Here’s how to make Dalgona coffee without a blender

Of all the trends brought about by social distancing, making Dalgona coffee may be one that’s here to stay. While this whipped coffee drink has been around for a while, recent TikTok and Instagram videos have inspired more people to get up and whip their own coffee. While making this delicious blend is easiest with an electric assistant, you can learn how to make Dalgona coffee without a blender.

A large part of what makes this coffee trend so awesome is how simple it is to make. With just four simple ingredients - milk, water, instant coffee (or espresso) and granulated sugar, this drink is a great option for those who want their daily coffee but don't want to go all out on it. There’s also no complicated process to putting the ingredients together. You simply combine water, instant coffee, and granulated sugar in a bowl, mix them together, and then add the mixture to the milk when it becomes fluffy and creamy. While many people use an electric mixer to cream their contents, it's not the only way.


If you don't have an electric mixer, you can use a milk frother to get the job done. Electric milk frothers are much smaller than electric mixers, but they're just as capable of whipping up mixtures into the creamy texture required by the Dagona coffee trend.

Some people may not have access to any electric mixers or frothers. That's still okay. While it may require a little more work and some arm exercises, you can definitely make Dalgona coffee by hand. Using a whisk is probably your best bet, but if you don't have a whisk you can always use a spoon or fork. Once you put the water, coffee, and sugar in a bowl, just start stirring the mixture using whatever tool you choose. Just as you would with an electric mixer, continue whisking until you see the ingredients turn into a fluffy, light brown mixture.

Just in case you find yourself stuck without tools or utensils at all, you can choose to shake the ingredients to get them to the texture you need. Some people use plastic bags or even empty water bottles to pour the mixture in and shake until ready. You might think this isn't the most ideal way to drink your morning coffee, but hey, as long as you end up with a delicious cup of finished product, who cares how you got there?


Waking up every day without a pick-me-up at your favorite coffee shop can be difficult, but with popular trends like Dalgona Coffee, people are starting to realize that there's a lot more they can do at home than they thought. Although the Dalgona coffee trend started because of the need to find alternatives to "buying coffee in the morning" for the home, you'll likely keep making coffee long after your favorite coffee shop opens again.