February’s new moon will blow near 4 constellations

Aquarius Season is in full effect, but don’t worry if its transformational effects haven’t blessed you yet—these things take time. Entering the February New Moon. On February 9, 2024 at 5:59 PM EDT (2:59 PM EDT), this new moon will strengthen your ambitious goals and give you the confidence you need to stand strong in the new era. For the four zodiac signs least affected by the February New Moon, these cosmic changes will be a breeze.

In astrology, the New Moon brings beginnings and change. This is the time to lay the groundwork for what you hope to achieve in the coming weeks. February's new moon rises in innovative Aquarius, urging you to question your values ​​and how you fit into the world.

This sign is ruled by Uranus, the planet associated with rebellion and progressive change, which can translate into abrupt endings and plot twists that will leave you shaken to your core. But if you're one of the lucky few who feel less affected by this new moon, you may find that you may be more susceptible to the turbulent changes due to the humanitarian vibe of this air sign.

"It has the potential to liberate you in ways that are currently unimaginable," says astrologer Ryan Marquardt.

"A new path is opening up in front of you, and it may bring with it a level of uncertainty as to where it leads or whether you have the ability to handle it," he said. With the support of Aquarius, those who are lucky during the new moon will be empowered by the unwavering morality of the fixed sign.

Read on to find out if you're one of the zodiac signs least affected by the February new moon, and if so, how to fully embody the forward-thinking nature of an Aquarius.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

There's a lot to explore during this new moon, Gemini, and you'll have a great time embracing change. "Gemini is on a journey, whether that's intellectually through new learning pursuits or physically through travel," Marquardt says.

Now is a great time to take a vacation—even a day trip—to give yourself a new perspective on life. Don't worry about getting lost; auspicious aspects between Jupiter and Saturn will guide you.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra, the new moon in Aquarius inspires you artistically. You are full of interesting ideas; don't keep them to yourself. Your aesthetic and style may change, or you may experiment with different forms of creative expression. "Allow your heart to be brave enough to express your romantic desires. Free up your schedule to devote yourself to new activities," says Marquardt.

Whatever you choose to do on February 9, this new moon will help you shed those self-limiting beliefs that keep you from using your imagination to its full potential.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn, you're thinking about money more than usual right now. February’s new moon in Aquarius brings abundance to you. "Now is an excellent time to make progress on your financial goals through budgeting, saving, or investing," Marquardt says. How to monetize your skills or bring in extra cash?

In addition to your bank account, this new moon is also about your own efforts. Don’t worry about being seen as selfish. Instead, practice gratitude—it can open up new opportunities to increase your material and spiritual wealth.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Your subconscious is buzzing, Pisces. This is the perfect time for deep reflection and spiritual maintenance. "[The February New Moon] is helping them gain insight through vivid dreams, intuitive awakenings and introspective activities," Marquardt says.

Remember, you can easily get swept away, so try to keep one foot on the ground. You might consider spending time outdoors or meditating on your intention. "With clarity and wisdom, Pisces anchor their imagination into the real world," Marquardt says.


Ryan Marquardt, astrologer and co-founder of the Business Astrology Calendar CEO of Bizmos