market, but some really excel in both aesthetics and what they can do for your life. for example? The SINE Daily Manifest app was designed by astrologer and practicing therapist Amy Tripp.

This app covers all the basics, like your daily horoscope, but it also helps you go deeper. If you want to achieve something, uncover mysterious hidden truths about your personality, or track planetary movements based on your natal chart, it's got you covered.

Wondering if lucky Jupiter or loving Venus is heading your way? Simply enter your birth date, time and place and the app will display a list of celestial cycles that may affect how you feel. Right now, mine says Jupiter is opposing the Sun, which means it's a good time for me to "rekindle my curiosity" and shift my perspective.

This cycle is 26 days long, so I still have a few weeks to revel in this energy and make the most of it. While I'm waiting for the next cycle to begin, I can flip tarot cards, repeat daily affirmations to manifest abundance, or take a fun personality quiz—all an astro-girl's dream come true.

Read on below for my honest review of SINE, including an overview of all the features it has to offer.

quick overview

  • Price: Free to sign up, $5.99 per month for unlimited daily inquiries, future horoscopes, and more
  • Best for: Tracking planetary cycles, reading tarot cards, learning more about your birth chart
  • My rating: 4.5/5
  • What I like : Easy to use, cute design, fun features, interesting horoscopes
  • What I didn’t like : A few glitches, use of some incredible AI graphics

Features of the application

sine daily manifest

SINE uses your birth chart and personal planetary transits to help you better understand yourself and what's going on in your life - so if you need a little cosmic guidance, this is a great app to have on your phone .

When you first open the app, you'll see the "Today in a Nutshell" section, which contains horoscopes and advice for getting through the day. It suggests what you should gravitate toward, what you should avoid, what you might find joyful and empowering, and what difficulties you might encounter in the coming hours.

As a bonus, it also recommends using everyday crystals (like moonstone or amethyst) as well as lucky numbers and colors. These are the items and colors you should surround yourself with that day to attract good things. Think amethyst earrings or your favorite blue sneakers. If you see your lucky numbers throughout the day, you can take it as a sign that you're on the right path.

This daily horoscope lists your current planetary cycles, how long they will last, and what they mean. Here you can delve deeper into your birth chart to learn about your current and upcoming celestial influences, helping you navigate them with ease - and make the most of their energy.

Sine Daily Manifest

Scroll down the homepage and you will find the "Daily Asks" section. Here you can use your natal chart and tarot cards to get answers to your most pressing questions. When you click on "Question of the Day" you will choose how to answer your question - Three Card Tarot Draw? A card? - Then all you have to do is enter a question and the answer pops up just the way you like it.

In the Home tab, you can also find various tools of the app, such as compatibility readings, another tarot section, draws based on Chinese lucky draws, AI-generated dream interpretations, and more.

Of course, the app also has an extensive checklist section where you can customize affirmations based on your goals or choose from eight existing categories such as Financial Abundance, Love Bonds, Health & Wellbeing, Career Success, Spiritual growth, educational goals, social harmony, self-improvement. With one click you'll see a whole collection of beautiful affirmations to think about or say out loud so you can send out good vibes to the universe.

Finally, the app has a "Community" tab where users can share their dreams on a "Dream Wall." If you're nosy and want to see what other people are thinking at night, this is the tab for you.

my experience

Sine Daily Manifest

I open SINE every morning to see what the day will bring, and I have to say I love the way it breaks everything down thoroughly. As a Scorpio, I love feeling the ~vibe~ of the day before it happens, and so far it's been incredibly accurate.

Today, the app said I might find myself "basking in a positive, sunny disposition," and honestly, that couldn't be truer. After feeling like I was in a funk all week, my mood improved a bit today, and I might have the stars to thank for that. It suggested that I use this as a way to run and incorporate happy energy, so I’ll definitely be sending a few more texts to my friends.

My favorite, though, is the explanation of the planetary cycles. You know when you can feel a change in the air, your mood either lifts or takes a turn for the worse, or you suddenly start struggling with the most random things? If so, some kind of planetary motion is probably to blame. (Think of Mercury retrograde, which always messes things up.)

sine daily manifest

Again, Sine lists all the upcoming planetary cycles based on your birth chart and also provides suggestions based on them. Another cycle I'm in right now is Mercury sextile the Moon, which will last a week. "During this time, you will naturally understand more and see deeper," the app says. “Use this peace to start something new and satisfying.”

Whenever I feel a little curious, I head over to the Daily Ask. Today, I chose a three-card tarot card draw, which prompted me to chat with an AI-powered “Tarot Master” on the app. I typed in a question about finding more balance in my life, and I pulled out three tarot cards to answer my question.

Since the advent of the Justice Tarot, it has shown me to have a better balance between work and personal life. At the same time, the Eight of Swords encouraged me to schedule more energetic and fun outings and parties so I could break out of my routine. Well, SINE, don't mind if I do this!

Sine Daily Manifest

As someone who often has weird and vivid dreams, I absolutely love dream interpretation. when i wake up. I reached for my phone, typed this information in, and the details of all the weird symbolism came up on the screen.

It also generates an AI image to match. In true AI nature, my images are often a little weird and uncanny, but the interpretations of my midnight musings are very insightful.

One update to the app I wish was the ability to save these dreams because I really want to revisit them later or piece together a theme. I had an explanation that perfectly analyzed a strange recurring dream I had, but now I've forgotten what it said. (Crying emoji.)

Sine Daily Manifest

The Manifest section is the core part of the SINE application. If you want something to think about while meditating, reciting an affirmation in front of the mirror, or pondering a few words of wisdom throughout the day, this will be your jam.

I went to the Health and Wellbeing section first. It gave me mantras like "Every cell in my body is filled with energy and healthy vibrations" and "I respect my body by trusting the signals it sends me." By saying these things out loud, I found that it really made a huge difference in how I felt.

Another useful phrase list comes from Loving Bonds. One mantra is "I'm surrounded by love and everything is fine." Another said, "I spread love to others and I get great rewards in return." How great is that?

The app also allows you to create unique affirmations if you feel like these built-in mantras don't fit. To do this, enter your idea and it will provide you with some suggestions that match your query. While there are already plenty of good representations to choose from, I like having the option to get even more personal.


After using SINE for a few weeks, and paying close attention to these planetary cycles, I feel like I'm getting better at matching my schedule to my energy every day. If a celebrity wants me to spend some time alone, connecting with friends, or reflecting, who am I to say no?

I also love tarot readings that answer all my random questions, daily horoscopes, and daily affirmations. There are benefits to saying positive mantras out loud, so I will definitely continue to do so and recommend others to download the app and do the same.