Tigris from 'Mockingjay' is a next-level cat lady

In the future, at least according to The Hunger Games, all rich people (and tributes) will dress like characters from Lady Gaga videos. The pop star's bizarre outfits were perfect for the Houses of Parliament, as dresses in outlandish colors and shapes are considered high fashion. For example, when we meet Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games , the audience quickly recognizes the quirky and fantastical appearance that the residents of the Capitol are proud of. However, the strange things don't stop there. In "Mockingjay Part 2," which is released on November 20, we will see a character with an even weirder appearance. But who exactly is Tigris in Mockingjay , and what do you need to know about her?

First, there's her...unusual appearance. Tigris had herself surgically altered to look very similar to her beloved animal, the tiger. She was once a respected stylist during the Hunger Games, but President Snow fired her for her overly aggressive look—we're talking implanted facial hair, tattooed stripes, and a nose so exaggerated that nose. After leaving the game, Tigris ran a small shop where she (appropriately) sold fur-lined clothes. Tigris is described as not only looking like a cat, but also acting like one - she moves like a cat, purrs when she talks, and only eats raw meat (girl, you're in danger ). She also knew Plutarch Paradise and Cressida.

The transformation is stunning compared to actress Eugenie Bondurant's adorable appearance in real life. In an October interview with Where To Watch , Bondurant discussed how she put herself on the map as a feline. You might think that as a former model, Bondurant would have it easy, but her transformation into a fashion figure took some work. The actress worked with a choreographer who helped her "create the rhythm for the character." I looked on YouTube, went to the zoo, did things like that, but really the highlight was working with the choreographer because she was a huge help. Bondurant also talked about the aesthetic components of Tigris (the weight of makeup in addition to prosthetics and contact lenses) and how those challenges helped her feel more connected to the character, she said

"Most of my senses are impaired, including hearing, sight, smell. In terms of taste, I can't eat. I have to drink through a straw. Even my sense of touch. I have very long nails on my fingers and then I'm everywhere Walking around and wearing these incredible shoes, I'm a former model so it's all a piece of cake for me in terms of knowing how to walk down the runway, but when your senses aren't completely cut off. But when it was damaged, it really made the difficult process that this tigress went through clearer.”

In Mockingjay , Tigris' knowledge of colors and patterns comes in handy as she provides Katniss and her merry band of rebels with much-needed disguise in the Capitol (since she's also a supporter of the rebellion). However, you'd be surprised how long it took Bondurant to get dressed in real life. "I think when we first started, I sat in a chair for six and a half hours," she told Us Weekly in a recent interview. "I have tattoos on my arms, my back and my chest. I put on a wardrobe so I have the tattoos on my body as well as the makeup."

It must be said that Bondurant's performance in Tigris exceeded everyone's expectations, and it seems that all the hard work she went through on the set must have paid off. As for the ending of Mockingjay , what happened to the character Tigris? Spoiler alert – she’s alive! Tigris hosted refugees throughout the rebellion, and her luxury store presumably continued to operate after President Snow was removed from the picture. This just goes to show that being a cat lady is awesome and means you'll survive the Hunger Games - so start collecting your protective kittens now. Dog lovers, may the odds always be in your favor.

Want more Hunger Games ? Watch Bustle's drunken review of Mockingjay, Part 1, below:

Image: Getty; Lionsgate (2)