This is how you actually use a Velcro curling iron

Velcro rollers, yes. You've probably seen your grandma or mom rocking them before a great night out. But why do you need to use this outdated method to curl your hair? I mean, there are tons of ways to curl your hair without looking like some kind of Martian—among them wand curlers, sleeping with your hair in a bun, wrapping your hair in a cloth… You can even curl your hair with a straightener, for God’s sake! Let’s not forget about the whole tinfoil method.

So why would anyone use a Velcro roller? Because they're heat-free, easy, affordable, glamorous, and make you look like you got an amazing blowout at the latest, trendiest blow-dry bar without spending $50. In fact, you can buy Velcro roller sets in different sizes at most convenience stores for less than $10. (I bought a set of 30 from Walgreens for about $12!)

Velcro curlers are great for creating volume in flat hair. That's usually what I use them for. I have very plain, straight, boring hair with very little volume, but when I insert some two-inch curling irons into my hair and take them out after applying makeup, I get voluminous, bouncy hair that lasts up to Two to three days! All you need is Velcro rollers, styling mousse, styling cream and some bobby pins.

Milano Collection Velcro Rollers (Set of 18), $18, Amazon

If you want to create curls with Velcro curling irons, I recommend using a smaller size to really get your hair curled. Velcro rollers can be customized to suit your goals and hair type. Want big curls without the frizz? Choose a large roller. Want tight curls like Shirley Temple? Choose a small roller. Want wavy hair? Choose a medium-sized roller. I go back and forth between wanting straightening clips and wanting bouncy curls, but I think I've finally found a happy medium with the use of Velcro rollers. Personally, I like using the larger sizes because they make my hair smooth and bouncy without causing damage.

1-3/4-inch Velcro Curling Iron, $10, Amazon

(These are the two-inch rollers I use to adjust the volume.)

I had my hair done with blow-drying wands when they first became popular, and I admit the results are amazing. I couldn't help but use my hands to flip my hair every five minutes. The disadvantage is that when I wash my hair, my hair ends feel very dry and my hair ends have split ends. But what did I expect? Someone used heat to comb my hair for about 30 definitely caused a lot of damage. So why don't you go out and buy a $10 pack of Velcro rollers to get the same effect?

But let’s get started with the basics! When using Velcro rollers, start with damp hair, apply some styling mousse to your hair, and let it air dry. While your hair is still a little damp, grab the rollers and start curling! I like to divide my hair into three main sections and then into smaller sections. You should always start at the ends and curl them inward towards the roots. Secure them with bobby pins or styling clips and continue with the next section. There is no real science behind this process!

Once you've curled your hair, you can get your nails done, do your taxes, put on makeup, or do like me and grab a sandwich for lunch from Subway (#Noshame).

If you are in a hurry, I recommend using a blow dryer to heat your hair. Let it cool and then apply some light hairspray. Although you are using hot air, it takes much less time than blow-drying your hair for 30 minutes. If you're looking for quick volume, place some Velcro rollers on the top of your head, wait a few moments (about as long as it takes to apply makeup), then remove the rollers to unleash super-fast volume on your hair.

However, do not unfold the rollers when removing them. Grasp the roller and pull from the roots. This way, you can comb your hair while removing the curling iron. I like to start taking out the bottom ones first. Once they're all out, run your fingers through your new thick locks, flip your hair over, apply some light styling cream on top, and voila!

You'll get super soft, bouncy, thicker hair without any damage. In other words, you can get the same results by going to a blow-dry bar in your pajamas in the comfort of your own home—how much better could it get? Goodbye weird, frizzy hair, hello bouncy, smooth hair!

Today, with advances in technology and so on, there are so many innovative ways to curl your hair, but I think our mothers and grandmothers knew what they were doing. I will always use a velcro roller, no matter what age they are in school, no matter how embarrassing it makes my kids feel in front of their friends.

If nothing I've said makes sense to you, take a look at this YouTube tutorial. I've looked through many velcro rolling tutorials online and brought you the best one, IMHO.

Images: Author's own; Getty; YouTube