This company wants to make reusable tampon applicators a trend It's time

In recent years, many menstrual product manufacturers have focused on developing products that are less harmful to the environment. From menstrual cups to absorbent underwear, products are designed to reduce waste while still being effective. The DAME Reusable Tampon Applicator is the latest innovation in green period products and it's here to stay.

DAME already makes organic tampons that are free of chemicals and additives, but the company's co-founders, Celia Pool and Alec Mills, were also inspired to create an eco-friendly applicator - which they named the "D ". Pool tells Bustle, "While we were running a thriving online menstrual period subscription service, we realized how big the menstrual plastic waste problem was, but how silent it was. Although we offered disposable and reusable products, almost all of it was No one wanted to buy a sustainable product, so we decided to design our own version of a green tampon that [people] could actually use."

Click here to support the Dame Kickstarter campaign.

As Slate reported in 2010, menstrual products are extremely damaging to the environment: In the United States alone, each person who menstruates produces an average of 62.415 pounds of menstrual waste in their lifetime (think tampons, pads, and even underwear) . DAME is not only committed to creating a reusable applicator to reduce this unnecessary waste, but also to creating a product that is still comfortable and hygienic for the user. "Until now, women have been forced to choose between applicators and the environment, even though half of them are concerned about the impact their menstrual products are having on the planet," Poole said in a press release. “We want to change that with the reusable Tampon Applicator D.”

Provided by DAME

Click here to support the Dame Kickstarter campaign.

So, how does D. work? According to the Kickstarter campaign page Pool and Mills created to support the Green Period product, the co-founders opted for a simple design. D. Consists of two parts, including a cap and six DAME organic tampons. DAME also makes a jar (so cute AF) that makes the product easier to carry and helps reduce the shame around menstruation. "Creating a product that looks good in the bathroom and in your handbag is a further step towards normalizing your period," Mills said in a press release. Using the reusable applicator is simple: You add any size tampon Insert the applicator and push it in using the base. After inserting the tampon, you simply wipe the applicator, rinse it, and place it back in the cap and case. Then, you're good to go.

If you're concerned about hygiene, Pool and Mills designed the reusable applicator to be self-cleaning in many ways. The co-founders of DAME use medical-grade materials and ensure that the products pass medical standards. Additionally, the product has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which means it destroys bacteria naturally. Like the menstrual cup, the D. is heat-resistant and can be sterilized with hot water. Overall, DAME’s reusable tampon applicator is very hygienic and easy to clean even if you’re in a hurry.

To date, DAME has raised nearly $12,000 through its Kickstarter campaign, out of a goal of $27,804. The campaign will end at the end of March, and if the target is met, the funds will be used to manufacture and ship the first orders of reusable tampon applicators starting in July 2018. Mills tells Bustle that D. will be available to ship anywhere in the world, and the company created the "Give A Dame" reward on Kickstarter so that people can essentially donate to people who need menstrual products but can't necessarily afford them themselves. people donate D.

Considering how much waste people generate, finding sustainable solutions is key to protecting the environment and valuable ecosystems that are already harmed by landfills or ocean dumping. DAME creates products that not only help Mother Earth but also provide people with a simple, effective option to deal with their periods.