Vermont will actually pay you to move there and work and work from home. sounds like a dream

If you've been itching for a change of pace, now might be a good time to consider moving to the Northeastern U.S. Vermont will pay out-of-state workers up to $10,000 if they move to the state and work remotely, and here's what it's all about Credit to a new initiative to promote working from home. The bill was introduced by state lawmakers earlier this year and signed by Gov. Phil Scott on Wednesday , the Burlington Free Press reported. It sounds like something you'd read in a spam pop-up ad, but it's actually a legitimate offer. The state's Department of Business and Community Development will oversee the new remote worker grant program, which will take effect on January 1, 2019.

While the program sounds great, it's not a free program, and Vermont is unlikely to see an influx of new people as a result. Under the bill, the agency awarded just $125,000 in 2019, meaning only 25 people were eligible. (The state only awards up to $5,000 per year, so eligible workers will receive the full benefit over two years.) In 2020, 50 people will be eligible, but by 2022, the amount will be reduced to $100,000. And the money you get doesn't just cover the cost of all the maple syrup you'll buy—it also goes toward moving expenses, computer software and hardware, internet access, and memberships in coworking spaces. But it's definitely better than what most states offer you to move there, and that's okay.

Michael Schirling, secretary of the Vermont Department of Commerce and Community Development, told the Burlington Free Press that officials believe "Vermont is well-positioned to take advantage of the increase in remote work opportunities." Now is the time to incentivize remote work A good time for employees — The New York Times Says 43% of Americans spent some time working remotely in 2016, and these numbers are only expected to grow. Since work-from-home jobs are available almost anywhere in the world, why not Vermont?

If you already live in Vermont, you're out of luck. The goal of the new program is to attract new people rather than retain existing ones, so you won't be able to get full-time residency and qualify before 2019. The state currently has fewer than 700,000 residents, compared to California's nearly 40 million, and the first Target store is set to open later this year, so it's not a bustling place. But the state is regularly ranked as the best place to live in the United States and has surprisingly low crime rates, making Vermont the safest place to live in the country. But if you want to start a new life and get up to $10,000 to pay your bills, Vermont is your best choice for a clean slate.

As someone who has never been to Vermont, this sounds pretty idyllic. According to USA Today, Vermont already has a high employment rate, so even if you're worried about working remotely, you have options once you get there. There's also the annual Vermont Maple Festival, dedicated to maple syrup, which is the stuff of dreams. I'm not saying Vermont is a utopia, but based on the photos I've seen, it seems pretty close. If you're interested in learning more about the program and eligibility, keep an eye on the state's Department of Business and Community Development - they'll be announcing more details soon.

If Vermont isn't for you, there are other places in the United States that will inspire you to move. Thrillist reports that cities like New Haven, Connecticut, and Baltimore, Maryland, offer homeowner assistance programs for new residents. It's tempting to move to a big, charming city like New Haven, but if you're willing to keep a low profile, you can save a ton of money in the process.