11 Celebrities Who Hate Being Famous

Fame isn't for everyone, including some already famous celebrities. Believe it or not, there are a lot of celebrities who hate being famous. This may not make sense to some people, especially when you equate wealth and luxury with fame, so what's so scary about that? Well, that's not all that desirable when your privacy is constantly invaded, when everything you do is scrutinized repeatedly (like what you wear to the grocery store), and criticized for your thoughts and opinions.

If you look at celebrity from that perspective, yeah, I would definitely not agree with being famous either. Waking up every day with paparazzi following you, having a crazy, crazy, hectic schedule and answering questions from the media? This doesn't sound like something I want to deal with on a daily basis. But unfortunately, that's the price you pay when you want to be an actor, musician, writer, or any other high-profile career you choose.

Some people just can't handle it and don't like it, and that's completely understandable. In fact, there are many celebrities who have said outright, "Fame and being famous are two completely different things." If you're Shia LaBeouf, all you have to do is wear a bag on your head.

Regardless, here are a few celebrities who hate fame and aren't afraid to say it.

1. Kristen Stewart

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The "Twilight" actor sometimes says she doesn't like fame and fortune. In 2015, she bluntly told Harper's Bazaar UK: "Fame is the worst thing in the world. Especially if it means nothing. When people say, 'I want to be famous,' why? You what? None?" She added of doing interviews, press conferences and red carpets, "It's obviously disarming to have that much human energy invested in you and then be subjected to critical analysis."

2. Shia LaBeouf

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As you can see above, in 2014, former Disney Channel star Even Stevens declared that he wasn't famous by wearing a bag on his head, which largely confirmed how outrageous his fame was. In fact, in January 2014, he announced via Twitter after being accused of plagiarizing Daniel Clowes, "In light of recent attacks on my artistic integrity, I will be retiring from all public life. I extend my condolences to those who support Pay tribute to my people.”

3. Johnny Depp

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Apparently, Depp hates being in the public eye so much that he once compared it to life on the run. As he told TODAY in 2014, "It's kind of like a fugitive. Everything has to have some kind of strategy. Get you into the hotel, get you out of the hotel, get you into the restaurant, get you out of the restaurant." 2013 , he said something similar in an interview with Fox News, "I don't mean to be whining or complaining or anything like that, because I know how lucky I am to be able to work in this industry for so long and to be able to sustain it." This profession... You also have to pay the piper anonymously. "

4. Shailene Woodley

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"Divergent" star Shailene Woodley also doesn't like being in the spotlight, W magazine reported in 2011. She said: "To me, the F-word is 'famous' and the C-word is 'celebrity.' I absolutely hate those words." Well, I think it's safe to say that if you equate the "F-word" with "Famous," then, yes, you must despise fame.

5.Jennifer Lawrence

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In a 2016 interview with Glamor magazine, J. Law spoke candidly about the transition from nickname to mega-name (no surprise there). Tip: She's not a fan, but she doesn't like to complain too much either. She also believes celebrities should take a break from the process of becoming famous. she says,

Yes. Three months. "Oh, I'm taking three months off. You can't take pictures of me." I wanted to be able to control being photographed. Then I won't have new headlines today about me wearing the same pair of jeans three days in a row. [ Laughs ] I was like, "First of all, yes, I did it. Secondly, fuck you, yes, I did it." [ Laughs ] But I hated "Movie Star Blues." We are lucky and I love my life. I wouldn't take anything back for anything. So I don't like complaining about it.

6. Megan Fox

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Megan Fox doesn't hold back, especially when it comes to telling the world how she really feels about being an actress. In a 2013 interview with Esquire , she even compared fame to being bullied. she says,

I don't think people understand. They all think we should shut up and stop complaining because you live in a big house or you drive a Bentley. So your life must be wonderful. What people don't realize is that reputation, no matter the worst experience you had in high school, when you were bullied by those 10 kids in high school, reputation is what it is, but globally you are being bullied constantly Welcomed by millions.

7. Zach Galifianakis

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For a hilarious comedian, the "Hangover" star definitely hates being recognized. At a press conference for the 2014 film Birdman , he admitted,

Being famous sucks - it's stupid and I'm not interested in it. I enjoy being an actor, that's all. I think these blurred lines are artificial. I think celebrity is artificial. It is not something we are born with. We're told, "These are the people we should be paying attention to" for all the wrong reasons, their personal lives, etc... I'd rather just do my job and then go home and watch One Life to Live.

8. Chris Evans

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Even Captain America doesn't like being a hero all the time. In fact, as Evans told the Boston Globe in 2009, he was trying not to be Brad Pitt. "I think when I first got here, I was so eager to get to the top. Now I'm kind of in this middle road, and I look around and, isn't life as great as I want it to be?" Now? If you go too far, there's no off switch, and once you become Brad Pitt, you can't be Brad Pitt. "

9. George Clooney

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I think it's safe to say that most people understand why George Clooney doesn't like fame. He's such a big celebrity that I'm sure the day-to-day details from the paparazzi, tabloids, etc. will quickly become obsolete. As he told Esquire UK in 2014, many may be thinking, “What can people in big houses on the hills complain about?” But as he said, “But the truth is, big houses on the hills It's secluded. There's no other way to put it. There are limits to this kind of fame. "I haven't walked in Central Park in 15 years, you know? "

Still, he does admit that "that's the price you pay if you want to be in movies and be an actor." "There's a funny thing about fame," he said. "The truth is, you pursue it as fast as you can because it's everything you want. Not just the fame, but what it means, it means work, it means opportunity. When you get there, you You’ll be surprised to find that you’re immediately surrounded by this extremely restrictive world.”

10.Robert Pattinson

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Like his Twilight costar and ex-girlfriend Stewart, Pattinson has a very different perspective on fame than most people, especially outsiders. As he told GQ in 2013, "It's weird, you don't live a normal life anymore. You spend a lot of time trying to fight it, but eventually you find another way to live." He went on to add : "People don't realize how lonely you are. Anyway, I feel lucky because I didn't succeed when I was very young, at least, I had a chance at life before."

11.FKA branches

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Like her boyfriend Robert Pattinson , FKA Twigs doesn't like paparazzi stalking her because of her relationship. Chatting with The New York Times in 2015, she said of the photos: "It's really hard - I can't explain how scary it is. Sometimes it makes you want to stop everything. It makes you want to crush you life." Turn your face to the mirror. "

She even admitted that the attention her relationship received hindered her career. "No matter how much I sing or dance, I can never prove to them that I'm not a monkey," she admitted. That said, while the singer never imagined her life would turn out this way, she's extremely grateful. "But it's worth it," she said. "I'm so happy."

There you have it. Sometimes fame isn't all it's cracked up to be.