How to spend pancake day like a queen

In our opinion, Shrove Tuesday is one of the most underrated holidays of the year. Just one day you can make pancakes for every meal and no one can say anything. This year, why not add a touch of royalty to your Shrove Tuesday and try the Queen's pancake recipe at home? Luckily for us, the royal chefs previously revealed the special recipe they use to make pancakes for the Queen, and it includes an unexpected ingredient.

To give us a glimpse into life at Buckingham Palace, the royal catering team revealed their method for making pancake batter. Their ingredients are:

  • 125g plain flour
  • 30g sugar
  • a little salt
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 1.5 egg yolks
  • 250 ml milk
  • 40g butter

You read that right – butter. Not your typical ingredients for pancake batter, but this isn't your typical pancake either.

The royal chef explained that they use butter to make "beurre notte," a sweet nut paste that keeps the pancakes moist. To do this, all you have to do is put the butter in a pan and simmer until all the moisture in the butter is cooked out. simple!

After that, put the salt, flour, and sugar in a bowl along with the eggs and mix until the batter is smooth and free of lumps. Then add milk and butter noise and it's ready to fry.

But what about the ingredients? Well, you won't be surprised to hear that the Queen chose something rather peculiar. The royal chef said they topped the pancakes with jam and cream, lemon and sugar, or ham, leeks and cheese.

There you have it. Now you have all the tools to have a royal pancake day. Nigella, watch your back, we're here to get your chef's hat.