5 Signs You're Afraid of Imperfection

In modern society, perfectionism is often seen as something to celebrate. In fact, this is a pretty standard answer when interviewers ask about workplace "weaknesses." But when does the pursuit of perfection turn into a sign of imperfectionophobia, or the fear of imperfection? As with most mental illnesses, the line between healthy behavior (in this case, perfectionism) and a phobia depends on the individual. Much depends on the level of distress caused by the fear; while most people don't like admitting their flaws, people with acrophobia will find the idea of ​​doing something incorrectly frightening—and perhaps even terrifying. People are paralyzed.

"Some people consider themselves perfectionists and don't see it as a problem at all. In fact, they see it as an asset," Dr. Jennice Vilhauer tells Bustle in a phone interview. "[The fear of imperfection] only becomes a problem when it gets to the point where...it causes them to avoid certain things; it causes them to have a lot of emotional distress."

This is an important distinction, considering how flippantly serious anxiety disorders like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are viewed. While perfectionism certainly has its drawbacks, phobia of imperfection isn't just about holding yourself to high standards, it's a deep-seated fear of imperfection that seriously damages your life. Fortunately, researchers have long known that phobias are easily treated with exposure therapy, in which patients are slowly exposed to feared objects or situations until they are able to comfortably experience them.

Let’s take a look at five ways in which unfounded phobias can manifest. As always, please remember that the internet is not the place to receive a diagnosis. If any of the following behaviors seem too familiar, it's best to seek professional advice.

1. You are afraid of flaws

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Most people are afraid of making mistakes, but what escalates everyday fear into fear is how reactive you are. People with imperfectionophobia have a disproportionately strong reaction to the idea of ​​imperfection—it's like the difference between feeling nervous before a public speaking moment and skipping it entirely because the thought itself is scary.

"[Phobias] can be just a huge negative emotion... They think, 'If I do this, I might die,'" Dr. Verhauer said. This may sound irrational, but it does not lessen the fear response.

2. Avoid situations where mistakes may be made

Phobias are characterized by avoidance behavior; in other words, someone will go to great lengths to avoid anything that scares them. In the case of Atelophobia, this means avoiding situations where one might make a mistake or give the impression of being imperfect. It’s important to note that phobias are different from social phobias, which involve a severe fear of being scrutinized by others—people with social phobias fear judgment from others, while people with phobias may judge themselves .

3. You set impossible standards

According to WiseGeek, people with phobias are very picky about their work, and as a result, they often notice their mistakes. This may cause the following symptoms:

4. Would rather do nothing than do something wrong

As mentioned above, people with phobias will find very creative ways to avoid the things that scare them. Unfortunately, the fear of imperfection can apply to a variety of situations, and avoiding them may just mean putting things off. Simply put, people with phobias would rather do nothing than make a mistake by their own standards. Needless to say, this can cause serious difficulties in the workplace.

5. Your fears interfere with your life

Again, many of these behaviors are fairly common, which is why it's so important to know the difference between everyday behaviors and phobias. Most people get over their fears quickly. They may not like it, but they have the ability to face them. However, unfounded phobias can make it more difficult for people to function in society, whether it's an inability to meet work deadlines or difficulty maintaining relationships—and that's when it may be time to seek help.

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