These 3 zodiac signs have no problem going to restaurants alone

While sitting alone in a restaurant may sound like a nightmare to some, it's a complete dream come true for others. Someone on a solo date might bring a book to enjoy, order a drink and their favorite pasta, and enjoy the tranquility of their own company.

The idea of ​​dating alone as a way to treat yourself and spice up your life is actually catching on. On TikTok, there have been nearly 10 million views searching for solo date ideas, which include going out to dinner, sitting in a cafe, taking a pottery class, getting a massage, attending an art exhibition or going to the movies - and many people, no matter what, I Thinking it would be more fun to do these things yourself.

If you're in a relationship, you can go on solo dates, and anyone who's looking for a way to feel like themselves again can jump on this trend. According to astrologer Babs Cheung, the idea of ​​going out on a date does appeal to certain zodiac signs.

"Signs who value independence are the most likely to enjoy dating alone, but that's not all," she tells Bustle. "They also need to have an innate confidence and not feel self-conscious about going somewhere alone." Or, at least, a desire to push outside their comfort zone so they can try new things.

Dating does take some practice and courage, but think of it this way: it allows you to have a good time without having to wait for a friend, a Hinge match, or a partner. The whole point of dating alone is to make sure you get to do what you want to do no matter what.

Here are three zodiac signs who prefer dating alone, according to astrologers.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

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"The ruler of Aries is Mars, and as the first sign of the zodiac, they are not only independent, but also known for their lack of patience," Zhang said. If an Aries craves a night out, they'll make it happen - date or no date.

"For them, there's no need to wait for another person to go to a great restaurant or see a movie," she said. "People born under the sign of Aries are more likely to go after what they want, regardless of whether other people want to join in, so this makes them perfect for solo dates."

This fire sign is also known for being bold and confident, so they won't hesitate to eat alone in a cafe or sit alone in a movie theater eating popcorn. They are too focused on enjoying the evening and their own company to worry about what others think.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

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Scorpios love the romance of taking themselves to a meal, so much so that many may turn it into a weekly tradition. "Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto, the two planets of power and change, and has an independent nature," says Zhang. They will find a seat at the bar, read a book and sip a cocktail, and many will forget that the world around them exists.

This water sign is interested in niche events, like art openings and underground concerts. They like to go to these places on their own so they can blend in with the crowd. "They give off an aura of privacy and mystery," Zhang said, and some may even adopt a fun new persona for the night, just for fun.

Scorpios are independent and reserved, so they may be relieved if their plans fall through on Friday. You can see them happily painting bowls or learning how to blow glass in a pottery class instead of attending a busy party.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

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Dating alone is at the top of many Capricorns' to-do lists. They've been known to keep a real-time index of things they want to do and places they want to go in their notes app, and whenever they get bored, they pick one to try.

Often, solo dates with this earth sign end up being a little crazy. "Capricorns are ambitious and very picky about high-end tastes," Zhang said. So instead of looking for a date who can keep up, they'll bypass that step and go to town on their own.

"You can find them dining alone in the trendiest restaurants, or better yet, in a bar with their laptops open," she says. Many people get work done while sipping delicious cocktails, but they also work for the people watching.

Some Capricorns also use their single nights as an opportunity to network and make new friends. They'll chat with anyone sitting nearby, and before they know it, they'll have made a bunch of new connections.


Cecilia Cheung, astrologer