Your December Tarot Reading

Let’s welcome December with five tarot cards. I asked my deck, "What do we need to know this month?" The message was: Give up on perfection. Make life as easy and kind as possible.

What are tarot cards?

Tarot emerged as a game in Italy in the 15th century and was inspired by early decks from Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. The Roma were the first to use tarot cards as a divination tool after arriving in Europe. The Roma people are a diasporic ethnic group from India who were persecuted, a persecution that continues to this day. Fortune telling has become a survival occupation for many people.

How I read tarot cards

My maternal grandmother was Roma, from the Sinti vitsa (or clan), and when I was 4 she began teaching me the family arts of tarot, palm tree and tea leaf divination. Today I celebrate my culture and educate others by sharing Roma history and customs through divination and podcasts.

The five cards below represent manifestation (your current energy); situation (what’s currently happening around you); obstacle (difficulties you face); action (what to do about it); and a lesson (what you will learn this month What.)

December 2023 Tarot Divination

Manifestation: Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands suggests that you have accomplished a lot as you enter December, but perhaps you are feeling a little exhausted. You're always working hard to overcome obstacles and complete your to-do list. Taking care of yourself may have fallen by the wayside.

This card reminds you that you may need to pause, rest, and recalibrate. Don’t push your limits and don’t try to accomplish it all. A brief moment of calm can go a long way. Pace yourself.

Scene: Three of Wands

The Three of Wands indicates that this month is for collaboration and coordination, whether you are hosting a holiday gathering with family and friends or completing a team project at work. This card encourages you to find someone who matches your energy and integrity.

Remember, it’s okay to give up some control—that’s how you accept support from others. If you can do this, your charisma and enthusiasm will do some wonders.

Obstacle: Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands can indicate that your expectations are somewhat unrealistic, both for yourself and for others. Sometimes it makes sense to channel your fiery energy and strength by solving problems, but you shouldn't burn yourself out or expect others to do the same. Taking the easy road isn't always a bad thing.

Action: Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands blesses us in the area of ​​communication. If you are a witch or spiritual person, be open to signs and omens. Pay close attention to your dreams, angel numbers, or any other way you can find messages from the universe.

In a more practical sense, this is a good time to express yourself with forthright honesty. Do your best to relieve tension and take responsibility for your emotions. If you ask for support, be specific about what you need.

Course: The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man emphasizes that it’s okay if you don’t get everything done this month. You don't have until 2024 to put everything together. The prospect of January 1st can be overwhelming, but keep in mind that other cultures celebrate the New Year at different times of the year. Follow your timeline.

The Hanged Man is also the embodiment of sacrifice. Consider what you could change or give up for greater well-being and happiness.

How to Use the December 2023 Tarot Course

Whether or not making New Year's resolutions is your jam, think about what you want to leave behind. This might look like giving up on perfection, cutting ties with certain people, or letting go of unhealthy habits. Sometimes we hold on to things that are no longer healthy for us, and it takes conscious reflection to move beyond them.

Like many Roma children, I started working at a young age and one of my sweetest memories is of my mom waking me up with a cup of coffee. When I was ten years old, I used to start every day with coffee or caffeinated tea. Recently, however, I had to give up caffeine for a medical study. Once I got over the initial pain, I noticed that my anxiety levels (which were usually high) dropped dramatically.

I've always considered myself an extremely anxious person, but when I quit caffeine I became much calmer. As much as it pains me to give up this nostalgic treat, I have to admit that sacrificing caffeine makes my life better.

Connect with the lessons of the Hanged Man by taking a bath, imagining what you are washing away, and imagining what abundance you are making room for. Try a body wash or ritual oil from Roman-owned business Gilded Moon Arcanum. After drying your body, apply essential oils to your pulse points to lock in good energy.