Secret tricks to find out who took your BeReal screenshots

By now you probably know the basics of how BeReal works - you'll get a reminder to take a photo of yourself and what you're looking at at random times each day, and you'll have two minutes to post it Your BeReal is considered late to your feed. Well, if you think this app is nothing more than that, you are wrong. The social media platform also has a sneaky feature that not only shows you how many times your BeReal has been screenshotted, but also who is behind the screenshots. You'll need to do some work to get to the bottom of it, though, so if you want to know how to see who took a screenshot of your BeReal, here's what you need to know.

If you've nervously Googled "Does Instagram notify you when someone takes a screenshot of your story?" in the past, you may have wondered whether the same is true for BeReal. The short answer is: yes and no. You won't receive push notifications when someone takes a screenshot of your post on BeReal. Instead, the only instructions will be within the BeReal application in the upper right corner. If you didn't know better, you might think that this is where the screenshot alert ends. But the app actually provides a loophole for nosy detectives who want to find out who's behind the screenshots — which is great if you're on the receiving end of the screenshots, but not so much if you're the guilty party alright.

How to see who took your BeReal screenshot

In the corner of BeReal, you'll see a number in a box containing the number of screenshots taken. This is a pretty innocuous icon, so you probably won't think too much about it when you see it. However, if the symbol appears on your account, you will need to click on it if you want to find out which follower is the culprit of the screenshot.

When you click on the alert, you'll get a popup that says "One of your friends took the screenshot!" In the middle of the screen, you'll see the name and profile picture of the person who took the screenshot blurred. Of course, if you're the kind of person who hands out BeReal to everyone you meet in line for the bathroom at a bar, you probably won't want to sift through all of your followers' profiles just to figure out who the account belongs to. In this case, you can do the following.

It is true

To uncover the name and solve the mystery, you must share your BeReal photo on one of your other accounts, options include Snapchat, Instagram, Messages, Twitter, Facebook, Notes, Mail, and more. To do this, click on the "Share with" option and select the platform on which you would like to share BeReal. Once you do this, the names will become clear and you will have the answers.

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to stop people from taking screenshots of your posts on BeReal, but the best way to prevent your photos from being stolen (or sent to your frenemies' group chat) is to keep your account private, and Only allow people you trust into your circle of followers.