3 Doctors Explain Why It's Still Unsafe to Go to Bars, Bars, and Restaurants Right Now

As COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders begin to ease across the country, many states are choosing to abandon reimposing restrictions and slowly begin to reopen. If you live in an area where restrictions on going out are starting to ease, getting back into pubs and restaurants may be at the top of your post-lockdown to-do list. If you're wondering whether it's safe to visit bars and restaurants in states that are reopening, as you might expect, the answer isn't a simple "yes" or "no."

In early May, nearly 40 states began phased reopenings. Some places are limiting reopenings, allowing only places of worship and retail businesses to reopen. Some of these restrictions include safety guidelines that remain in place. (For example, Wisconsin retail stores are open, but only for curbside pickup.) However, many of these states do not meet the White House's criteria for reopening states.

According to a May 7 report from The New York Times , more than half of states are reopening without meeting White House guidelines. The criteria include "a downward trajectory for influenza-like illness (ILI) reported over a 14-day period" and a "downward trajectory for reported COVID-like syndrome cases over a 14-day period." However, as the Times reports, the number of positive COVID-19 results is rising as more than half of states begin to ease restrictions. Additionally, these standards are significantly looser than the reopening guidelines proposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For example, the White House guidance puts the onus on local officials to decide whether to reopen, while the CDC has proposed an organizing tool advocating for a coordinated national response that provides step-by-step guidance for community leaders to re-enter "civic life." .

If my state reopens, can I go to bars and restaurants?

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Whether reopenings extend to restaurants and bars varies by state. To find out if your state plans to reopen and when, you can check out this interactive map from places like The New York Times or CNN also detailed the types of businesses that are allowed to reopen under these relaxed restrictions.

Many reopening states are allowing restaurants to reopen, but with some local guidelines. (For example, restaurants in Florida were allowed to open at 25% capacity starting on May 4.) Fewer states are allowing bars to open immediately, but in those that are starting to reopen, bars will soon be allowed Reopening. However, many health experts still advise against going out, even in states that are reopening, saying it is too early to lift shelter-in-place orders.

Can I go to bars and restaurants safely?

Bustle spoke with three health experts about whether it was safe for people to visit restaurants before lockdown. All three experts said an emphatic "no." Going out and about will look very different than it did at the beginning of the year. Dr. Jessie Abbate, an infectious disease biologist from Virginia and a researcher at France's National Institute for Development Research, said everything from the number of customers allowed in at one time to how public restrooms are kept clean and safe needs to change, at least initially. . Tell the hustle. Abate noted that the safest option remains to stay home as much as possible.

"As long as we see significant numbers of new cases spreading in communities across the U.S., I would recommend dining at home or visiting restaurants using mobile ordering/delivery apps," said Nabeeh Hasan, Ph.D., National Jewish Center for Genetics, Environment & Health, Health, Tell the hustle. Hassan acknowledges the difficult impact isolation has had on our social and professional lives. However, he said, "social distancing is the only real way to combat the spread of [COVID-19]."

"Currently, most communities are still facing the spread of COVID-19," Natasha Bhuyan, MD, tells Bustle. "So, if possible, continuing to stay at home is actually the safest option." Buyan also pointed out that this is especially important for vulnerable groups. Buyan said: “If people really need to go out, they must wear masks in public.” He pointed out that this measure is also to ensure the safety of others. Additionally, they should practice frequent hand hygiene. "

What steps can bars and restaurants take to reopen safely?


The National Restaurant Association released guidelines for restaurants to reopen, which include diligent sanitizing and social distancing when possible. Officials in states with varying degrees of reopening are beginning to issue business reopening guidance. In California, for example, consumer-facing employees are required to wear masks and restaurants must offer single-use menus and stop using shared supplies like condiment bottles.

“It’s important to regularly disinfect hard surfaces using an EPA-approved disinfectant,” says Bhuyan. "Barrier methods, such as plastic partitions, are an additional option." Buyan also emphasized the importance of employees and customers wearing masks. "Of course, people cannot wear masks while eating and drinking."

Abate recommended that restaurants require reservations where possible to reduce customer groups or focus on takeout and small dining services. “Remember,” Abate noted, “any behavior that allows customers to spread the virus puts the entire community at risk of another lockdown.”

"As we return to a new normal, there will likely be an ebb and flow of infection clusters emerging and moving, contained by new social distancing orders at the local and regional levels," Hassan said. "We all want to be safe and stay connected with our Enjoy life with people you care about.”

In fact, many bar and restaurant owners have gotten creative in maintaining social distancing guidelines between patrons by placing mannequins and cardboard cutouts on empty tables.

What are the impacts of reopening too soon?

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As more states reopen, experts warn that the consequences of opening too soon could be detrimental to public health. We risk losing any progress made in prevention or being unprepared for an expected second wave of coronavirus outbreaks.

"The U.S. is currently experiencing just under 2,000 deaths per day," Youyang Gu, creator of a COVID-19 prediction model shared by the CDC, tells Bustle. The model uses the latest daily death tolls to predict infection rates and future deaths. Gu noted that despite a slight decrease in reported deaths (currently averaging about 1% per day), daily deaths are unlikely to fall below 1,000 this summer. "Before the first wave subsides, the reopening of states may trigger a second wave." Gu predicts that the reopening of states will lead to an increase in infections and deaths. "If the infection curve starts to rise exponentially after reopening, it may be necessary for regions to implement a second lockdown," Gu said.

While many may think this situation will "resolve" by the summer, Gu noted that their forecast model data suggests otherwise. Unfortunately, misinformation is still spreading. "Data shows that this epidemic will not disappear soon, and I would not be surprised if the number of deaths in the United States reaches 300,000 by the end of 2020," Gu said.

While there are many ways to go out safely — wear a mask, wash your hands, practice social distancing — experts still recommend that people stay home as much as possible. "I advise my own patients, friends and family to continue to stay home," Buyan said. "This is the safest and smartest option right now. We do face a risk of a second wave of COVID-19 if too many people gather in these spaces."


Dr. Jessie Abbate is an infectious disease biologist from Virginia and a researcher at France's National Institute for Development Research.

Navya Mysore, MD, Family Provider at One Medical

Gu Youyang, creator of COVID-19 projection model

Dr. Nabeeh Hasan, Center for Genes, Environment and Health, National Jewish Health