At 28, Robin Wright was filming "Forrest Gump" and "Forrest Gump." Let her children live

In the 28th installment of Bustle's Q&A series, successful women describe exactly what their lives were like when they were 28—what they wore, where they worked, what caused them the most stress, and what they'd do differently ( if so). This time, Robin Wright discusses Land and filming Forrest Gump with Tom Hanks.

On screen, Robin Wright is an escape artist who could easily play the role of an Amazonian princess, president or queen. Now, a year after the coronavirus pandemic left the world housebound and restless, Wright is trying to get out. "I miss traveling," Wright tells Busy with a wistful laugh. "I'd love to get out of my office."

The scope of Wright's workspace is a far cry from the Wyoming Rockies that populate the frame of her feature film directorial debut , Land (now on VOD and in select theaters). In addition to helming the project, the 54-year-old actor plays Edee Mathis, a grieving woman who escapes to a remote cabin after experiencing an unimaginable loss. Wright shot the film on a mountain in Alberta, Canada, bringing the audience into the character's lonely world. "This woman was living an isolated life in the wilderness, but she didn't even see that," Wright explains. "When she starts to regenerate, she communes with nature and it sounds different and looks different. You feel like she 's with it rather than standing outside."

The resilience Eddie finds in nature, and an unexpected connection with a hunter named Miguel (Demian Bichir), is something Wright has been pursuing since his 20s— — a period she remembers as "juggling" between raising children and making movies. "You have to get help, and you're sleep-deprived, that's all."

Now in her 50s, Wright is freed from round-the-clock motherly duties to take on a variety of roles. "When kids get older, you suddenly have a lot more freedom to choose when you work or watch movies," she said.

Wright joked that she barely remembers what she did last week, but as the actor-director enters the next chapter of her career, she sat down with Buster to reflect on Forrest Gump , becoming a Mother, and the story set of House of Cards that doubled as a film school.

Eric Robert/Sygma/Getty Images

Take me back to 1994, when you were 28 years old.

That was a long time ago. [ Laughs ] I have two kids [Dylan Frances Penn, now 29, and Hopper Jack Penn, now 27]. I remember, "Okay. I want to stay in this industry. But I want to be a mother, and I want to be there for my kids. At that time, it was more about hoping to get a movie — whatever it was A cameo, or a starring role, or a movie that you have a connection to - I can shoot it during the summer so I can shoot there during the school year.

"Forrest Gump" also premiered that year. It was a blockbuster for you, nominated for a Golden Globe and a Screen Actors Guild Award. What do you think of that movie and that time in your life?

This was undoubtedly one of the most incredible experiences of my career. It's such a beautiful film without being overly sentimental. We had no idea when we were filming that it would be such a success. Just to be able to play a character for almost 20 years - everything Jenny and Forrest went through together. Tom [Hanks] and I laugh a lot every day. Years go by and you walk away thinking, "I feel so lucky and honored to be in such an iconic film."

What does a typical weekend look like at 28 years old?

As a mother, you wake up every day and say, "I kept my baby alive again. One more day."

At the age of 28, did you have the desire to be a director?

They began to creep in. But I know I'm not ready yet. At the beginning of House of Cards and after Season 2 of House of Cards ended, I said, "I'm ready." I think that's also because when you do a series for so many years, you have a family (actors and staff member). We have been together for six years. I just felt so safe and supported and encouraged to do it. They'd say, "We're going to help you. Anything you don't know, we're going to teach you as you go." When I was on that show, I basically went to mini film school.

Are there any directors you look to for inspiration or advice?

I've been jotting down little tidbits, those little nuggets from different directors you've worked with in the past. You take part of that technique or style that they shot. I'll write it down. "There's this scene in the movie. I really like the look of it. That's the message of it." So I would compile all of these notes and then talk to my DP [Director of Photography Bobby Bukowski] during prep. ] Have multiple discussions and share all of this.

By the time you were 28, you had already made Forrest Gump and The Princess Bride . Do you feel you had succeeded?

I don't think I've ever felt like, "Oh, you made it. We're here. OK. We can wash our hands and sit down." This industry is very unpredictable. Insecure. You never know if or when you’ll find your next job. You just pray you can do it. You pray that you’ll be doing something you love for many years and not just a blip.

What do you think your 28-year-old self would think of you now?

Probably just "What took you so long?" [ Laughs ] What took you so long to get to a place where you didn't have the fear, the caution, or the fear of doing things because you didn't think you were capable? When you do arrive, age and experience come with it.

What advice would you give to yourself at that age?

I know it's impossible for someone at that age, but looking back now, at 28, I'd say, "Give up your fear. You can fail - and sometimes you have to fail in order to succeed."

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.