Bridgerton fans think Colin lied about season 3 trip

If there's one thing Colin Bridgerton is going to do, it's travel. Bridgerton's third brother greets his family after another trip at the start of season three, surprising his brothers with a new style that fans consider pirate-like and a "strong" physique .

Of course, not everyone liked Colin's new look - viewers compared his behavior to that of a student who couldn't stop talking about his study abroad experience, while his own mother pointed out the symbolic " armor".

Considering Colin's travels have received so much attention, he must have been to some pretty cool places...right? One convincing fan theory suggests that maybe not.

Is Colin really traveling?

In a May 31 post, Reddit user u/Question-asked suggested that Colin had lied about his travels, noting that on several occasions he avoided the topic and avoided talking about his journey. detail. "When you came back last season, when we first fasted, we already heard about your toil across the Mediterranean," Anthony said in the first episode.

Here, Colin is just saying that he doesn't want to bore his brothers with the details. "This time away was just what I needed. It gave me some... sense of proportion," and that's what he provided. Hmm...blurry!

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Viewers noted other instances of Colin avoiding the topic of travel, such as when he shared souvenirs with his family and said he "can't remember" which cities he'd visited.

So, where is Colin? According to this theory, he may have been finding "purpose" through physical labor away from the hustle and bustle. This actually fits nicely with Colin's Bridgerton novels, in which he admits to feeling aimless. "I needed something to point to," he said in "The Romantic Mr. Bridgerton." "I needed a goal. Anthony had one, Benedict had one, but I was conflicted."

The truth about Colin's travels

Some viewers commented that they too sensed something was off about Colin. "I can totally see this. I get weird feelings every time his trip comes up," one user wrote.

"This season seems to be establishing a true-to-yourself [theme]," said another. "I expected some kind of conflict because Colin keeps telling Penelope to be herself, but when we find out he doesn't at all When you’re honest, you end up in conflict.”

However, others pointed out that Colin did write about his passionate travel adventures in a diary and that he had no reason to lie. Plus, he told Penelope that he's been to 17 cities and she's "someone who really makes [him] feel appreciated."

Liam Daniel/Netflix

One user suggested that perhaps Colin was "trying to maintain this charming and mysterious image" to avoid boring his family - and Penelope was always more receptive.

In the book, Colin is a legitimate traveler. In fact (and little book spoilers ahead), Penelope encourages him to publish articles about various places he's visited. Plus, Luke Newton himself (who plays Colin) recently opened up about his character's tumultuous journey. "He always ran away from his problems," he said. "He comes back from his trip. Before he comes back, he goes through some kind of physical and emotional transformation and becomes a man. He's still fighting some demons, but he comes back with a new look."

So, unless Bridgerton is planning a major twist, it does seem like Colin is traveling - but maybe there's more to the story in Part 2.