The new moon in December will blow by 3 lucky constellations

With just a few weeks until we ring in the new year, December's new moon gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect on the highs and lows of 2023, and to seek deeper meaning in our lives. The moon reaches its peak on December 12, 2023 at 6:32 a.m. ET (3:32 a.m. PT) in the curious sign of Sagittarius, and for some, this new moon may feel heavy— Long-held beliefs can be tested and distorted. But if you're one of the zodiac signs least affected by the December new moon, your desire for novel experiences will lead you to the right place at the right time.

In astrology, the New Moon restarts each phase, bringing change and a clean slate. As the new moon penetrates Sagittarius, this new moon may be particularly auspicious for some signs, who will be supported by the energy of fire signs. This is because Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, which is associated with luck, opportunity, and knowledge.

"Sagittarius is a wayfinder, so it's common for mentors, teachers, coaches, and role models to cross our paths during the Sagittarius new moon," says astrologer Ryan Marquardt.

The carefree energy of this sign may make us a little cocky, but make no mistake—it's still important to listen to the advice of others. “Don’t ignore the communications and signals you receive from people who are older and smarter than you,” Marquardt said.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries, the supportive new moon inspires you in many ways. Specifically, it drives you to fulfill your passion. "Aries will be eager to broaden their horizons, and they'll gain new insights that will lead them on exciting adventures over the next six months," says Marquardt. Channel your fire energy by engaging in things that spark your imagination.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Any burdens that have been weighing on you are starting to fade away, Taurus. You are naturally self-sufficient and resourceful, but you don't always need to go it alone. "Taurus may feel like people are helping them achieve their goals," Marquardt says. This is a good time to think about the changes you want to make in the new year, including what you need to give up. Think about it—how can your community help?

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Confidence is smiling on you during this hopeful new moon, Scorpio. "Your creative pursuits and daily life align in all the right ways, giving you a starting point to start chasing goals that will pay off in the short and long term," Marquardt says. Ask others for feedback and praise; their support will come in handy as you pursue your dreams.


Ryan Marquardt, astrologer and co-founder CEO of astrology guide Bizmos