This bright pink sauce is causing a stir on TikTok

Pink Sauce, a bright pink sauce said to be a good alternative to ranch dressing, quickly went viral on TikTok after its creator @Chef.Pii posted a video of her eating the sauce. Unsurprisingly, people were quickly smitten with the product because of its unique bright pink hue. However, as the fascination grew, so did the confusion.

People began to notice that the creator would not explain the product's flavors, ingredients, or creation process, making her followers and potential customers skeptical of the sauce. She was quickly inundated with questions about the ingredients and process of making the pink sauce, none of which @Chef.Pii answered in advance. After the product launched on July 1, people began noticing inconsistencies in color, texture and taste, as well as incorrectly listed nutrition facts and confusing labeling. TikTok users became more concerned after the first batch of sauce was sent to buyers. While many are intrigued by the color of the sauce, they can't ignore the fact that the creator's story doesn't quite line up, and Pii continues to sell her product after receiving backlash for miscommunication about her release . Read on to learn how ridiculous this sauce is and why followers are confused.

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What is TikTok’s pink sauce?

Carly Pii, a Miami-based personal chef with four years of experience and 62,600 followers on TikTok, has been sharing her creation "Pink Sauce" with the world in a series of videos she posted starting on June 11, 2022. Pink sauce is marketed as a sauce that can add more flavor to anything—Pii recommends chicken, tacos, enchiladas, gyros, and even rice or pasta. After posting her first "pink sauce" video in which she simply dipped chicken tenders into the sauce, people immediately became interested—some commenters wanted to get their own pink sauce, while others were vehemently Troubled by pink and purple.

Pii continues to post video ads for the product on TikTok, but she has never explained its ingredients or why it has such strong pigments. Fans became aware of Pii's lack of openness when it posted a video of it pouring sauce into a ketchup bottle with the caption "It's edible and natural, who wants to try it?"

What is the TikTok Pink Sauce Controversy?

On June 18, Pii posted a video of someone "taking a sip" of pink sauce with the caption: "I'll let people do the talking for me." In the video, the person said the pink sauce was "sweet and salty , well seasoned, I love it." Still, without revealing the exact ingredients, Pii continued to post Pink Sauce taste test videos and even began responding to haters, saying it contained no artificial food coloring and telling comments asking how it tasted. "Buy it and have a look".

As the content of Pii's Pink Sauce grew, so did the audience's skepticism. TikTok users soon began to notice a constant change in the intensity of the color—it started out as a purplish pink, then moved to a millennial, Barbie pink, and eventually even a pastel pink. "Why is the color different in every photo?" one commenter said on Pii's June 18 video. At this point, Pii stopped answering questions in the comments, leaving viewers in the dark about what this product actually contains. In another video, she spreads sauce on a taco and takes a bite, but this time fans noticed the texture completely changed. In earlier videos, the sauce looked mushy and more similar to the texture of ranch, but in this June 19 video, Pii's pink sauce is runny, almost watery. As the videos continued to surface, commenters also noted that each one ended before she stopped chewing — leading people to believe she might spit out her product, with one viewer saying, "I've never seen you use This sauce finished the meal." Of course, these inconclusive videos sparked more questions online.

What is TikTok pink sauce made of?

On June 19, Pii finally responded to a follower's query asking what ingredients she used to make the product pink. In the video, she explains that she came up with the concept about a year ago, wanting to make a "crazy, wacky sauce." She said the friend she was brainstorming with told her that if she was going to create a colorful sauce, it had to be natural. That's when she started "researching" how to get pink "naturally." Pii said in the video that the pink sauce is "100% naturally colored and contains no artificial additives." She then continued, "I can't tell you what ingredients I used to make it pink, but it's pink!" She then went on to share with fans that the product is still in a "quality testing phase," which she The reason for not disclosing the ingredient list in detail.

By the end of June, her entire comments section was filled with people asking for a simple ingredient list. One fan in Pii's June 24 video said, "She's never going to tell us what it actually tastes like." She did, however, explain the reason for the color change. "Not every video is a different color. I don't like the darker colors, so I lighten them up." Again no additional information about her cooking process is provided. It’s worth noting that later in the video she says “the color didn’t change, just the lighting.” Your story doesn’t make sense, bestie.

Finally, on June 25, the day the pink sauce was pre-ordered, Pii posted an image showing the five main ingredients the sauce purportedly contains; dragon fruit, sunflower oil, honey, garlic, and chili pepper. Then she started claiming the sauce had health benefits. "The sauce tastes like its own thing. You can't really compare it to anything else. It's a creative concept. I'm a creator. I'm an artist." With July 1 With the official product launch today (note, it's not FDA-approved like many of our other favorite sauces), Pii has finally released the pink sauce's nutritional facts. On her website, the nutritional facts state that each container has 444 servings. In some cases, nutritional facts on similarly sized bottles of ketchup indicate 74 servings per container.

How to Buy Pink Sauce for TikTok

After the first batch of Pink Sauce shipped, about 50 orders were completely destroyed in transit—Pii didn't admit to the problem until her fans bombarded her comments section. She responded that customer satisfaction is their top priority and mistakes happen. She encourages fans to contact her if they receive damaged pink sauce. Pii also said in her apology video that her sauce was sent in a bag, which may have caused the damage. Commenters seemed very surprised that Pii didn't consider shipping refrigerated products in more insulated packaging. Pii has been selling the sauce on her seemingly unfinished website for $20 a bottle.

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Now, nearly a month after its official launch, the Pink Sauce Queen is apologizing. On July 20, she said on TikTok that she was listening to her fans. "I'm only human. I'm not perfect. Things happen. Grams get confused with servings." Pii now says there are 444 grams of pink sauce in each container and 30 servings per container, instead of the 444 originally mentioned. She said multiple times that it was being tested in the lab.

In a July 21 YouTube Live video, Chef Pii responded to the controversy posted on her account, saying the pink sauce had only been an "official product" for 20 days. She also compared the flavor of the sauce to a vinaigrette, which is "slightly sweet, spicy and tangy." Pii said she offered pink sauce to the public last year at a restaurant she owns, but here's the thing: As of press time, there was no information online about the alleged restaurant. Pii also explained that the pink sauce contains less than 2% milk powder, which is not yet included in her ingredients list.

Followers are unsure how the Pink Sauce saga will unfold. But if you're craving some pink sauce, you can always run to the grocery store, pick up a bottle of your favorite ranch, some food coloring, and make your own.