How to Walk Perfectly on a Treadmill Incline

When turning up the incline for your 12-3-30 workout or climbing hills on the treadmill, you may find yourself needing to grab the handrails to avoid falling off from behind. While it feels like it's helping you as you ascend, holding onto the treadmill may disrupt your posture and make your workout less effective.

Note that it's very common to put the handrails on the pedals, especially when you reach the 10% level or higher, says Emily Nichols, a certified personal trainer and Orangetheory instructor. This is especially true if you're trying an incline treadmill workout for the first time, she tells Bustle, because they're particularly hard and can leave you feeling wobbly, off-balance, or more fatigued than usual.

The problem is, holding on to the armrests takes your attention away from your legs and hips, which should be doing all the work. "Walking on an incline is a great challenge for the lower body, increases your strength and endurance, and increases your heart rate," says Nichols. Use your arms for support or stability and your legs no longer need to be considered. It can also cause your shoulders to roll forward, which can lead to lower back tension or pain, she says.

What's more, holding on and leaning back means you're engaging your hamstrings to pull yourself up the pedals, rather than using your glutes to push naturally as you would when climbing, says physical therapist Dave Candy . Also the owner of More 4 Life. That said, even if you don't reach for the handrails, it can still be difficult to figure out how to walk properly on a slope.

Fortunately, there are a few quick tweaks that can make all the difference. Here, experts explain how to walk on inclines correctly so you can get the most out of your treadmill struts.

How to Walk on a Treadmill Incline


Choose your slope

To get your body used to walking on an incline without support, set your treadmill to an incline where you can walk hands-free, Candy says. It should feel challenging, but not to the point where you feel unstable. If you want to reach for the handrails, that's a sign that you need to reduce the incline and speed to a more comfortable level.

stay vertical

When you climb, the goal is to keep your body perpendicular to the ground or slightly leaning forward onto the treadmill, rather than leaning back, Candy says. Use your hips and calves to propel yourself uphill. You should feel a burning sensation in your posterior chain.

wave your arms

As you walk, Nichols says, "lift your knees to help you climb up the slope, while waving your arms to provide you with momentum to move up the hill." It's also recommended to keep your knees soft and your shoulders rolled back .

Looked up

Nichols says it's common to lower your head when walking up a slope, and it's something you want to avoid. "When you're trying to get as much oxygen into your lungs as possible, in addition to tightening the back of your neck, this can block your airway," she explains. "As you tilt upward, keep your chin up to open your airway and control your breathing."

reduce intensity

Remember: If you can't complete the incline without grabbing, reduce the speed and/or incline until you feel comfortable enough to move up a notch. "Also, the intensity of the workout should not exceed a 7 on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is rest and 10 is very difficult and must be stopped," says Candy. This way you get a good workout without overdoing it.

Research references:

Hagerty, M. (2014). Effects of tilted walking on joint mechanics. Gait posture. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2013.12.027.

Silder, A. (2012). Predicting metabolic costs of incline walking from muscle activity and walking mechanics. Journal of Biomechanics , 45 (10), 1842.


Emily Nichols, Certified Personal Trainer, Orangetheory Coach

Dr. Dave Candy, Physical Therapist, Owner of More 4 Life