9 Do’s and Don’ts of April 8 New Moon and What Not to Do During the New Moon Solar Eclipse

Monday, April 8, is an important day astrologically. A new moon will appear at 2:21 PM EST (11:21 AM PST), along with a total solar eclipse—all in the energetic sign of Aries.

"The upcoming events are so exciting that I can't stand it," says astrologer Stina Garbis.

Normally, it's not recommended to manifest during a lunar eclipse, but solar eclipses are known to work in your favor, not against you. "These rules differ from lunar eclipses in that they produce opposite effects in the sky," says astrologer and spiritual counselor Wang Letao.

Garbis says this is a good time to set goals and sow the seeds of performance.

This will be a unique celestial event, especially if you are in the path of a solar eclipse in North America. Even if you're not, there's a lot you can do to channel Aries energy—and maybe even get the ball rolling on some goals and dreams.

DO: Recharge your crystals

One of the best things you can do is recharge your astrology tools, such as your crystal collection, tarot cards, or even your astrology dice. "Place them on a table to absorb the energy of the new moon eclipse," Gabis says. You can also focus on certain crystals, such as fire quartz, red jasper, and carnelian, that can help you channel the vibe of this fire sign.

DON’T: Let your ego take over

The New Moon in Aries may inspire you to push boundaries or take risks, but try not to let your ego get the better of you. "Aries has that push, push, push mentality, and it might blow your mind," Garbis said. However, when you let go of your ego, you have pure motivation, confidence, and good intentions. This is what you want to focus on during Aries season.

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DO: Start a new journal

To boost your newfound confidence, Garbis recommends starting a new journal. To really tap into its spirituality, she says, you can place it outside during an eclipse to "charge it" and fill it with intention — just like your crystal.

Once you're ready to write, start writing down your hopes and dreams, but make sure you focus on the "why" behind your goals, or why you want to achieve them, rather than getting stuck in that pesky self .

“When we understand our why, we understand our heart and the primal impulses that drive us,” she says. “The more we understand the cause, the more energy we will have to achieve our dreams and keep that momentum going.”

This new moon is the beginning of a new lunar cycle, so it will feel good to start from scratch. "The journal can be anything you want it to be - it can be about dreams, it can be about how you're feeling," she says. “It can also be anything you hope to achieve.”

Don’t: Get into fights

While the new moon on April 8 can feel inspiring, it can also stir up some pretty raw emotions due to the intense nature of this fire sign. Whatever you do, "don't get into an argument with anyone," Garbis said. It can be tempting to get caught up in the drama, but if you focus on enjoying the day, you should be fine.

DO: Water your planet

Watering the planet is another simple way to celebrate the new moon. "Breathe life into them, their service, their oxygen, their beauty, their peace — they'll bring that back to you," Gabis said. "If you don't have a house plant, get one. plant or rescue a plant from the store that looks like it needs some love.”

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Don’t: Spend a lot of money

With impulsive Aries leading the way, you may be tempted to go on a shopping spree or buy everything you've accumulated in your online shopping cart, but try to resist that urge at least for now. If you still feel like you're spending too much, donate the money to your favorite charity to spark some positivity.

Do: Save some money

Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, will also enter earth sign Taurus on April 8, "so it's also a good time to invest," she says. “You may want to choose any amount of dollars — maybe $5, or $100 — and deposit it into your savings account.” If you don’t have a savings account, today is a good day to open one so You can then start saving money for emergencies.

Don’t: laugh at yourself

To set the right tone for the next lunar cycle, say and do something nice on April 8. “Be kind to yourself and be careful not to put yourself down,” Garbis said. Now is a good time to repeat mantras of love and affirmation to yourself so that you can carry that energy with you into the future.

Do: Apologize

"Another thing you can do to prepare for the day is apologize to someone or reach out to a friend you haven't spoken to in a while," Garbis said. "This can be done via text message or phone call, because again we do Something that eliminates the ego.”

Think of an old friend who might need to hear from you or a family member, like your sister who you always forget to text back. "Once you get rid of the big 'I' or ego, it's easier to apologize for mistakes and try to make amends," she says.


Stina Garbis, astrologer

Letao Wang, astrologer and spiritual counselor