Chipotle just shared its famous guacamole recipe and recipe. You only need 6 ingredients

Have you ever sat in quarantine, daydreaming and drooling about a Chipotle employee asking you, "Would you like guacamole?" Trick Question: Of course you do. While you may be avoiding Chipotle (or any restaurant) to maintain safe social distancing, you can still enjoy the fast-food chain's guacamole in your own kitchen. Yes, Chipotle has released a guacamole recipe so you can learn how to make it.

Much to your delight, Chipotle's guacamole recipe is actually easy to recreate. All you need is some lime juice, chopped cilantro, kosher salt, diced jalapenos, diced red onions, and of course some Hass avocados.

Once you have all the ingredients, it's just a matter of mixing and mashing to get the creamy, delicious guacamole you're probably craving at home. While Chipotle provides specific measurements for each ingredient, you're always free to take control of that section and adjust the recipe to a flavoring that better suits your palette. If you've ever sat in a Chipotle restaurant and thought "some tomatoes would be great with this," or "I want to add some garlic to this," now's your chance to make your own favorite guacamole recipe.

While Chipotle's guacamole recipe is posted on the company's official Twitter account, it was originally posted on Chipotle's Instagram. In an Instagram Live, which is now a permanent video post on the account, Chipotle executive chef Chad Brauze recorded himself making his famous guacamole, along with three other variations of the recipe, all from his own kitchen (Real social distancing inspiration!). These extra recipes include the superfood guacamole he makes when he's feeling super healthy, The Extra-est Guac, which has all the pieces and then some, and his personal favorite, Guacamole Ranch, which essentially just combines Mix ranch dressing with whatever guacamole you've left out. No matter which way you slice (or mash) you'll be in for a delicious treat.

Chef Brauze also shared some helpful tips throughout the live stream, including swapping out limes for oranges, which is a great tip for anyone who may be allergic or not a big fan of the taste of limes.

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Chipotle isn't the first company to release recipes to appease customers who are at home and unable to go out to consume its products. Disney has been showing fans how to make some of its most beloved treats, including plant-based cookie chips and Walt Disney's famous chili and grilled three-cheese sandwiches. IKEA has also helped, releasing a recipe for its famous Swedish meatballs for people to make at home.

While you may have to adjust to dining indoors for a while, that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy some of your favorite meals. At this rate, by the time quarantine is over, you'll be able to recreate any of your favorite restaurants right in your own kitchen.