These three zodiac signs put little emphasis on money

For some zodiac signs, money really does make their world a better place. They save as much money as possible, pursue high-paying jobs, and stress about credit card points and 401(k) plans. But for other signs, all they usually have in their wallet is a trusty debit card and a few five-dollar bills—and they wouldn't have it any other way.

According to astrologer Stina Garbis, some zodiac signs don't get stressed out about money, it's just that simple. That doesn't mean they're rich or have it all figured out. It's just that they never found finance that interesting.

Zodiac signs that fall under this umbrella typically lean toward an affordable, minimalist lifestyle. They love small studio apartments, trips to thrift stores, and low-key vacations, so you'll never hear them stressing out about big-budget purchases or debt.

Even if one of these zodiac signs does get rich, they probably won't be too bothered by it. Many people believe that money comes and goes quickly, so if they end up broke again, they shrug and say " that's just life ."

Read on for the zodiac signs that have the coldest relationship with money, according to astrologers.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

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As an air sign ruled by Mercury, Garbis says Gemini's top priority in life is to hang out, have fun, and go with the flow.

This is your chaotic friend who has no money to go to brunch, his car always seems to be having trouble, and he can't tell you the difference between a credit card and a debit card. Yet, they are the happiest people you will ever meet.

Gemini will find a way to have fun on a budget. They'll invite their best friends over for a potluck or pizza night, or they'll ask you if you want a free walk in the park. Their tenuous relationship with money makes them very creative, so they're also the best people to call when you want to be frugal, and they'll help you see visions of things you wouldn't normally buy.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

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Sagittarius doesn't care much about material possessions or the money needed to acquire them. They're happy hanging out with friends, their dogs, and the open road. As long as they feel untethered, that's all they can ask for.

Their ability to see life this way may have something to do with their continued luck. As a sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion, things always seem to work in their favor - even though they are not financially savvy and rarely plan for the future.

According to Garbis, this fire sign's top priority is traveling and having a good time, but they're not picky about how their travel happens. They'll hop on a rickety train, hitchhike with friends, or wait at the airport for a cheap ticket that doesn't include carry-on luggage. But one thing they won't do is stress.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

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If a Pisces wants to be happy, all they need is a book, a cup of tea, and maybe a cat. They recognize that money is important—everyone has to pay their bills, after all—but it’s not something they think about often.

According to Garbis, this water sign will find a job they love and then they'll survive in it without trying to move up the corporate ladder. They don't dream of becoming a manager or CEO because it would put too much pressure on them. Instead, they find joy in their daily lives.

Pisces is a sign that is very eager to emphasize. While they want comfort, they won't stay up at night worrying about their finances. Instead, they face every challenge or turn to their circle of friends for help.


Stina Garbis, astrologer