507 Best Instagram Captions of 2024

what to know

  • Change title length frequently, add emojis, and keep your message clear, but no longer than 2,200 characters.
  • Encourage followers with tag requests and other questions. Try "Pass it on!" or "Tag a friend!"
  • Use words and themes that resonate with everyone, just like the top influencers on Instagram do.

Get some ideas from our list of the best feel-good, cute, funny, smart (and more!) quotes and sayings for singles, lovers, pet parents, and others!

It's natural to want to share your happiness with others. Whether you're taking a selfie or capturing a beautiful sunset in a post, a great quote that captures the joy and happiness you feel can be infectious to your followers.

  • “When you can’t find sunshine, be sunshine.”
  • “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, but they make the best of everything.”
  • "Be happy. It drives people crazy."
  • “Say yes to new adventures.
  • “Maybe not every day is good, but every day has its benefits.”
  • “You are like a four-leaf clover: hard to find, but lucky to have.”
  • "Today is the best day."
  • “Become the kind of person you want to know.”
  • "Lift your chin so your crown doesn't slip off."
  • "My life isn't perfect, but it's the best thing that ever happened to me."
  • "Today is going to be a good day."
  • “Tell the person you see in the mirror that they are beautiful.”
  • “Be the good person you want to see in the world.”
  • “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.”
  • "Look! Just two beautiful people smiling."
  • "My day was a little cloudy, but you brightened it up a lot."
  • “There is always a rainbow after a storm.”
  • "I can already feel my heels coming up."

There's nothing better than getting away from it all. Share your holiday feelings with your followers who live vicariously through you.

  • “All I do is beach.”
  • "Laptop off, do not disturb."
  • "It's already five o'clock somewhere."
  • “Sun, sand, tranquility.”
  • "I don't even care if I turn the iron on."
  • "If I forget my bathing suit, you'll have to deal with it."
  • "Sunset, sunrise, perfect."
  • “Credit cards to hell, this is going to be a great holiday.”
  • “If I turn these two weeks into two months, can someone take my place?”

Your wedding is a day filled with love, joy and laughter. Caption pictures of your special day with some of these gems.

  • “Love will find you, even if you try to hide from it.”
  • "Until death do us part."
  • "forever."
  • "forever and ever."
  • "Forever and ever, Amen."
  • "But I'm still wearing white."
  • "A new journey begins."
  • "I should have written a 'wash the dishes' pledge in it."
  • “Two hearts become one.”
  • "We did it."
  • “Always start today.”
  • “Together is a wonderful place.”
  • "Now for the cake!"
  • "Happy couple, happy home!"
  • "I can hear the ringing."
  • "Be with you forever."
  • “The end of a new beginning.”
  • "Officially a newlywed."
  • "Who's ready for the bouquet?"
  • "It takes two."
  • "If you like it, then you should put a ring on it - oh wait! We did!"
  • “Live happily ever after.”
  • "I'm lucky - I have a spouse, a best friend and a soul mate."
  • "This is for us."
  • "It's a timeless thing."

Love illuminates the soul. . . The same goes for these romantically inclined captions.

  • "L stands for the way you look at me."
  • "Cupid aims well."
  • "Can you feel the love tonight?"
  • "I spell love with you and me."
  • "Home is wherever I am."
  • "My heart beats only for you."
  • "Love doesn't make the world go round. It's what makes the journey worth it."
  • "Keep calm and keep kissing!"
  • "love is all you need."
  • "Yes, love will do this to you!"
  • "I love you in a bad way."
  • "Love is vulnerable. Love is kind. Love is brave."
  • "Unbreak My Heart!"
  • "Do you feel it? This is love! It's like a freight train going through my heart!"
  • "come down."
  • "Love is blind, lovers are invisible."
  • "I'll do anything for love. (But I won't do that.)"
  • “Your energy is amazing!”
  • "Keep love in your heart. Life without it is like a sunless garden with withered flowers." - Oscar Wilde
  • “Indescribable, undeniable, unquestionable love!”
  • “You discover that vulnerability is the only way to let your heart feel true joy, a joy so real that it scares you.” - Bob Marley
  • "Love speaks. The heart listens."
  • "I have no half-measures; it is not my nature." - Jane Austen
  • “There’s no map to finding love, but you’ll know it when you get there.”
  • "The most valuable thing in life is each other." - Audrey Hepburn
  • "I love, therefore I am."
  • "You should be kissed often, and by someone who knows how to kiss." - Margaret Mitchell, "Gone with the Wind"

When you just need a word, use one of these!

  • "bandit."
  • "epic."
  • "great."
  • "Target."
  • "Perfect."
  • "progress."
  • "Queen."
  • "reckless."
  • "smooth."
  • "tasty."
  • "Wawa wam!"
  • "oops!"
  • "Ah ah ah ah ah!"
  • "tasty."
  • "Wow Ze!"
  • "extreme."
  • "like."
  • "Dada!"
  • "Happy."
  • "easy."
  • "Heaven."
  • "grace."
  • "atmosphere."
  • "cheers."
  • "Relax."
  • "us."
  • "weekend."
  • "Be fearless."
  • "moment."
  • "remember."
  • "lucky."
  • "Peace."
  • "believe."
  • "endless."
  • "Road trip."
  • "travel."
  • "Life."

Everyone wants to appear confident and cool on Instagram; these captions will help you become a cool guy that everyone wants to hang out with.

  • "Enable energy saving mode now."
  • "In front of a million universes, I'm cool and collected."
  • "Destiny's Time Traveler."
  • “The biggest risk is not taking it.”
  • “A smile is the best makeup anyone can have.”
  • “Bring happiness wherever you go.”
  • "Support wildlife! Throw a party!"
  • "I do all the stunts myself. It's just usually not intentional."
  • "Plan A didn't work out. Good thing there were 25 letters left!"
  • "I was never cool and I didn't care."
  • “Beauty is having a beautiful heart and a beautiful soul.”
  • "Even on my worst day, I kill it."
  • “The life of the party has arrived!”
  • "Hey MTV, welcome to my crib."
  • “The inside scoop on my life.”
  • "No paparazzi please."
  • “I don’t follow trends, I lead them.”

Whether you're surfing the waves, hanging out at the beach, or running at a party, you've got to have some witty sayings for the 'gram. You're welcome.

  • “You can shake the sand off your shoes, but it will never leave your soul.”
  • "Beach hair, don't care."
  • "Sorry, I'm not in the office"
  • “Summer love makes me happy.”
  • "I'll be by the pool if you need me."
  • "Get my vitamin SEA."
  • "Shell yes!"
  • "Keep it wavy."
  • "I'd like a refill, please."
  • “Cue my happy season.”
  • “Catch me under the sun, then catch me under the stars.”
  • "The tide is high, I'm in a good mood."
  • “The sand and surf can cure the summer blues.”
  • “Hot summer fun.”
  • "The summer wind makes me feel good."
  • "It's been a brutal, brutal summer."
  • "Summer in the city."
  • "Summer sunshine, something has begun..."
  • "Oh, oh, oh! these summer nights!"
  • "Summer dreams shattered."
  • "Summer nights and killer tunes. That's all we need, baby, don't you know?"
  • "I've been waiting a long time for today."
  • "Spill that wine, let me feel it, let me feel the heat, yeah!"
  • “Go to Surf City and have fun.”
  • “Sweaty sheets and ocean views.”
  • "Take the roof off this house!"
  • "Let's age backwards together! Erase this summer with me."
  • "The sun sets alone."

Sometimes, you just need to share a little joke. We got you.

  • "Hurry and delay."
  • "If I move my eyes any harder, I'll see my brain."
  • “Beauty is only superficial, but stupidity is a choice.”
  • "Don't mind me; I'm living the life."
  • "If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll laugh for you."
  • "Don't bother replying. You'll be wasting the internet."
  • “You can’t judge a book by its cover, but you can judge it by its cover.”
  • “Which filter makes the weather look better?”
  • “Each like gives me one (1) shot of dopamine.”
  • "Since I'm the catch, why should I chase you?!"
  • "Don't worry about me, worry about Karma."
  • "This just came in! I. Don't care."

(Almost) everyone loves dogs, and if you have one, there's no doubt you'll share those adorable eyes and all that fur with your followers. Use some of these titles to grab everyone's attention!

  • “A house without a dog isn’t a home.”
  • "Dogs are my favorite people."
  • “Be the person your dog thinks you are.”
  • "Happiness is a warm puppy."
  • “My dog ​​is in energy saving mode.”
  • "squirrel!"
  • “Big dog energy.”
  • "Stealed my heart and then my bed."
  • “I’m here to pet all the dogs.”
  • “Live like someone left the door open.”
  • "Tell your dog I said hello."
  • “Dogs leave their paw prints on our hearts.”
  • "Life is short. Pamper your dog!"
  • “You can’t buy love, but you can save it.”
  • “Full clothing is a sign of unconditional love.”
  • “Who needs aerobic exercise when they can walk their dog?”
  • “Forever friends leave paw prints on your heart.”
  • "My best friend is a little furry."
  • "I prefer dogs to people."
  • "Unpopular opinion: Dogs are better than people...and cats."
  • “No pets here, just family.”
  • "Of course I want to sleep, play, and eat all day."
  • "Name a duo that's more PAW-esque."
  • "It's time to walk around and bark."
  • “Did someone say bacon?”
  • "I woo you."
  • “Treat yourself like you would your dog.”
  • "Sorry, I'm busy! I have plans with my dog."
  • “Love is a four-legged word.”
  • "Love the house and the bird."

A well-placed thought-provoking quote can be the perfect caption to accompany a stunning photo of a natural landscape or anything with an artistic look. Your followers will appreciate the little bit of wisdom you provide them!

  • “Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness.”
  • "The idea is to die young...the later the better."
  • “Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.”
  • “You are what you do, not what you say.”
  • “I do have to constantly remind myself that fear of things going wrong is not the way to make things work.”
  • “You never have anything that could go wrong.”
  • “If practice makes perfect, and no one is perfect, then why practice?” – Billy Corgan.
  • "One cannot simply create a clever Instagram caption."
  • "Friday, my second favorite swear word."
  • "There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain."
  • "Hey Alexa, _____ played by _______."
  • "Don't look at the title, look at me."
  • "I can't think of a title."
  • "Everyone makes mistakes. (I just happen to make a lot of them.)"
  • "Life is short, so if this title."

Nature lovers, we got you! Whether you enjoy hiking, camping, dipping your toes in a lake or ocean, or just hugging trees, these captions will help you share your emotions honestly.

  • "Follow nature's lead. Her secret is patience." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • "My call of the wild!"
  • "The ocean is a mighty harmonizer." - William Wordsworth
  • “Where the road stops, I begin.”
  • “Morning glories at the window satisfy me more than the metaphysics in books.” ——Walt Whitman
  • “There’s a reason they call it kindness!”
  • "Give me the strength to walk on the soft earth and be connected to everything!" - Black Elk, Oglala Sioux Nation
  • “Mountains don’t climb up on their own!”
  • “I feel the stars above my head and the sea beneath my feet.” —Emily Dickinson
  • “To err is human, but not to animals.” —Robert Frost
  • "Without it, the pesticide never leaves the home."
  • “Be one with nature.”
  • “Let’s talk about your opinions!”
  • "Just follow the road."
  • “If we were meant to stay in one place, we would have roots rather than feet.” —Rachel Walchin

When you're in love, you want the world to know. If you're not afraid of getting a little mushy on Instagram, consider adding these super loving captions to a post about you and your significant other.

  • "Forget the butterflies; I feel the whole zoo when I'm with you."
  • “Falling in love with someone who will never let you sleep, who wonders if you still matter.”
  • “She is the exclamation point in the happiest sentence I have ever written.”
  • “Sometimes, someone comes into your life so unexpectedly that they surprise you and change your life forever.”
  • “I love that you are mine and I am yours and that no matter what door we come to, we open it together.” — AR Arthur
  • "I love her, that's the beginning and the end of it all." — F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • “Look at the stars and see how they shine for you and everything you do…” Yellow by Coldplay
  • "How sweet it is to be loved by you..." - James Taylor's "How Sweet It Is"
  • "You belong among the wildflowers." —— "Wildflowers" by Tom Petty
  • “Love has no barriers.” — Maya Angelou
  • “Our hearts speak the same language.”
  • "Every day with you is the best day."
  • "I found my lobster!"
  • "I like you even if I'm hungry."
  • "I'd walk 500 miles and roll another 500 miles, just to be the guy who rolls 1,000 miles and falls on your doorstep." - "I'm Gonna Be" (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers
  • "Don't ask why, I'm yours." - Jonas Brothers' "What a Man Must Do "
  • "Oh, just being with you is the best day of my life." Thank you, Dido
  • "You took my breath away."
  • “Life is the story of a man reaching the stars.” Above the Heat by Greta Van Fleet
  • “Every moment I spend with you is a moment I cherish.” I don’t want to miss a thing by Aerosmith

No one sums things up better than the stars who shine so brightly on screen. Learn some tips from them to entertain your followers and add some pizzazz to your Insta.

  • "When I'm good, I'm very, very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better." - Mae West
  • "If I were good, I would be bored to death." - Tallulah Bankhead
  • “I can live without money, but I can’t live without love.” —Judy Garland
  • "When love is no longer offered, you must learn to leave the table." - Nina Simone
  • "I just went too far." - Bette Davis
  • "I believe in pink." - Audrey Hepburn
  • "Be yourself. The world admires originality." ——Ingrid Bergman
  • “Many dramatic situations begin with a scream.” — Jane Fonda
  • "When I'm alone, I come back to myself." - Marilyn Monroe
  • "Struggle and survival, failure and victory, it doesn't matter. What matters is playing." - Pam Grier

Your followers will find it hard not to hit the like button on any of your posts, which will make them say “Wow!” These cute captions are perfect for adorable videos of your playful puppy or first photos of your newborn niece.

  • “Dream big, little one!”
  • "Cute as a button, but not smart enough."
  • "Seven billion smiles, and yours is my favorite."
  • “You do the cutest things without even realizing it.”
  • "Don't grow up...it's a trap!"
  • "Dogs are my favorite people."
  • "Don't stop searching."
  • "Not all dogs are good boys. Some are good girls!"
  • "What are you eating? Can I help?"
  • "I know how to purr my way out of anything."
  • "Their names are spelled: C - U - T - E."
  • "I know, right? So cute!"
  • "Why are you angry at that face?"
  • "Sweet as sugar."
  • "Add to the hundreds of other photos I have."
  • "No one put this doll in a box."

Nothing makes your followers laugh like an Instagram caption (literally). A little humor goes a long way, and on a platform that's often overused for vanity and perfection, this can be a nice change of pace.

  • "Handle situations like a dog. If you can't eat it or play with it, pee on it and walk away."
  • "Being an adult is like folding a fitted sheet. No one really knows how to fold it."
  • “I’m not lazy, I’m in energy saving mode.”
  • "I was going to take over the world this morning, but I overslept. Postponed it again."
  • "I never make the same mistake twice. I make it five or six times, you know, just to make sure."
  • “You never realize how boring your life is until someone asks you what you do for fun.”
  • "It's Thursday, so here's my wise quote for today...actually, I got nothing."
  • "I'm just a girl standing in front of a camera asking if this is worth posting on Instagram?"
  • "Sleep like no one is watching."
  • “I invented a new word: plagiarism.”
  • “I voted to change the week to Friday, Saturday and Sunday.”

What better way to use social media than to show your appreciation for your best friend? Captions that make your best friend feel loved and valued might inspire them to return the favor!

  • “The only way to have friends is to be friends.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.”
  • "Friends fight for you. Respect you. Include you. Encourage you. Need you. Deserve you. Support you."
  • “Some people come and have such a wonderful impact on your life that you can hardly remember what life was like without them.”
  • "Friendship is not one big thing. It's a million little things."
  • "A good friend might know your crazy stories, but your best friends are right there with you."
  • “When you have the right people supporting you, anything is possible.” —Misty Copeland
  • “In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips.”
  • "I would never let my best friend do anything stupid alone."
  • “I would rather walk in the dark with a friend than walk in the light alone.” ——Helen Keller
  • "I have peanut butter in my jelly."
  • "My ride or die."
  • "I present the honorary brother award."
  • "You have won me as a friend."
  • "Associate in crime."
  • "I'll be there for you."
  • "My right hand, my right hand."
  • "If they're not going, then I'm not going."
  • "They say good things come in pairs."
  • "What's better than 1? 2!"
  • “Two peas in a pod.”

Sometimes lyrics can make the perfect Instagram caption, whether it's a new pop star or an established artist.

  • "I will stop wearing black when they make a darker color." —Wilson ( "Expensive Mistakes "), by Fall Out Boy
  • "Maybe on this night, my dreams will let me know... that all the stars are closer to me." — "All the Stars " by Kendrick Lamar and SZA
  • "Feel like a boss, stare at the stars, cost doesn't matter because everyone wants to be famous." - Everyone Wants to Be Famous via Superorganism
  • "Shine, Diamond, don't make me wait another day." —My , my, my, my! by Troy Sivan
  • “I want to live like tomorrow doesn’t exist.” — Chandelier designed by Sia.
  • "I can build a castle with all the bricks they throw at me" - Taylor Swift's "The New Romantics "
  • "Am I more than you expected?" - "Tangtang, We're Going Down" by " Down with the Boy"
  • "If I were you, I'd wanna be me too." Me Too by Meghan Trainor
  • "It ain't no fun if the homies ain't got it." - Snoop Dogg's "Ain't No Fun "
  • “Cheers to the damn weekend.” Cheers from Rihanna
  • “I wish I could turn back time and go back to the good old days.” – The Pressure of Twenty One Pilots
  • “Don’t let yourself get caught up in regrets, just love yourself and you’re good to go.” — Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way
  • "But I'm cruising, can't stop, won't stop grooving." - Taylor Swift, " Shake It Off"
  • “We preserve this love in photos and create these memories for ourselves.” —Photo by Ed Sheeran
  • "If you feel like a room without a roof, clap your hands." Pharrell Williams, " Happiness "
  • "Nothing can bring me down, I'm too high up the scale to bring me down." - Pharrell Williams, " Happiness "
  • “These walls have stories written on them that I can’t explain.” – One Direction’s Story of My Life
  • "I'm brave, I've been hurt, I'm who I'm meant to be, this is who I am." - "This Is Me," Keala Settle and "The Greatest Showman"
  • “I don’t want to do anything today but lie in bed.” – Bruno Mars’ “Song of Lazy
  • "There's only us in this world. You know it's different now." - Harry Styles , "As You Are"
  • "Tonight, we are still young. So, let us set the world on fire. We can shine brighter than the sun." - " We Are Still Young " by FUN
  • “We were there on Saturday night. If you don’t believe it, just watch it, come on!” – Mark Ronsons ft. Bruno Mars’ “Uptown Funk
  • “Who rules the world? Girls!” – Beyoncé, “ Who Rules the World” (Girls)
  • "So I'm going to love you like I'm going to lose you, and I'm going to hold you like I'm saying goodbye." - "Like I'm Going to Lose You" by Meghan Trainor ft. John Legend
  • “No matter where we stand, I’ll never take you for granted, because we never know when or when we’ll run out of time.” – Meghan Trainor ft. John Legend’s “Like I’m Gonna Lose You” 》
  • “When I see trouble coming, I make lemonade and I know I’m going to be fine, fine.” – AOK by Tai Verdes
  • “Sometimes, late at night in mid-June, all I think about is you.” – Glass Animal Heat Wave
  • “Because sometimes when I look into her eyes, I can catch a glimpse of us.” —Joji’s “ A Glimpse of Us
  • “I don’t know how, but I always had a feeling. I was going to be one in a million. Always had high, high expectations.” – High Hopes from Panic! at the disco
  • "Don't worry about a thing, 'cause every little thing will be okay" - Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds "

Whether you're wishing someone a happy birthday or celebrating your own, you probably don't want your Instagram caption to sound like a Hallmark card. These birthday captions are smart and fun.

  • “Birthdays are nature’s way of telling us to have our cake and eat it.”
  • “Birthday: Celebrate the last year you didn’t die.”
  • "I don't look great at all!"
  • "The older you are, the better you are. Unless you're a banana."
  • "Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people with the most birthdays live the longest."
  • "It takes a long time to be young" - Pablo Picasso
  • "Age is just a label."
  • “I didn’t choose this birthday, this birthday chose me.”
  • "I'm not going to age, I'm going to level up."
  • "It's your birthday, you don't have to do anything."
  • "chapter___"
  • “A new chapter in my book.”
  • “Cheers to many more years to come.”
  • "It's the best holiday of the year, my birthday!"
  • "Another year older."
  • "I'm just here to eat cake."
  • “Keep calm and keep partying!”
  • “I want to thank my mom and dad because without you I wouldn’t be here.”
  • "On this day, a star was born."
  • "May all my dreams come true."
  • "__ years old looks good to me!"
  • "When I woke up today, I grew up a little bit more."
  • "upgrade#__"
  • "__Candle."
  • "Another circle around the sun."

Many Instagram posts are self-explanatory. When you're in a rush to post something and don't have much time to think or tap on your device's keyboard, keep it simple with some short and sweet captions.

  • “Longing for inspiration before death.”
  • "Honey, you are truly a work of art."
  • “Choose to be kind and laugh often.”
  • "Clearing your mind can't."
  • "Every moment counts."
  • "I got nothing."
  • "Yeah, another food photo."
  • "why so serious?"
  • "Smiling... is confusing."
  • “Selfies in heaven.”
  • "Somewhere on Earth.
  • "If only looks could kill."
  • “Friday, my second favorite word.”
  • “It’s about staying positive and testing negative.”
  • “Basic beach.”
  • "I played it once and it was horrible."
  • "No one is perfect. I am nothing!"
  • “Like snow: beautiful but cold.”
  • “Coffee, and then the world.”
  • "Insert your title here."
  • "Keep it simple."
  • "less is more."
  • "Golden mentality."
  • "The sun shines on my heart."
  • "Life is too short to worry."
  • "Just keeping it real."
  • "Out and about."
  • "hello!"
  • "Ready for the weekend."

If you haven't realized it yet, food posts are one of the most popular trends on Instagram. They are popular with followers who enjoy seeing the meals being prepared and eaten by others. Next time you're dining out at a great restaurant or preparing a delicious meal, pair it with a caption like the one below.

  • "I eat seafood. When I see food, I eat it."
  • “Cupcakes are muffins that believe in miracles.”
  • "You mean exercising? Or eating more fries?"
  • "I'm just a girl standing in front of a salad and asking for it to be a donut."
  • “My head says gym, but my heart says tacos.”
  • "Eat first, eat first."
  • “Coffee face at rest.”
  • "Let's eat first, and then we can do other things."
  • "Grill and cool."
  • "Breakfast. All day."
  • “Who doesn’t love lunch!”
  • “Meet the brunch people.”
  • "Most people's love language is quality time, mine is food."
  • “Good food = good mood”
  • "You know they say a donut a day keeps the doctor away - oh wait, maybe an apple."
  • "You know what they say, food is the best medicine, or maybe laughter."
  • "I love it when you drink lattes."
  • “I live on the word hope, hashbrowns, omelets, pancakes and eggs.”
  • "I have an idea, you cook and I eat."
  • “My hobby: watching food being made and eating it.”
  • "Coffee time (leisure time)."
  • “Don’t judge your tacos by their price.”
  • "Life is unpredictable, let's eat dessert first."
  • "Burgers are always better."
  • "Those who love to eat are always the best people."
  • "I cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to food."
  • “Pizza is not a trend, it’s a lifestyle.”
  • "There's no 'us' in French fries."
  • "Keep calm and eat more vegetables."
  • “No steak is safe for me!”
  • “Life is a combination of magic and pasta.”
  • "Buoncibo. Buon wine. Buon amici" (Italian for "Good food. Good wine. Good friends.")

Baby, get dressed up and chill out the winter with some chilled captions to capture your mood. Keep warm!

  • "Xue, Xue, go away!"
  • “That’s me, walking to work, uphill both ways.”
  • "At least it's not a hurricane."
  • “Where were you in July?”
  • "Winter Wonderland."
  • "So much. So much. Snow."
  • "You better be careful, you better not cry, and you better have car insurance because it's slippery out there."
  • "When the earth is covered in snow, I like to cover myself with a weighted blanket. It usually lasts until 3 p.m."
  • "It's too cold outside, even for Frosty!"
  • "Snow has a special ability to stop the loss of life."
  • “When it snows you have two choices: shovel or make a snow angel!”
  • "It's cold outside, baby."

If you love Halloween, shout it out to the world with a carefully chosen title!

  • “Terror is not seasonal.”
  • "Any drink is a Halloween drink if you put pumpkin gummies in it."
  • "If you haven't tried making a costume since June, have you tried it?"
  • "People keep asking me what my costume is, but I've always looked like this."
  • "What is the best horror movie? Why is it [your favorite movie]?"
  • "My favorite candy is free candy."
  • "Find yourself a cat that doesn't mind dressing up as a dinosaur."
  • "Don't let you go trick-or-treating because you're too old. You're an adult and can have ice cream for dinner if you want."
  • "If there's a spider on your porch, don't kill it. Spiders are nature's Halloween decorations."
  • "I was too tired to clean or decorate, so my party theme was Trashoween."

December is a wonderful season for many holidays. Here are some titles to help you capture the spirit of the Christmas holiday. (Happy holidays to those who celebrate this time of year too!)

  • "Jingle...I mean ...all the way!"
  • “I’ve said it many times, but I wish you a Merry Christmas!” — Nat “King” Cole
  • “The best Christmas recipe ever: hot cocoa, marshmallows, and you!”
  • "Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen! Up, Comet! Up, Cupid! Up, Donner and Blitzen!" — Clement Clark Moore, "A Visit from St. Nicholas"
  • "Tree, lights, stars, Christmas."
  • “Seeing is believing, but sometimes the realest things in the world are the things we can’t see.” — Chris Van Allsburg, The Polar Express
  • “Santa’s seating area out front: Milk and cookies are available at this exit!”
  • "Be the reason your children smile. Merry Christmas."
  • "Peace - the most precious gift."
  • “So it’s Christmas.” — John Lennon and Yoko Ono
  • “I don’t know what to say, but it’s Christmas and we’re all miserable.” — Ellen Griswold, “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”
  • “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing loud enough for all to hear.” — Pal, Elf
  • "I believe in Santa Claus. I'm not a baby." —Scott, "The Santa Clause"
  • “Christmas is more than a day, it’s a state of mind.” —Kris Kringle, “Miracle on 34th Street”
  • "Yes! Yes, I do! I love Christmas! I love Christmas!" - Ebenezer Scrooge, "A Christmas Carol"
  • "You pull my sled!"
  • “I will remember Christmas in my heart and try to keep it throughout the year.” — Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol”
  • “It’s mint season.”
  • "Keep calm and keep drinking eggnog."
  • "Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!"
  • “Santa’s answer to scams.”
  • "The Gingerbread House Hunter."
  • "Have yourself a merry little Christmas."
  • “In all the mistletoe in all the towns in the world, you have walked beneath me!”
  • "Maybe Christmas, he thought , doesn't come from the store, maybe Christmas might mean a little more." -- Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas

If one of these captions doesn't work for you, check out our dedicated list of Christmas captions!

If there's a chill in the air, your captions can get spicy with our fun list!

  • “The season of mist and fruitfulness.” — John Keats
  • "The leaves are crunching. The cider is being poured. Fall is here."
  • “It’s time for apple pie!”
  • "Flannel. Football. Leaves. Autumn."
  • "It's all about pumpkins, baby!"
  • “Autumn – leaves teach us the meaning of colors!”
  • "Hot chocolate in the morning, toasted marshmallows in the evening, and best of all, jumping in the leaves!" - Winnie the Pooh
  • “It wouldn’t be fall without apple cider donuts.”
  • “Take October, add cinnamon, stir, and enjoy!”
  • "Only the deserted choirs remain, where the sweet birds sing in the evening." - William Shakespeare
  • "Stay warm and stay cozy."
  • "My heart goes out to you."
  • "Sugar, pumpkin spice, and everything nice."
  • “It’s flannel season.”
  • "If you need me, I'll bury you in a blanket."
  • "Let's go to the pumpkin patch."
  • "Stay enthusiastic, my friends."
  • “Hey, I’ll have a giant pumpkin latte, please.”
  • "These colors can't stay."
  • “Pumpkin spice and all things good.”
  • “The leaves are falling and autumn is calling.”
  • "Meet me in the pumpkin patch."