How to Make the Snow Ice Cream You’ll See Everywhere on TikTok

Who among us hasn’t looked at a pile of fluffy snow and thought, “I’m going to eat that”? Well, the delicious cold fuzz is no longer a taboo treat as the internet rediscovers the joys of snow ice cream. If you want to learn how to make snow ice cream, it's easy. So get dressed, grab your ice cream scoop, and get ready to live out your Laura Ingalls Wilder dreams.

There are a few different ways to make snow ice cream. Some say condensed milk works best. Other food blogs like Gimme Some Oven say any kind of milk will work. For those of you who worship the holy trinity of oat, almond, and soy milk, have no fear, because non-dairy milks can also be used in snow ice cream. While each recipe is slightly different, each recipe contains the same four basic ingredients:

  • Vanilla extract
  • sugar
  • Milk of your choice (evaporated milk and condensed milk will also work)
  • Snow(er)

To ensure you don't eat snow contaminated by natural elements (ie: animal urine), you may want to plan ahead and set out a bowl to collect fresh snow. Once you've collected a big bowl of snow, the next steps require some trial and error depending on the density, wetness, and overall consistency of the snow. Generally speaking, for every eight cups or so of snow, you'll add a splash of vanilla extract, a few tablespoons of sugar, and about a cup of milk. Again, exact measurements will vary depending on how much snow you collect and how the snow is mixed with other ingredients.

From there, all you need to do is mix. You should definitely take notes from the food TikTok and add sprinkles, chocolate chips, and any other traditional ice cream toppings of your choice. You can give in to the inevitable and add a little peanut butter. Maybe you want to get the metadata and add Sno-Caps on it. Everyone has their own snow ice cream.

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If you want to fully embrace your inner prairie girl, try making snow candies from the Little House books. It's mixed equal parts brown sugar and molasses and brought to a boil on the stove. Once the syrup reaches the "hard cracking" candy stage, you can pour it into the snow. (You can test this by dropping a spoonful of syrup into cold water. If it forms a hard ball and breaks apart, this stage has been reached.) When you pour hot syrup into cold snow, you will get a drizzle of Hard candy, which tastes similar to caramel.

In the year 2021 of our Lord and Savior, Zoom, we are back to a rather anachronistic form of entertainment. We are taking care of a sourdough bread starter. Our obsession with jigsaw puzzles has been rekindled. Snow ice cream was really just a matter of time.

Does snow ice cream taste exactly like ice cream? Not really. It's definitely icier and has a more smoothie-like consistency. Like snow itself, it melts fairly quickly and if you try to put it in the refrigerator, it won't really stay in the same condition. Regardless, if you're looking for a fun and basically free way to spend a snowy day, look no further than Snow Ice Cream.