Jett uses Pookie's nickname "100 times a day"

If there's one thing to know about Campbell and Jeter Puckett, it's that they are madly in love. They got engaged after six months of dating, and for years they were a pretty typical couple: they went to football games, made IKEA furniture, and traveled. Today, however, they are the hottest couple on the internet, inspiring everyone from Alix Earle to Sylvester Stallone.

ICYMI, Campbell Puckett is a content creator who has been sharing fashion tips since 2018, but it wasn’t until January 14 of this year that she joined husband Jett in their OOTD Become popular. Jeter refers to Campbell as "Pookie" in an adorable yet awkward TikTok that has now been viewed more than 10 million times. In another video, he said she "looked absolutely hot tonight," which is what makes them legends in everyone's five-year plan.

Almost overnight, Jeter was named Husband of the Year, stars began recreating their videos, and the two became something of a blueprint for singles and couples everywhere. One commenter said, "One day I want to find my pookie," while another wrote, "When people ask me what I'm looking for, I'll show them this video."

Since then, they've traveled to Aspen, attended New York Fashion Week, released more OOTDs, and sat down with Bustle to discuss their love.

About how they met


Their story begins in Philadelphia, when Jeter was a 25-year-old business and law graduate student and Campbell was a 23-year-old flight attendant. “We are all very happy, living [in this city] and enjoying our lives,” he said.

Neither was looking for a spouse, but then they met on a fateful date at a bar (Tria on Rittenhouse Square to be exact), where they met for a drink and quickly fell in love.

"Once [our first date] happened, we were like, 'Okay, this is it, this is awesome,' so we went for it," Campbell said. The two became inseparable, and six months later Jeter bought an engagement ring.

"It was really quick," she added, "but we knew early on that [the relationship] was what it was. We even moved in together a few months after meeting. We've been together nine years now."

On how they knew they had found "the one"

"I've always said Campbell is like a princess," Jeter said. "She looks like a princess, walks like a princess, talks like a princess - she's everything about a princess." He also gushed about how adorable she was and how proud he was of her success.

"She only wanted the best for everyone and she never envied anyone for any reason, and neither did I."

Their personality match made them hit it off right away, but it didn't hurt to spend a day building IKEA furniture. Instead of hiring someone to assemble her new 300-piece dresser, Campbell asked Jeter to help her assemble it a few days after their first date.

"I've never seen anything like this," she said. "He put that thing together and I was like, 'That's so hot. This guy can do it all."

Weekly date night


After nearly a decade together, Campbell and Jeter have kept the spark alive with Friday date nights. This is something they often vlog for their fans, and they always remember to get a quick OOTD.

"Sometimes, after dinner on a Friday night, we would go home, let the music play, and hang out until 1 or 2 in the morning," Jeter said. While Campbell loves classic rock and Campbell is an A-list Swiftie, they are both obsessed with Post Malone. "We saw him a couple months ago in Atlanta and he killed it," Jeter said.

Beyond that, the couple enjoys traveling and they also love football, especially college football in Georgia, where they now live. Campbell even came close to taking them out of the Philadelphia Eagles game a few years ago. “She would be really excited about football,” Jeter said.

"I'm a very passionate fan," she added with a laugh. "Some people claimed we were sitting in their seats, but that was just a typical mix-up. It turned out to be funny."


After the couple's OOTD began to go viral, "Pookie" quickly became a household name and a meme. The couple said they've been watching it all unfold and they've loved every minute of it.

"It's very surreal and very joyful," Campbell said, but it's also not the first time they've spent time together online. In 2018, the couple posted a photo of their hands on their passports on Instagram while on their honeymoon in Bali, and it received a ton of views.

That's when they first realized they might have something special. By 2020, Campbell became a full-time content creator. "I had about 5,000 followers, but Jeter really encouraged me to go out and do it because I kept telling him I wanted to share my life and share my fashion," she said. "I've always been passionate about it and he encouraged me to do it and gave me the confidence to do it."

Campbell now has nearly 500,000 followers on TikTok and more than 13 million likes. “I’m very grateful for that,” she said. “It can be intimidating to do this kind of work, but when you stay true to yourself and put out content that really resonates with you, I think it will resonate with other people too. The fact that our love resonated was really special, and me and Jeter doing it together made it even better. "

About the nickname Pookie

"We don't actually remember the time before Pookie," Jeter said, but Campbell guessed she must have been joking about wanting a nickname and that's why.

"I called her Pookie a hundred times a day for nine years, and somehow, within the first few weeks of our relationship, this happened," he said. "Like I do on social media, I almost always call her Pookie. I almost never call her Campbell."

That's why the couple says their video is a great example of their real daily lives. “We’re like on TikTok,” Campbell said. "We're always together. We don't like doing anything without each other, especially Jeter."

About Celebrities and Pookie Memes

Since becoming the internet's most popular couple, several celebrities have recreated the Pookie meme, including Alix Earle and Rob Lowe. "We think what really resonates with people is the love we have for each other and how real that love is," Jeter said. “We love spreading that love and positivity out into the world.”

Of all the celebrities who have used Pookie's voice, the most popular is Sylvester Stallone. “This is the person you grew up watching your whole life,” Jeter said. "He's an American icon. He's Rocky."

For Campbell, it's been reading all the comments from her followers. “They were so kind and genuine, and it made me feel like I was doing the right thing.”

About Pookie Look Fire and OOTD


Campbell created OOTD on Instagram a few years ago with Jett before she expanded to TikTok.

“Social media is so obsessed with how everything works,” she said. "I started showing Jett's stories more on Instagram, and he would comment on my outfits and tell me he loved it, and people would be like, 'Oh my gosh, we need more Jett content.'"

Today, OOTD remains one of their top picks and Jett’s reviews are hotter than ever.

About dating advice

Because their relationship comes together so naturally, the Pucketts say it's hard to give real dating advice, but they do think it's important to build a relationship with the person you feel most comfortable with.

"Be true to yourself, be yourself, love yourself, and whenever you find that person who you can fully be yourself with, you'll know you've found the right person," Campbell said. "I didn't even know it was possible, but we definitely brought out the best in each other."

Read the comments section under any of Campbell's videos and you'll see how many people want what they have too.

"I want everyone to have a Jett," Campbell said. "I really do."

"I wish everyone could have a Pookie."