Here's your December horoscope

This December, expect to face new challenges as you reflect on your regrets and recharge before the new year. Mercury will begin its brief stay in methodical and mature Capricorn on December 1st, focusing on developing structured, long-term plans.

You'll notice that your romantic feelings become more intense as relationship-focused Venus shifts into passionate Scorpio on December 4, reinforcing your love-hate relationships and desire for romance. Thankfully, with Neptune retrograde ending in Pisces on December 6, you'll find it easier to keep the faith and inject more trust into your growing love life.

The new moon in Sagittarius on December 12 will give you a new perspective on your goals. Avoid being too idealistic or tactless; otherwise, Mercury's frustrating retrograde, which begins on December 13, will expose holes in your plans.

On December 21, the Sun will move into ambitious and mature Capricorn in a big way, but this Capricorn season will be filled with worry and self-criticism that will keep you off balance. Moments alone can allow you to examine your worries and ground yourself.

Mercury retrograde returns in Sagittarius on December 23, inviting you to reconsider thoughts and opinions you have previously shared without the need for deeper reflection or restraint. Don’t let your rigid beliefs and judgments get in the way of connecting with others, especially under the Cancer Full Moon on December 26, which calls for emotional closure and optimistic endings to sensitive issues.

Once asteroid Chiron - representing your inner wounds - regains momentum in confident Aries on December 26, give yourself credit for your heroic efforts to heal your deepest insecurities. As Venus enters exploratory Sagittarius from December 29, your life may take a positive turn, aligning you with friends and loved ones eager to share your adventures with you.

Stay open to new experiences; Jupiter retrograde ends in Taurus on December 30, insisting that you don't fall back into a pattern of caution and fear.

Happy birthday, Capricorn!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your ambitious approach to setting new career goals won't be enough to guide you to new heights in December. Aries, if you don't take the time to carefully examine your weaknesses, you won't live up to your standards. Pay special attention to the beliefs and fears that are holding you back. Ease into a productive flow into December and stay committed to laying the foundation for your growing dreams. This may sound boring, but the more time and effort you put into the planning phase, the greater your success will be.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Although you may not be confident about how your love life is going, don't let your anxiety run rampant. It’s not your job to worry about how the present affects the future. Taurus, live in the moment and enjoy every second of affection, care, and intimate joy shared with those closest to you. The more you allow yourself to open up and express your deepest feelings, the more you can heal and attract the commitment you want through optimism and faith. Trust your loved ones to nurture you in the right direction.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Be careful about joint financial decisions you make in December, Gemini, especially if you are experiencing moments of frustration and uncertainty in your relationships. Mercury's destructive retrograde from December 13th will cause chaos, and contractual obligations with friends, frenemies, or lovers will exacerbate your troubles. The temptation to dive fully into your work provides a temporary distraction and fills you with passion and purpose. Make sure to evaluate the potential risks of engaging in intense workplace competition or a steamy office romance.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

A lack of confidence in your career can prompt you to consider whether your efforts are translating into desired results. Don't beat yourself up with harsh self-criticism, Cancer. A detour might be just what you need to gather inspiration and motivation. Your love life heats up this December, and you might be attracted to an all-out romance. Don't trust people too soon; if you and your date have different expectations, getting attached too early could lead to heartbreak.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Moved by a strong desire to repair relationships, you will give those who have let you down a chance to redeem themselves. You don't need to completely let your guard down to forgive, but you do have to sincerely want to rebuild the relationship. Don't agree to a reconciliation if you can't release your attachment to the past. A new whirlwind romance awaits you, and you'll be glad you kept your standards high. Have fun on the date, but don't think too far ahead about the future.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

In December, regrets may disturb your inner peace and challenge you to take responsibility for your mistakes without being too harsh. Be kind to yourself as you process your feelings and evaluate whether things are as serious as they seem. The death of a dream can be the perfect start to your next adventure. It may be difficult for you to share your perspective due to worry and doubt. Speak from your heart and you will earn a lot of respect.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Explore your changing attitudes and moral principles as you embark on a new introspective journey. Consider whether your previous position still applies. With Venus ruling your financial life from December 4, you may be tempted to spoil yourself with quiet luxuries, but you must put your own needs first and don't worry about being seen as selfish. Find those breakthroughs that are blocking your ability to see your potential, and you can achieve satisfying career milestones.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Good news, Scorpio! Passionate Venus arrives in your sign on December 4, giving you a powerful and seductive allure. Make the most of your charm and leave a lasting impression on those you meet, attracting them with your sense of mystery and sex appeal. As the month progresses, you may reconsider whether you have made mature decisions about finances and self-care. As you set your sights on luxury experiences and adventures, avoid taking an overly optimistic approach to spending.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Finding the right words to express your feelings can put a strain on your relationships. Deal with love-related matters privately; you may find it easier to resolve issues without being influenced by your surroundings. If you don't feel understood, avoid letting difficult moments completely destroy your relationship. On December 12, a New Moon in Pisces will bring some relief and a boost of optimism and confidence. Trust yourself enough to initiate the process of healing and closure. Others will follow your lead.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

If you feel unprepared for the challenges life throws at you, take this as a sign to slow down, rest, and reflect. Allow yourself to genuinely open up to new people and keep an eye out for romantic opportunities through mutual contact. December also brings great potential for reconciliation with frenemies, if you're willing to put aside your differences and show compassion.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Sudden bursts of inspiration and desire can lead you into unrealistic fantasies. Be careful not to set yourself up for failure; make a solid plan and seek guidance from people who really know what they're talking about. Your time in the spotlight will teach you to protect your privacy. Reevaluate the information you share about yourself in person and online to avoid obsessive admirers projecting jealousy and negativity onto you.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Reflecting deeply on your career and releasing attachments to past relationships can tempt you to take extreme solutions to temporary relationships. Taking a flight or signing up for a new course may not solve your problem. As your thirst for discovery grows, find satisfaction by engaging in engaging conversations with people with different perspectives and delving deeper into philosophy and your personal values. Your exploration may lead you in an exciting direction.