10 ways to become popular on TikTok

01 out of 10

Sites like YouTube are more like Netflix than Instagram. TikTok is about much more than content creation, though, it’s about social media. Therefore, it is important to interact with other users, trends, and what is currently popular on the app.

If something is really trending on TikTok, you'll have a better chance of going viral if you participate in it than if you make something evergreen. Putting a unique spin on a trend is a time-tested way to accumulate perspective.

02 out of 10

Hashtags are an important part of the TikTok algorithm, and they can be an effective way to get your posts in front of the right people. Of course, trending tags are always worth paying attention to, but you can use other techniques as well.

If you're making content that targets a specific community or part of the TikTok world, using hashtags to directly target that niche is always something you should do. It's easy to get lost in the sea of ​​TikTok, and the right hashtags can help you get discovered.

03 out of 10

TikTok videos can be as long as 10 minutes or as short as 15 seconds; however, the optimal length is often 60 seconds or 3 minutes. Generally speaking, shorter is better. You will be best served by creating the most powerful, shortest video possible.

Longer content can perform well on TikTok, but the posts most likely to go viral are shorter content. However, the 15-second format is often best used for memes and joke content, which may not be the best fit for you.

04 out of 10

With a YouTube video, it might take you a few minutes to convince someone to keep watching, but that's not the case with TikTok, especially when you make a minute-long post. In the first few seconds of your video, you should give viewers a good reason to watch.

Teasing reveals or outlining an intriguing premise up front is a great way to keep people interested. Just make sure the beginning of your video hooks your viewers enough to make them stop scrolling.

05 out of 10

Of course, there's no "right" way to make videos on TikTok. You can be serious, exciting, heart-warming, or anything else. However, perhaps the most popular genres on TikTok are the ones that make you laugh. If you have a talent for comedy, develop it as much as possible.

While humor is an extremely important tool, it's equally important not to force it. If you're making a joke, make sure you're confident in its appeal to your target audience and don't try too much humor in your video, as this can come across as hopeless.

06 out of 10

Generally speaking, data shows that posts posted at specific times on specific days get higher engagement, so this is definitely something to keep in mind. No matter what type of content you produce, always give your posts the best opportunity to go viral.

However, depending on your location or audience, you may want to post at specific times that don't exactly match global engagement numbers. So, most importantly, try to understand when your target audience is most likely to browse TikTok.

07 out of 10

Songs and sounds are an important part of TikTok culture. The right video can make the difference between an okay video and one that goes viral. Therefore, you need to make sure you focus on popular content.

However, don’t overwhelm your video with content. For short videos, a relevant piece of music or sound effects is enough. Otherwise, you may appear to be trying too hard or chasing trends. Less is more, especially in short posts.

08 out of 10

Not only is it worth following the latest trends, but following other creators in a specific niche is also an important habit to get into. If other people are doing something you’re not doing, that’s probably why your content isn’t going viral.

Beyond that, if your content is nearly identical to what others in your niche are doing, you can use this important information to change the type of content you end up publishing.

Either way, this type of information is worth having.

09 out of 10

TikTok isn’t the only place where you can post videos. Put them as Shorts on YouTube and try to inspire as much engagement as possible on sites like X, Instagram or Facebook. Even if you don’t have a huge following, cross-posting is worth doing.

There’s always the chance that a post on another platform could go viral. If you don't post on TikTok, the same content might have a better chance in the YouTube Shorts algorithm. Either way, make your content and name as public as possible.

10 out of 10

It’s always exciting to see creators reply to you, and that doesn’t change on TikTok. Try to interact with your followers whenever possible. Reply to comments, follow them, and watch as many of their videos as you can, especially if you’re just starting out.

Even better, if another creator follows you, interacting with them can be a great way to make connections in your specific niche. Your video is likely to go viral if the right creator shares it at the right time, so it's always worth being as social as possible.