All the delicious ways hot chocolate is good for you

No matter how you prepare it, a cup of hot chocolate is a one-way ticket to Nostalgiaville. You may think of it as a sweet treat from your childhood, but there are several ways to jazz up hot chocolate by adding key nutrients, especially if you choose cocoa powder or unsweetened cocoa powder. Once you get past the hot water and instant powder packets, the potential health benefits of hot chocolate are impressive.

What is the difference between cocoa and cacao?

You may be confused as to whether powder labeled cocoa or cacao is the same as hot chocolate mix. Brigitte Zeitlin, a registered dietitian and owner of BZ Nutrition in New York, says that while all chocolate is derived from the seeds of the cacao tree, you'll typically see the word "cacao" on the labels of beans, chocolate bars, and baked goods. Broken pieces, "cocoa powder". But there is no scientific difference between the two, and how products are labeled depends on each brand.

“The main difference comes from the heating process when processing the raw cocoa beans, but they both provide the same health benefits,” Zeitlin explains. "The only thing to remember is that foods with higher amounts of cocoa on the label may benefit your health more than foods with lower amounts of cocoa."

When it comes to cocoa powder, you want to make sure you check the label carefully, adds Amy Gorin, R.D., a registered dietitian nutritionist in Stamford, Connecticut, and owner of Plant-Based Eats. Sweetened cocoa powder is often labeled as "hot cocoa mix" and often has added milk, sugar, or artificial ingredients. While there's nothing wrong with this, it can be helpful to add your own milk or sweetener to pure cocoa or cocoa powder if you wish. We are looking to enhance the health benefits of chocolate drinks.

Hot chocolate contains antioxidants

According to Zeitlin, cocoa powder is rich in polyphenols, a type of antioxidant that has a variety of health benefits. According to a 2009 study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, these antioxidants can reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels.

Cacao and cacao are also rich in flavanols, plant compounds that help lower blood pressure levels and reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and stroke, according to a 2011 study published in Antioxidants and Redox Signaling risks, and improve mood and psychological cognition.

Hot chocolate is a source of important minerals

According to a 2009 study, cocoa beans are a source of minerals as they contain copper, potassium, calcium and magnesium, all of which help reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Calcium is also known to promote bone health.

"Magnesium also naturally lowers cortisol (the stress hormone), helping to reduce stress and anxiety," Zeitlin adds. Can't be angry about all this.

Different milks offer different health benefits

Zeitlin says you may have grown up using hot water to make yourself hot chocolate, but switching to milk (any kind) is a key way to get more nutrients.

She adds that milk provides the most protein and is also a good source of calcium. Like cocoa, it is also rich in magnesium. Whether you choose whole milk, low-fat milk, or skim milk, they all provide the same amount of protein. "I think whole milk has a richer, creamier texture, but do you prefer low-fat, or your doctor recommends you stick to low-fat, right?" she says.

Making hot chocolate with alternative non-dairy products is another option. “One key difference between dairy and alternative milks is that alternative milks are often fortified with vitamins and some minerals (such as calcium and vitamins A and D), whereas cow’s milk naturally contains these nutrients,” adds Gorin. "Some of these milks also contain fiber, which cow's milk does not."

If you're looking for protein, Zeitlin recommends unsweetened soy milk as an alternative because it's second only to cow's milk in protein content. "Hemp milk is another great option because it also contains protein, is a good source of magnesium, and contains heart-healthy fats that fight inflammation," she says. "Almond milk, meanwhile, has a nutty and creamy flavor and, while low in protein, is rich in vitamin E, which may help improve mental cognition."

Besides the nostalgic taste, there's a lot to love about hot chocolate. Have a drink all winter long and get some health benefits from it.

refer to:

Limbach, G. (2009). Polyphenols in Cocoa and Vascular Health - A Critical Review, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, ~:text=3.3.-,Studies% 20in %20Humans, it has been shown%20%20%20%5B9%5D .Katz, D. (2011). The role of cocoa and chocolate in human health and disease, antioxidants and redox signaling, .

Sethi, S. (2016). Plant-based milk alternatives are an emerging field in functional beverages: a review, Journal of Food Science and Technology, .

Rafata, G. (2014). Effects of Vitamin E on Cognitive Performance in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease, Nutrient, :~:text=High%20plasma%20vitamin %20E% 20 levels, Alzheimer's disease%20(AD)%20 patients .


Brigitte Zeitlin, RD, RD and owner of BZ Nutrition in New York City

Amy Gorin, RDN, registered dietitian, owner of Plant-Based Diets in Stamford, Connecticut