Icelandair will now match you with a local to help you plan your trip

If you've found yourself feeling completely overwhelmed when planning a trip to a new country where you don't know anyone, good news: There's now at least one country where you can pick up your phone and call a local for some advice and information about Tips on where to watch. Thanks to Icelandair, passengers flying with the airline to Iceland can now take advantage of the Buddy Hotline, which connects travelers with real friends via phone or online messaging tool for help with travel planning. Are there many Bling hotlines?

This “buddy” is an Icelandic local and a member of the Icelandair team whose job it is to help you plan your trip based on your unique interests. Each friend has different passions and resources, so no matter what you're into, you'll be paired with a friend who can help you have the best vacation possible. Popular hobbies include local food, outdoor adventures, wellness and more.

Your friends will not only give you advice based on your passion, but also give you some insider knowledge so you don't fall into a tourist trap or miss out on some local specialties that you might not find. You and your friends will work together over the phone or via text to create an itinerary that excites you. No more long waits for customer service, no more unanswered emails, missed calls or error messages. With Buddy Hotline, you have an on-demand travel agent and a friend.

The hotline opened on April 10, 2019 and will be open to all Icelandair passengers until May 8, 2019. The service will be available weekdays from 9am to 3pm ET and weekends from 12pm to 3pm ET.

If this service sounds familiar to you, that's because Icelandair launched a buddy service in 2016 for travelers with stopovers in Iceland. At that time, the service provided you with a friend to hire for the day who was essentially your tour guide on the excursion, ensuring you got out of the airport and got some local experience. Buddy Hotline is a much-needed revival of the buddy service, but with a technical twist.

Joe Reddell/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Americans are increasingly skeptical of reviews they read online during the travel planning process, according to a report from Icelandair. Their survey shows that 71% of Americans are skeptical of fake reviews, and 82% say they increasingly distrust reviews. Friend Hotline allows you to skip the entire review search process. Instead of trying to decipher whether a restaurant with mixed reviews is secretly terrible or underrated but amazing, your "friends" can give you honest and personal reviews.

Buddy Hotline allows you to plan a trustworthy trip that meets your expectations. You don’t have to show up somewhere and be completely disappointed because of how different it looks online, you can complete your trip with the confidence that your friends have already been there, and unless you have friends in Iceland, this is your The closest thing to having a personal itinerary. recommend. So if you’re planning a trip to Iceland this spring, call the Buddy Hotline as soon as possible to start collaborating on a trip that’s perfect for you.