These 3 zodiac signs are best at planning girls’ trips

Get together with a group of friends, whether it's in real life or in a group chat, and the topic of girls' trips will eventually be discussed. It’s so much fun to daydream about tropical destinations while sipping margaritas, or spend the evening telling stories in a cozy cabin. But it will take some effort to actually achieve this goal.

To take a girls' trip out of a group chat, you need to put a friend in charge who is not only good at making plans, but also has the energy to see them through. According to astrologer Stina Garbis, only a few zodiac signs truly possess this ability.

Some people are known to spout nonsense when making plans. Others get bogged down in the wrong details. At the same time, some zodiac signs can clearly see the big picture, including all the necessary steps needed to get you to your dream destination poolside.

Not only do they have to stay enthusiastic by talking about it 24/7, but they also need to be organized and willing to gather important information like official headcount, how much each person is willing to pay, etc. Bear in mind, that's why so many girls' travel ideas fade into oblivion.

Read on below to learn about three zodiac signs that need to be in charge of organizing a girls' trip to actually make it happen, according to an astrologer.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

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If girls want an extra exciting trip, turn to the Leo in the group. Once this fire sign gets an idea in their head, they won't let it go until it happens. They're also a lot of fun, which is why you'd want them to be in charge of the planning, Garbis said.

Leos are great at finding all the best things to do, whether you're abroad or back home. Not to mention, their sparkling personalities always win them extra perks. When it's time to make a dinner reservation, let them do the talking and you'll end up getting the best table in the restaurant.

They also have a lot of natural luck, which is why you need a Leo as your guide. According to Garbis, you could end up on a yacht, a roller coaster, or the wildest road trip through the desert. When a Leo man organizes a vacation, you'll be on your toes - in the best possible way.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

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If there is a Virgo in your circle of friends, then the long-awaited girl's trip will 100% come true. “They were able to hammer out the details and figure out the specifics of the plan,” Garbis said. "They also have a knack for finding the cheapest flights and best hotel deals, and they never go wrong."

Not only are Virgos happy to do the dirty work like booking tickets and reservations, but they also display their entire trip neatly in a shareable document. "They're the best playmakers in the Zodiac, without a doubt," Garbis said. "That's exactly the energy you need when six people want to go to Cabo."

With a Virgo at the helm, you know everyone will arrive at the airport on time, with the right shoes and the right amount of snacks. This earth sign may radiate strong mom energy, but you'll thank them for it when you're all taking photos on the beach.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

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If anyone can make a girl’s trip full of hope, it’s Libra. "They always say, 'Okay, ladies, let's get in line and get started,'" Garbis said. "They're like cheerleaders and the ultimate cruise director, so they make sure it happens."

As an air sign, Libra isn't afraid to send a million texts—or even make a few phone calls—to get an official RSVP list. Once they get a handle on the numbers, they start planning like a pro.

With a Libra in charge of the girls' trip, you can rest assured that it will happen, and it will be a total blast. As a sign ruled by Venus, they are full of fantastic ideas for destinations, places to stay and attractions. Usually, all you have to do is give them some Venmo money and they take care of the rest.


Stina Garbis, astrologer