This is what every new Snapchat font looks like

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, which is pretty much the basis of Snapchat’s success and popularity. After all, why send plain old text messages when you can let your friends and family know in real time what you're actually seeing and hearing? It's clear that the visual element has a big impact, made even stronger by the fact that Snapchat also offers the ability to add captions on top of photos and videos. In the latest version of the app, they've gone a step further, offering a variety of fonts and text styles so that the words you use in your Snaps can have even more impact. What are the new Snapchat fonts and header styles? I guarantee you'll want to check them out, even if you only use Snapchat occasionally.

The subtitle style feature is available to all iOS and Android users as of February 8, so make sure you have the latest version of the app installed on your phone so you can view it. Here are some of the fonts you will be able to use:



No, I'm not talking about Netflix shows, but this cool new font option is just as great. Use the glowing title style to express birthday wishes (shown above), messages for a night out, or random thoughts when you're feeling good about yourself. Shine, baby, shine!

Brushes and italics


The Brush Options are more or less what you'd expect if you were using calligraphy marks directly on your phone screen. Personally, I can't think of any situation where this font wouldn't be suitable. The italics look somewhat similar to the text you were used to in earlier versions of Snapchat, except it's in italics. As this beach snapshot shows, you can actually mix and match multiple header styles for extra creative and visually satisfying information.

Heading styles are more than just glow, brush, and italics, though. As you can see when you tap the screen in the Snapchat app and start typing (just like you did in earlier versions of the platform), a full carousel of font options will now appear so you can choose! If you're like me, you may want to test each of the messages at hand to see which one you like best.


Personally, I'm excited to try out the rainbow style. How cool would this look in photos and videos from your next vacation?

You'll also notice that once you start typing on Snap, the font carousel populates with a range of color options. Drag the selector up and down to see how great these new text styles look when you mix colors! Turn glowing text into dazzling green neon, or brush script into a demure black message. Of course, you can also pinch the text you write to make it smaller or larger on the screen. Basically, you'll keep all the text customization options you were used to... and you'll be able to use them in more creative ways. Maybe we really can have it all.

The only drawback I see here is that this update will most likely be a waste of time. Now that you can get subtitles to this level, how long does it take to perfect a Snap? I guess only time — and a lot of captioned Snapchatting — will tell!