These three zodiac signs will have a very lucky year

When you get lucky, good things happen out of the blue, as if the universe has been aligned in your favor. According to astrologers, this may indeed be the case.

Priscila Lima de Charbonierres, a professional astrologer and founder of the Soulloop app, says Jupiter is especially associated with good luck, opportunity and accidents. When this planet enters your birth chart, you will feel like the luckiest person in the world.

Your luck depends on which house Jupiter is placed in, as each house activates or represents a different type of energy. "For example, luck in winning the lottery can be seen in the eighth house, which rules valuables from others, as well as things outside of our control, such as windfalls, disruptions in life, and profound transformations. ," she Tell busy.

If Jupiter transits your fifth house, your luck may be related to creativity and spontaneity. "The fifth house represents our creative intelligence, the way we express fun, play and risk, and it represents our leaps of faith," she says.

This lucky planetary transition will begin on May 25 and continue throughout the year, when Jupiter moves from the earthy sign of Taurus to the airy sign of Gemini. "Jupiter has a spontaneous, instant thunderous energy, and when it enters a new house, it often announces its arrival with major celebrations," says Lima de Charbonierres.

Below, she shares the three zodiac signs that will have the best luck when Jupiter transits in 2024.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

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This year is favorable for Libras and Libra Ascendants as Jupiter moves into your ninth house of goals, higher education, and philosophy.

"It is also called the realm of wealth because it represents self-knowledge and the understanding of all things that bring joy and wisdom," said Lima de Charbonierres. With Jupiter in your chart, you may notice more luck in terms of personal growth, career advancement, and travel opportunities.

If it's been a while since you went on vacation, don't be surprised if you find yourself at a sunny beach or on a fun trip with friends. It looks like the vacation has pretty much fallen into your lap and you should enjoy every minute of it.

"The presence of transiting Jupiter in the ninth house will also open the way to the realization of long-held expectations and the realization of dreams in all areas of life," she says. This year you'll feel like the universe is on your side and everything is finally going your way.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

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If you're a Scorpio Sun or Scorpio Rising, there's a good chance you'll get rich in the coming months - or at least have some extra cash. According to Lima de Charbonieres, Jupiter is moving into your eighth house, which is associated with transformation, money, and windfalls.

"Financially, this can be a very lucky year, as Jupiter's widespread influence can bring opportunities to gain material benefits from others," she says, so be on the lookout for unexpected tax returns, reports from your mom, Generous Venmos et al.

"For Scorpio, Jupiter also rules their second house of income, values ​​and prosperity, and the social flavor of Jupiter's energy in Gemini is also infused there, expanding networks and skills around wealth and chattels," she says.

With all this planetary activity going on, you may meet someone who inspires a new, prosperous career path.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

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If you are an Aquarius Sun or Aquarius Rising, get ready for amazing things in 2024. According to Lima de Charbonierres, Jupiter is entering your fifth house, which will bring a lot of good luck.

This will be a lucky year for you, especially if you put your heart and soul into it and take some risks. She says, "Aquarians don't fail or fall flat, but find that things they thought were unthinkable become within their reach."

The fifth house is associated with creativity, so you may experience extra success when it comes to a passion project taking off or a lucky break in an artistic endeavor. Think book deals, art gallery shows, or more attention that seems to pop up on social media.

While all your success comes from your hard work and effort, you will find that things eventually start to work in your favor and good things will come to you more easily.


Priscila Lima de Charbonierres, professional astrologer and founder of astrological health app Soulloop