Leap Day is the perfect time to achieve your goals. That's it.

If you're into manifestation, you might like vision boards, magical meditations, and lucky numbers. You may also be looking forward to the most powerful astrological days of the month, such as during different parts of the lunar cycle, as there are many good times to set your goals.

On February 29th, you'll get an extra magical day to add to your list called "Leap Day." “In astrology, this day is often seen as a powerful source of spiritual energy that can help people start a new chapter or path in their lives,” says Astrid Bly, lead astrology expert at California Psychic .

It’s a day that only happens once every four years, so it already has a unique energy. But if you're into astrology and other esoteric things, you can use its uniqueness to your advantage. Bly says it's a perfect day to work on your goals through meditation, journaling and positive affirmations.

February 29th is the perfect day to write down your goals and send good thoughts out to the universe, and it's also a great day to keep an eye out for angel numbers and other coincidences. According to Bligh, leap days tend to have one synchronicity after another, which only adds to the magic.

Here, Bligh shares the various ways in which leap days are represented.

How to behave on leap day

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To take advantage of all the energy of Leap Day, Bly recommends focusing on intentions and goals for the months ahead. Take some time to think about what you want to focus on most, whether it's emotional, mental or spiritual growth, and then do some magic.

mindfulness meditation

Bligh recommends meditating before and on Leap Day. To do this, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and focus on what you want to achieve.

"Meditation is one of the most useful ways to practice manifestation," she says. "In this moment of calm, your vibration will be aligned with the vibration of the universe, and you will be able to focus all your attention on what you want."

write diary

Writing things down also makes them more real, so spend February 28th and 29th in your notebook. “Sometimes putting pen to paper can be the best way to clarify your desires, hopes and goals,” Bly says. “Writing these thoughts down can be just as powerful as speaking them out.”

If you don't know what to write about, start with a list. You want a dream job, a relationship, etc. "This will help you release that energy into the universe so your performance can start to work," she says.

Say positive affirmations

"Another great way to express this is to take some time to say positive affirmations," Bly says. Today is the day to stop any negative self-talk because you don’t want to send the wrong message.

"Instead, try incorporating positive affirmations into your daily life and say things like, 'I did a great job on my work presentation today,' or 'I'm making productive decisions to achieve my goals,'" Bly explain. "Phrases like this will not only attract and reveal good things to you, but they will also be uplifting and supportive."

Create a vision board

If you're artistic, include all of this in your vision board. By adding photos, quotes and trinkets to your vision board, it can help you see your dreams more clearly, Bly says. "Checking a physical reminder every day will help you stay on track."

Build a mind map

Mind maps are a lot like elementary school brainstorming sheets. Imagine a network with a bunch of circles connecting your thoughts, only this time it lists your goals.

"This brainstorming method can actually be a useful manifestation strategy to make your hopes and dreams come true," Bly says. “Try to put your goal at the center of your paper and surround it with plans, potential obstacles, ideas, and anything else that comes to mind.”

When you're done doodling, take a step back and look at what you did. According to Bly, it will help you understand the bigger picture of how to achieve your goals and dreams. From there, you can take action.

Pay close attention to angel numbers

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It's fun to spot angel numbers and other synchronic phenomena during your day. If you're looking for a sign, there's nothing better than watching a row of four on a license plate or 11:11 on a clock. But according to Bligh, leap days are extra special because of their spiritual energy, so you might notice more coincidences than usual.

Don't be surprised if you look at the clock every hour and see 1:11 or 2:22, and then also see 3:33, 4:44, or maybe even 5:55. The day will be filled with numbers and patterns, and other mysterious moments.

"Another common synchronicity is that you may find yourself thinking about someone you haven't spoken to in a while, but they contact you the same day or shortly after," Bly says.

Be aware of moments like this, and when you spot them, take a moment to acknowledge them. "When you experience synchronicity, pause briefly and focus on what you want or who you want to be," Bly says. “Throughout the day, and especially as these synchronic events occur, you can use the vital energy of Leap Day to practice goal setting and achievement.”


Astrid Bly, Chief Astrology Expert, California Psychic